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Everything posted by JcX

  1. That makes sense to me. Actually from some movie, I realise that actually, all of us might be having some sorta supernatural power, but just that we don't realise it and don't know how to "activate" the power source and use it. (Well... maybe I've been influenced by the sci-fi movies I've watched) But something was true, each of us shares something common - We have something ability that uniquely belongs to us. It could have be something extraordinary, or just something simply greater than others. But we human don't realise it or, if we did, we're not appreciating it and fully utilize it. So I'm trying my best to understand myself and discover the unique ability I have... and I guess.... it would be fast-learning and quite good memory. (not bad huh?)
  2. Ouch!!!! All the r had been changed to w... funky stuffs!! Then whenever I'm in angry, I shall say like this "Gwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww" instead of "Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr"
  3. HUh? I indeed feel Vista is better than XP, in terms of beautification, design, luxuries and sensation. Of course, not from the aspect of RAM and HD space used. Personally, I would prefer sensation more than function. Hence I'll support Vista AERO!
  4. DotA is just a map. As long as you have Warcraft III Frozen Throne with latest patch, you can play DotA. Hmmm... Starry..... you're from?? Well... my server did have a [GM]Starry.... could you be him?
  5. Christian Bale is dead right?? Well, I'm not a big fans though, but I like every of great movie, especially those bring to real life from comics or animation. Batman is one of those. I've seen the preview, and it's thrilling and make up my mind "I MUST WATCH IT!!!!!"
  6. I guess you're aren't answering what he wanna ask. The stock state that the stock available in store. If stock = 0, that means you couldn't buy it anymore even with millions of Helion. While the other stock would be state as Infinity, which you can buy it continuously and renew it, i.e. the package offered. But bear this in mind, djbob is making changes to the hosting, you don't need any specific packages anymore. So don't waste your Helions for that.
  7. Well, that might happen. I bet everybody watched X-Men here. In the first episode, the professor explained about the theory of evolution, how people mutated into mutants with special ability. That could happened in real life though, based the on evolution theory stated. But I believe the theory explain in Fantastic Four, when human exposed in irregular radiation, or perhaps cosmic radiation, suddenly change in hormone or chromosome might bring us some suprises! Maybe we can fly then, who knows!!
  8. Not really remembering it much since the scenes inside the movie wasn't as interesting as The Day After Tomorrow. But the plot was excellent, I love that.
  9. Yea, this discussion will never really come to a fullstop. As what Doctor Steel said, god is actually just your own consciousness. I agree with him, because I believe, if we human can control over the remaining 90% of our brain, we basically can do whatever we think that God can do. Or speaking out of the active neurons in our brain, just solely limited to our consciousness, didn't you realise that everything goes smoother if we believe it could happen? Our consciousness actually controlling many things around us, if you have enough faith on it, the possibilities of the event to occur is even higher. A good example, ancient people believes that only God and Goddess have the abilities to fly. They don't think that we human can fly. but Wright brothers believe in the other, they believe that a piece of metal junk could bring us up in the sky. They BELIEVE it could happen, and they put their best on that. And so...... today we have planes.
  10. Hmmmm... perhaps I should make my definition of religion clear. In the eyes of the many, religion would refer to "a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, esp. when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs." Adapted from Dictionary.com Or "A religion is a set of beliefs and practices, often centered upon specific supernatural and moral claims about reality, the cosmos, and human nature, and often codified as prayer, ritual, and religious law. Religion also encompasses ancestral or cultural traditions, writings, history, and mythology, as well as personal faith and mystic experience. The term "religion" refers to both the personal practices related to communal faith and to group rituals and communication stemming from shared conviction." Adapted from Wikipedia.org OR "A set of beliefs and hold people with different background, status together, promised that they have the same mindset, thinking and passion towards the same thing. Religion doesn't necessary instill your mind with a lots of moral value that teaches you on how to become a noble man, how to bring grace to the world, differentiate between boon and bane. Religion is just simply a set of beliefs for you to hold on, doesn't necessary has to follow everything it teaches, religion should adapt to us, not we adapt to religion." Adapted from JcX.com See which one you prefer more? That's why I said science is my religion. I believe in it, I hold tight to it.
  11. Well... they just couldn't explain how Jumpers get their power. And how Samuel L can use that device to track them and teleport into the same space as they're in. Getting my mind blasted up, and wish that the movie could explain more on the theories rather than keep on jumping. Anyway, the nicest scene of the movie would be when the hero and his partner are chasing each other, from desert to The Sphinx, to somewhere else unknown, into the sea, on the mountain. That's cool.
  12. In the movie, the characters inside have a big plan to keep the Earth's core generating the magnetic field. They're gonna drill a hole, straight into the Earth's core, put a nuke, and BOOOM!!!! Then the core will keep flows and generate the magnetic field.. They encountered many many problems along the way, crashing into some unknown space within the Earth crust and couldn't start their ship engine. but in the end, they did it! ^^ Hurrayz
  13. Is that renovation?? =.=|| you wasted a lot of money to bring me there lolz.. appreciate it.. touching *tears dropping along my face line.
  14. Nevermind, in Chinese, there's an idiom that sounds like "Ginger always got better in taste as it's older." Where the ginger refers to old man in real life. The older you're, the more experience you have.
  15. So you 2 knew each other in real life?? @.@ pay me the air ticket, book me a taxi at airport, and renovate your guest room into 5 star president suit and I'll fly to your place :-p
  16. Guess those prophet are making their prophecy for fame LOL. but about the Mayans, totally had no idea why their calender ends on 2012. but based on the few scientific reason, I do believe the world is ending, but not so fast by 2012
  17. Hmmmmm... if the Earth lost its magnetic field, we would find no direction in any places. In the movie "The Core", the birds couldn't fly well and hit on the buildings. And many other effects will happen. But the foremost serious one, would be the solar wind. The Earth's magnetic field function to filter the solar wind from the Earth, turning its direction to circle around the Earth rather than entering it directly. If the Earth lost its magnetic field, oooooppsss... we get 100+++ times more radiation than ever.
  18. Where I contradict myself? We should use our intelligence to protect and improve our Mother's health, not destroying Her.
  19. Satellite broadband, I've heard of it, it's for private use. But in my country, not much can afford it, it's just some rich people in an area, share a station which gets signal from the satellite. Well.... if 1 satellite for 1 people, I never really found it, but 1 satellite for 100++ people, I heard of it.
  20. It's an hydrogen bomb, I'm quite sure of this. I've seen the making of an simple hydrogen bomb in youtube. Using aluminum foil, dilute hydrochloric acid, and a plastic bottle... tear the aluminum foil into pieces, put in a bottle full of dilute hydrochloric acid, close the cover and throw it as far as you could and wait.......... FOR THE BOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!! LOLZ, we're teaching how to make bombs here.
  21. I prefer skipping the dimension of 5th to 9th.... that makes a better sense to me. 1st dimension is a dot, 2nd is a plane, 3rd is 3D, 4th is 3D with spacial arrangement in space and time, like what Einstein said, . . . . and 10th dimension is where one can do anything possibly imagined. This is what I can get, LOL
  22. Oh my gosh!!!! Just found out this thread and everything was a shocked bomb to me. All members here are still teens, well.. me too, 18.5, and reaching 19 at September soon. Guess I'm considered very very old here. Interest, web development, hoping to setup a web about services and make it a part of my life. In mean while, shall continue my studies as an undergraduate and become an aerospace engineer soon. So, that means fulltime engineer, parttime designer/web developer!
  23. LOLZ, what's tenth dimension? Kinda lazy to check the site now. From what I know is, 4th dimension included, length, width, height and time. (scientifically) but what about tenth dimension??
  24. So you finally realise.... the Earth's magnetic field is controlled by the core rotational speed. I get this info from the movie "The Core" or "Core" quite long time ago. It's kinda like The Day After Tomorrow, talking on armageddon thingy.
  25. Cl + vitamin C(forgot its scientific name and formula, what what what acid, LOL) it's 2-oxo-L-threo-hexono-1,4- lactone-2,3-enediol, just searched from wiki, anyway, its an acid. so Cl + H(positive) = H2 (hydrogen gas)??
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