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Posts posted by Shinryuu

  1. You've proven yourself unable to handle the malware problem you have, even with several people explaining what the cause is. This time your account was found to have 5 pieces of malware of type PHP.Shell, furthermore your account was suspended for causing high server load.


    It is for these reasons that I am denying your unsuspension request.

  2. I have added it to the queue but would like to re sign up with a different set of details over the next few days and would rather not wait for the script if possible.


    The script generally takes less than 24 hours, at most 48, 48 hours is 2 days, which is less than "a few days". There's no reason you can't wait like everyone else.

  3. the reason im asking for an other account is that il be starting a website for the community for the city where i live and i do not want it available from the same account as the 2nd account will have more ppl than jest me building the website and scene the 2nd account is on a totally an other subject than the 1st i would feel some how bad if some one from the 2nd website found a way to get to the 1st account using the account link and all so if i would build the 2 websites on the same account the account (web space) with the 2 website in the long run would conflict. not to say that the account name of my 1st account is personal.


    The easy fix would be to only grant the rest of the team FTP access to the folder containing the addon domain, instead of giving them access to the cPanel account. In that scenario the team would have to script creation of databases they would need, and they wouldn't have access to Softaculous, but that's about the only drawbacks, meanwhile they'd never know a thing about your primary site.


    Usually the multiple account policy is for having a site on Stevie that's up most the time and a site on Johnny where you can mess with the extra services he offers. Keep in mind that the earlier suggestion is just my opinion and does not reflect an administrative decision.

  4. Hello, I am interested in your service and just set up a heliohost account. I used a "dot tk" domain, but unfortunately when I created the account I used ".tx" instead. I read the warning that registration can only be completed once, and to not screw it up. Obviously I feel like a moron. Can this be fixed?


    Glad you like what you see, and it's not the end of the world. Just use our domain change tool. Let us know if you run into any other problem.

  5. Your account was suspended for the following reason:


    Malware. 1 file(s). Trojan.Agent-268090 FOUND


    That means that there are some malware files found on your account.


    For your safety and to protect your website from potential further corruption the account has been suspended.


    To find the infected files we recommend making a backup of your site, download the backup file to your computer, and scan the backup using a reputable virus and malware scanner. If you're having trouble locating the offending files please ask and we can provide more information.


    If you are you certain that it is a false-positive, we strongly encourage you to file a false positive form here: http://cgi.clamav.net/sendvirus.cgi


    Your account should be unsuspended now, but keep in mind that this is a temporary unsuspension. You have 24 hours starting at the time of this post to clean your account of any and all malicious files or your account will be resuspended.

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