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Everything posted by JcX

  1. Hi, anyone who sees this. I'm having a problem with database. When I execute mysql_select_db function in my php script, I get this error The main point is Access denied for user "jcx@localhost". Because when I enter cPanel -> MySQL Database, whatever actions I did on database(rename, copy, etc), I get the same error Access denied for jcx@localhost. And the second line error, link to server could not be established. Does that means MySQL database is not functioning? Can anyone tell me what's wrong? Weeks before, I also do the same thing on phpmyadmin, but I'm not restricted for such things. The same php scripts also can function on databases, but now I received this 2 lines error. Can anyone help me? Million thanks come first! JcX
  2. JcX

    Changes Coming

    It's very glad to hear all these changes, which all leading for the goodness of the members! The most anticipating event for me would be the server staff members/moderators. Hopefully I'll be one of them since I already taken Heliohost as my home. By the way, I'm from eastern, can I apply? Hopefully can hear the nomination of candidates from you soon. p/s: The flash intro of Heliohost.org really need to be fixed. No offense.
  3. Continue step8 9. At frame 24, set the position of line_gp as follows, set motion tween. 10. At frame34, repeat step8. At frame40, repeat step9. 11. Mask layer2 with layer3. 12. Add a layer4, write the label as you like, here I write "Menu". Set the text filter as follows. 13. At frame34, set the text filter as follow. 14. At frame1 and last frame, open AS window by pressing F9, put stop(); 15. Back to Scene1, add another 2 layers. Copy the square into one of the layer, adjust the position so it meets 1_mc exactly at same position. Convert the square into button, naming it 1_btn. Enter 1_btn by double click, drag the frame to "Hit" and left others frame empty. As follows: 16. At layer4, open AS window and put in these lines of codes: _root.menu1.onEnterFrame = function() { if(anime) { _root.menu1.nextFrame(); } else { _root.menu1.prevFrame(); } }; 17. Open AS windows of 1_btn by selecting it and press F9, insert these lines of codes. on(rollOver) { _root.anime = true; } on(rollOut) { _root.anime = fstartelse; } And finally, repeat all the steps to create few more menus. Hope you all enjoy it! To Wizard: I just wanna share it with you all here. Since I take Heliohost as my home now :-)
  4. This tutorial is 100% ORIGINATED from me (My very first tutorial) Might seems n00b in the eyes of pros, but I've put my blood in these. hope you all will love it :-p 1. Open a new document, put background colour as black, and draw a square with dimension 100x60 2. Convert the square into movieclip, naming 1_mc, and instance name as menu1. Adjust the square as shown. 3. Get into 1_mc, clicking the square, convert into movieclip again, naming frame_mc. 4. At frame 1, set the filter of frame_mc as below. 5. At frame 25, set the filter of frame_mc as below. Set motion tween from frame1-25. 6. Add in another 2 layers, copy the square into one of the layer. Adjust the position to the same position as frame_mc. 7. At the 3rd layer, draw a "T" shape with line tool. Convert into "line_gp". 8. At frame7, adjust the position of line_gp as follows. Will continue next, since forum only allows 10 pictures per post. Please reply so I can continue my post. Thanks! Cheers! JcX
  5. Hi, For every one who obsessed with the effects of Flash just like me, and would like to have a little more basic knowledge on Flash. Here, I offer you a free flash ebook to download. Cheers! And keep it up!
  6. I once saw some sites offers video tutorial for Flash.. I think I might have lost them.. If anyone interested, I'll try to find it back. p/s: just simple and basic tutorials.
  7. Erm... another problem here. I have Apache 2.2, PHP 5.2.4, MySQL 5.0.27, with phpmyadmin 2.11.5 I tried on my localhost, I can upload .mp3 file successfully. With same scripts, I can't upload .mp3, as mentioned before, I can upload all other file types. Really hope someone can offer me a help. Thanks!
  8. Hmm.... I'm trying to understand this... Do you mean bioluminescence? In biology, I'm not so sure which element emits this kind of light, maybe carbon as meriadoc said, But if you have noticed, many deep sea creatures equipped with bioluminescence ability to create their own light in the deep sea! In physic/chemistry, it's a kind of reaction and promote/excite lower energy state electron to higher state, when it drops back to lower energy state, the energy difference is emitted as electromagnetic wave, that is our light, so-called bio-lunminescence in case of organic compound.
  9. In my country, Chemistry level wasn't as high as western countries. So maybe I can't give any comments to you all. But Chemistry is indeed an interesting subject, studying the very original unit of your body and nature, atom. How they react, to form new substance, how they dissociates, to form 2 different smaller substance.. haha fun! But still I prefer physics, since it's studying about the nature, and also covered my favourite Cosmology!
  10. My answer would be an egg. Don't know why, my mind perception seems to be set. Because in the life cycle of chicken species, egg is at first stage. That's the main reason I voted egg.
  11. ok, hope you all don't mind if I put science theories here. Big Bang Theory - proven in Maths calculation Our universe begins at a small point, smaller than an atom. But with huge energy surrounding it. According to Einstein (quantum theory), matter can transform into energy, from the equation E=mc^2, reversely, matter can also be created from energy, m=E/c^2. With the huge, or perhaps unlimited energy surrounding that point, finally it came to a huge blast, so-called The Big Bang and formed our universe. How the rivers, mountains, etc are formed? My personal opinion, related to physics nuclear reaction. An element is able to change to another element through a chain reaction (anyone who watched series Eureka would understand this), e.g. Iron (Fe) is able to change into Gold (Au) through a chain reaction by accepting/donating proton, or neutron split and transform into proton+electron. Our universe aged about 12 billion years (I think I'm mistaken on this, please correct me if I do), in this 12 billion years, element transform from a simple Hydrogen (H) or Helium (He) into complicated and heavy element we found today. Rivers (H2O) and mountains (SiO3) are one of them.
  12. Tax is necessary for a country. Imagine if a country without tax, where is the resources and income for those big projects that benefit the crowd? If government don't tax your export/import/salary, can you enjoy facilities anywhere? If your house district, the public toilet is broken, benches/chairs in the garden has spoilt, who will repair for you? Yourself? I'll stop giving examples, since there're a lot of facilities and service that government give back to us. BUT THE MAIN POINT IS What have you taxed to government, government will pay back to the citizen. Just take the tax as doing something good for the sake of the crowd. Cheers!
  13. 1223 to meriadoc : in my country forum, many people play this for fun. But in Heliohost, I thought it would be spamming since we collect Helions easily here
  14. hi, meriadoc, I'm still new to Flash, but the effects of Flash impressed me. So I'll focus to learn in Flash. Just hoping to find someone to learn together, across nationality would be great! Javascript is the best client-side language indeed, while in my opinion, PHP would be the best server-side language (because im using PHP and has totally no experience in ASP/JSP)
  15. meriadoc, thanks for letting me use your name :-) that is so-called "cold joke", try to put more imagination in it, the answer is ridiculous, and hilariously bone-chilling... when my friend told me the joke at first, I feel ridiculous and meaningless. But when I think back, it's indeed quite funny.
  16. Of course I support p2p downloads, that enables me to search and obtain many resources I need. But undeniably, it violates the rights of many intellectual creation. E.g. software, songs, movies copyright. If government execute the monitoring, they got their own reasons. There's no right or wrong about this. p/s: Of course, hopefully not!
  17. I'm not so sure about Behavioural Science, but I know that face expression is a kind of knowledge that needs to be research also. From face expression, we can know a lot about someone. Example, when you don't understand what a baby trying to tell you, face expression might be useful!
  18. rct, I've read this mentos coke quite long ago, and I've search wiki and its main site for the explaination. First is the nucleation site as ninjagaiden explained, a site for fast collecting CO2 bubbles, simply explained. Second explaination is about one of the ingredient used in mentos, namely Arabic gum. Research shown that Arabic gum has the potential to lower the surface tension of CO2 bubbles in the Coke, therefore the CO2 in Coke will release rapidly into the atmosphere and cause this eruption like blast. But according to the site, scientist still can't figure out which explaination suits better. (I get this info about 2 years ago, I not sure the info is still correct or not)
  19. meriadoc, mind if I borrow your topic to post some cold jokes? For me, it's humourous too. (Borrow your name too if you don't mind) Just heard this joke today "meriadoc is a noodle-hater, especially towards curly instant noodle. Everytime he sees an instant noodle, he sure will beat it up. One day, meriadoc saw a spaghetti, but he also beat it up badly. Why?" *Answer to be posted after 5 replies here.
  20. hmmm.... would you please specific and explain your problem further to let us help? had no idea on your problem now...
  21. LOL even djbob also had no idea. anyway, I don't really think is function problem, since I can never do any file limitation on my PHP script, all types of files should can be uploaded right? somemore, I can upload wma, wmv, exe, pdf, blahblahblah... just not mp3.... the biggest joke I've ever met!
  22. Hey meriadoc.. I found out that you really obsessed with Phillosophy.. every posts that I've found with you, all related to phillosophy and big big theories... sounds like you're someone well-knowledged.. SALUTE!
  23. I've learnt HTML and CSS qutie long time ago. 3 years ago, started my Flash life and really take it as main interest of mine. recently started to learn Photoshop and PHP + mySQL to improve myself more.. Really need a lot of guides for PHP mySQL..
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