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Posts posted by Shinryuu

  1. Your account was suspended for causing high server load. I have unsuspended your account, but please try to limit the load you put on our servers as it slows down not only your site, but the sites of all other HelioHost users sharing your server.


    If you still see the suspended page, please clear your cache.


    The file in question is pesque.php. Keep in mind this is your second suspension for high load, a third may be permanent.

  2. Your account was suspended for causing high server load. I have unsuspended your account, but please try to limit the load you put on our servers as it slows down not only your site, but the sites of all other HelioHost users sharing your server.


    If you still see the suspended page, please clear your cache.


    The file in question is clickideia.php. Keep in mind this is your second suspension for high load, a third may be permanent.

  3. im going to keep watching this folder, i dont know why it create a php documen,


    As this is your third suspension for the same reason, I'd suggest you to fix whatever vulnerability you have on your site. It's either a bad CMS plugin (many of which are nothing but backdoors), or you just have vulnerable code.
  4. EyeOS doesn't really work on either server. On Stevie it kinda runs, but nowhere near how it should, throws alertboxes over every little thing, and as you noticed it gives a 500 on Johnny. I can't really explain why or how to fix it, probably needs modules that aren't installed or something. If you could look for a list of requirements we could double-check that.

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