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Everything posted by Byron

  1. Your probably using Hotlink protection and if that's the case you need to set it up for both domains at your cpanel.
  2. There's nothing we can do right now but wait for djbob (administrator) to fix the registration problems and nobody knows when that will be. Sorry!
  3. That's the same problem everybody seems to be having with new accounts and I can't say when it will be fixed.
  4. I just made a counter and it seems to be working ok. Try to make another counter for your site and give it a name without a space in it. I think you named yours "my counter" and the cpanel tried to create a data file with %20 in the name (my%20counter.dat) and it can't create a file with %20. Name it "mycounter" and copy the new code and see if it works. Here's my test page. http://byrondallas.heliohost.org/counter_test.html
  5. Byron

    CO.CC Setup

    Then choose addon and it will create a sub-domain that will act like a whole new domain with its on ftp and cgi-bin. This is a addon of my main domain. http://alpha1omega.uni.cc or http://byrondallas.heliohost.org/alpha1omega/ get the idea?
  6. Byron

    CO.CC Setup

    Parked. Then you'll need to wait 24 to 48 hrs.
  7. You don't need to set the ip address, just the nameservers. And try waiting a few days, registration is SLOW.
  8. That looks like a file that is supposed to be created by the cpanel and only djbob can fix it. You can make your own counters with php or cgi/perl. Just do a google search for counter scripts.
  9. I'm doing fine thank you! Dallas is my last name and not where I live.
  10. You could try logging in this way and make sure your username and password are both in lowercase. http://godk.heliohost.org:2082/frontend/x3/index.php If that doesn't work then you'll just have to be patient for the problem to resolve and nobody knows when that will be. Sorry.
  11. I take it allnaijajobs.co.cc is the domain name you registered with heliohost with. This domain (allnaijajobs.net) needs to have the nameservers pointing to heliohost. ns1.heliohost.org ns2.heliohost.org Then go to your cpanel and look for the Parked Domain option and add allnaijajobs.net as a parked domain and then wait for awhile for it to propagate.
  12. if that's causing you 500 errors then it's probaly not allowed. You can however add this to a script if your having problems and it will write to a text file with the errors. BEGIN { use CGI::Carp qw(carpout); use diagnostics; open(LOG, ">errors.txt"); carpout(LOG); close(LOG); } use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser); You can also check your "Error log" at your cpanel for errors.
  13. That seems to be a problem everybody is having with new accounts and I can't say when it will be resolved.
  14. Probably just server overload.
  15. The administrator is the only person who can give you any insight on this and he's been missing in action for a few weeks. Sorry!
  16. You want to set the name servers at co.cc to the heliohost's name servers: ns1.heliohost.org ns2.heliohost.org and that's it. btw, dns changes usually take about 24hrs to take effect but the way registration is going with the server it may take a few days.
  17. What are your domain names?
  18. Your site seems to be up so try logging in now. If it still doesn't work than you'll just have to wait on the administrator and we don't know when that will be.
  19. Please post your domain name.
  20. You'll need to check back here at the forums and check your site for that information. Your forgetting that this is a free service.
  21. Yes you can have it that way. What you need to do is set them up as parked domains. edit: Looks like you already have it set up but you need to wait a little while for ths to resolve: www.summitsteakhouse.com
  22. It's actually 1 month instead of 3. I guess djbob didn't update that notice when he changed it. So if it's been over 30 days since your last login than your site has probably been deleted. If you can re-register with the same domain than that's what has happened.
  23. The administrator is the only one who has access to the server. You'll need to wait for him.
  24. What I'm asking is, is that then index of your site? http://calculatoare2009ro.co.cc/
  25. Is this your account? http://calculatoare2009ro.co.cc/
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