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Everything posted by JcX

  1. maybe but not all of them are a waste of memory... a lot of firefox extensions help me a lot! adblock plus: just NO ADS! spanish dictionary: well I need it a lot. english dictionary: just 4 this web. dictionary swicher: I need it because I have 2 dictionaries installed. fasterfox: load some web elements like images faster. fireftp: my ftp application! fission: ok I don't really need it. flashgot: I need it if I want to download with flashget. gmail manager: I read my e-mails faster. ie tab: I never open the IE (if I need a web preview for example) because that thing. image zoom: sure useless in firefox 3. megaupload sx: Megaupload don't let me download without it. pageplaylist: just for fun. proxysel: I'm uninstalling it speed dial: Better than the bookmarks. status-bar calculator: Faster than go to start, all programs, accessories, calculator. stop-or-reload button: I don't really need it. tab effect: this is a memory leaking bloat like you say but i can't stay without that *** effect! tab scope: Better than press ctrl+tab repeatedly =P tempomail: An anti-spam shield. user agent swicher: well usless but necesary (?) Your extension is way too much! unless your machine RAM and processor is too great to support.. FF extension is sure a helpful tool, like fasterfox, DownThemAll, Reloadbutton, Foxlingo, YahooMailNotifier, AdBlock, and FLVVideoDownload
  2. in my country, windows live is the hottest and best (according to them) but i would prefer Skype since audio and video messaging is what i always hope for!
  3. Anyone used satelite here? I heard that it's just privated own by apartment / rich people.. Speed is excellent but coverage area is very limited.. By the way, I'm using cable. Hoping to use wireless network which enables mobility
  4. If you would prefer stunning animation and impressive interface, Flash would be best choice or recently rising Silverlight from Microsoft. But mind the size and the loading speed. But normally, companies would always prefer PHP + MySQL + Apache 3 open source software and fast loading Add in Javascript and CSS to impress browsers too!
  5. depends... sites searching, google is always the best images searching, i feel yahoo is better..
  6. Absolutely FF. Open source software always get its advantages. The main weakness of FF is just not widely supported as IE, but if you've been went through w3.org, or a real-experienced programmer you will realize that only FF match the standard of w3 programming standard The main reason I like FF is those add-ons provided.. I can personalize my FF, with own download manager, email notifer, itunes, everything you can imagine!
  7. I'll go for PHP since it's open source, compared to asp.net, there's pros and cons but PHP is simple learning and yet widely accepted (I guess) Personal comment, I've went through many forums, most of them prefer PHP, only companies prefer asp.net, the reason is more reliable
  8. Tizag.com offers simple and easy-learning tutorials My first PHP tutorial is from there, or perhaps suggested to go forum to seek advise from pros.. I'm still new to PHP, most of the time, I can understand how the code functions, but when comes to write, my brain is in blank mode lolz.. Hope all beginners like me put more efforts! Anyway, any active PHP programmers here? I hope I can find someone to guide me here
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