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Everything posted by lappy512

  1. lappy512

    Auto-display ads

    me or teh adminral
  2. lappy512

    Auto-display ads

    I've actually gotten them working using HTACCESS, and PHP parsing for html pages, and DJBOB didn't like my idea. It worked, but he didn't want to use it. I think he's going to use mod_layout for the ads.
  3. I just called DJBOB, and he said that he would try to resolve it, but he didn't give me the name of his parent host. He said it was a DNS problem. (??? What the heck is that supposed to mean?)
  4. unless they are ad-supported. I know http://www.lifelesspeople.net/ is a forum-post site that has two dedicated servers, and has lasted for many years so far, so you might want to try that. It might be harder to get points on their forum, though. And then there's this hacking! suxxorz.
  5. Dunno where, but it says: http://www.helionet.org/index/index.php?showtopic=96&hl= 24/7 support. Edit: found it: http://www.heliohost.org/home.html but it gives a 404.
  6. Hopefully, it isn't max123 or someone... http://www.helionet.org/index/index.php?showtopic=625 I"ll alert DJBOB.
  7. I have an ATI All In Wonder 9600; it's fairly good; here's the only thing: DO NOT BUY IT IF YOU HAVE "LEDGE" next to your video card slot, on the outside. If you are not sure, take a picture of it from the outside, and PM it to me on KL. The reason is: the "all in wonder" plug doesn't fit fully in, and my graphics are slightly jerky. Which sucks.
  8. PHP server error. I was talking to DJBOB about this; probably they were upgrading the version of PHP on the server.
  9. http://www.phpbb.com/phpBB/catdb.php?cat=22 http://gfx.invisionize.com/db/index.php/c/79
  10. yeah. Hafeta enable warning.
  11. It's true though.
  12. A bunch of these HN people post here now... (Genesis = ShadowNite) As you can earn Helions by posting there too (just send the Krazy Points to me or DJBOB and we will convert it for you)
  13. Many of you posters have lots of Krazy Points/Helions, and nothing to do with them. (To convert Helions into Krazy Points, see here) Well, I'm starting a service, where you can purchase 1000 Banner Ad (428x60) impressions on Krazy Letter, for 100 Posts (500 Krazy Points). That means, for every Krazy Point you have, you are allowed to purchase 2 Banner ad impressions on our website! (Price might be adjusted due to supply and demand). The Ads will be interchanged with the google ads on the top. To join, buy a item from the "Advertising" section of the IBStore which is relevant to what you want to get. Then, send it to Lappy512 with this information: A copy of your banner ad (a web URL is okay; we will host the images), and the URL it links to. I will give you a statistics panel, and optionally, you can select: Activation date, Expiration date, Limit the number of AdViews to ____ per day, Show banner in this campaign with high priority (useful if you want to advertise for only a few days) Because this is a beta test, the item is half price right now (250 Krazy Points). Thanks, Lappy512! EDIT: oh and the URL is http://forums.krazyletter.com/ There's a IBStore at the top.
  14. GM, i must say you are wrong because you can actually ban via warn console (although not perm ban), theres temp ban via warn console if the admin enables it.
  15. I believe there was a patch for PGSQL, i forgot to mention it, it's at sourceforge AG, I did discover it, because it was a program that I installed on my website, it's found here.
  16. Took me 5 mins, although you can access it from even KL, if you want. Why would you want to use PostGreSQL? Why not mySQL?
  17. Hey Everyone! Ive discovered a new webmail client that can access IMAP servers (which you have on Helionet), and it's much better than Neomail, Horde, or Squirrelmail. It's URL is: http://mail.krazyletter.com/roundcube/ Your username would be either: Your username you use to login to your cpanel, or if it's another email account, theusername@yourdomain.heliohost.org or theusername@yourdomain.com The server is heliohost.org If you don't trust me, you can use this test account: User: test@lappy.heliohost.org Pass: test Server: heliohost.org It's AJAX Powered, so it's cool
  18. I had to figure out where our proxy was, since it wasn't a "invisible" proxy, and I couldn't find it through MSIE's settings, since they blocked that menu. And they blocked the web for any computer except for the proxy.
  19. lappy512

    New Rule

    What about Genesis, I suggested him through HP. And it's not GM, I told GM how to do it during Max's crisis.
  20. yes it is sponsored by MS, or yes it is a third party.
  21. but this is not sponsored by MS, is it? I thought it's a third party...
  22. Have you heard of safe mode? Try that. EDIT: A Guide: http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=321305#SafeMode
  23. Because this is now admin-sponsored on both sides: 1 post on HN = 10 Helions 1 post on KL = 5 Krazy Points Anyways, the NEW conversion rate will be: 10 Helions -> 5 Krazy Points 5 Krazy Points -> 10 Helions
  24. no double posting, please use the edit button.
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