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Everything posted by JcX

  1. Well, yea, you might make those poor visitors isolate your site if you get your web done too fancy look. In the past, when I haven't get my laptop, my desktop is a lame one. I love to browse those movie sites, like X-Men3, and it makes my whole PC lagging sh1t. Well... that was totally in Flash. So what I'm suggesting is combining Flash, and PHP in a suitable ratio, saying PHP:Flash, 10:1
  2. Yup, agreed with PensiveSage that the sense of aesthetics is quite essential in webs to attract users to the main point. Promised that it won't caused distraction to other contents or caused heavy server loading flow. My opinion, Flash should be included somewhere in a web, to gain attraction and interest of browsers. And the Flash should be small in size and not glittering. That should make sense and avoid those reasons stated in HTML Hell Page.
  3. JcX

    Changes Coming

    Well.. that's the reason which caused Helio down recently. Could you possibly find out who caused this mess and give a warning? I guess when we request to switch to new server, the data will be transferred as well. djbob won't make trouble to us I believe. Looking forward to Monday, server switching day!
  4. OK.. I get it. But is there any other safer software or websites that you can recommends to me? I've used Limewire before, and caused me quite a bunch of viruses. I guess Frostwire is the same too since they're both p2p.
  5. JcX

    Changes Coming

    Cheers!!! Finally I see gray colour! Well.. I didn't found cPanel to be annoying in the past though. Anyway, great job, hurray and thanks to djbob.
  6. Ooopopss... I thought all ads plan wil be removed. Well, nickszalinski, if you apply for this ads unlimited, you won't require any Helions for that. But if you mentioned about 5000 Helions, I think you might referring to getting a free domain. For details, take a look at this *I'm working hard to get one too ^^
  7. As title, which web programming language is most widely accepted? Different browsers support different language standard. Some pages can only be displayed in IE, not FF, some only can be displayed in FF, not IE. Talking about Opera, some said that it can display more types of langauge standard. I've conducted a survey in another forum, some said Flash is most widely accepted, because as long as you can Flash plugin, you can view all the contents. Is that true? About CSS, I found many problems in FF with CSS. IE can display most CSS well, but not FF. Conclusion, aaaaaaaargh... choosing a language to develope a web is making me scratching my head till I bleed!! Do remind me to add more choices if you think there's something out of the above choices.
  8. Well... just to ask one simple question. Does Frostwire user community larger than Limewire? I'm currently using Limewire and would like to hear more comments on Frostwire before I change to it. If I would like to mass-download western mp3, which software you guys suggest? Frostwire or others that I've never heard? (I've trouble on downloading western mp3, because of the copyright. Eastern mp3, I can get it easily since the copyright is loosely control.)
  9. Yea... if governmenet would like to take actions on us, there's always a way. Just that they won't take actions on all of us. By punishing bunches of us, it will give a good warning to all of us. (Hope that I won't be one of them :-p)
  10. According to Doppler effects, the frequency of sound you heard will be extremely high if you're able to achieve this speed. Well... nobody can give you any assumption of that effects though. But if you calculated it using the formula in Doppler effects, I guess human ear can't detect that high level frequency. (I'm just discussing on sound based on Doppler effects, I'm not so familiar with others.)
  11. Please take a look at Help section before you post this. I don't see any Posting Unlimited there. Or do you mean Ads unlimited? For your info, all ads plan is going to be remove from Helio based on djbob's plan to reduce spam in forum. Take a look at here also. Changes coming Please read Guidelines also before you post in future. JcX
  12. JcX

    Changes Coming

    Dear djbob, is that means that we will have several days of server downtime at the time you install your new server? Hope we will be informed of the server down time, thanks.
  13. Tell NASA about this and request an air plane to fly us to Moon / Mars. Or ask Noah to build a giant boat to allow us to stay inside ^^
  14. Well... scientist believed that there exists several universes around us. When you be able to travel faster than light, you might get into a wormhole and travel into other universe - where the universe might be as same as yours, but million years ago. Or maybe, the other universe is just billion light years away from us. By travelling faster than light, we can reached that universe.
  15. but the problem is we use p2p technology to share illegal files. For instance, why p0rn sites are illegal? It's also sharing stuffs with peoples. Just the stuffs shared couldn't be accepted, it's just that simple. For sure it would be hard one to track all these. Government would just simply record down all your download quota per month and see. If you just used 100MB bandwidth per month, what could you do?? NOTHING. But if you get exceeded 50GB per month, everybody knows that you keep on downloading something huge size, so they will start monitor what you've downloaded daily and cached every file. *I downloaded 20+GB per month... XD
  16. JcX

    Changes Coming

    Nice to hear that from djbob. I guess server runtime will be increase to 99.99% after the server has been bought. Well... hope that djbob could fulfill his other promises listed at #01 especially those benefits forum members! Bravo!! Cheers!
  17. OK. tested and here is the feedback. Fast and efficient. With full lyrics shown, but a little imperfect since there's no instant colouring on the lyrics when the singer sings. I would prefer that, so my eyes won't get tired looking at the tiny words.
  18. I guess I'm the only one share my experience with you. Well, my 6 months holidays in ending and gonna get in university soon. Disappointedly, I failed to get myself in NTU (a famous university in Singapore), all dreams has been spoilt because I didn't pay enough hardwork in my studies. I guess I shall end up in local university which is very low quality. As I said, my long holiday is ending, and I'm gonna enjoy it to the fullest. Just planning with my trip into National Reserved Forest for jungle tracking, canopy experience, perhaps kayak also. And now we're planning on how to save the most money as possible as we're all still students. Well... crapping when planning is fun, we discuss on how to sleep and sh1t in the jungle. Sleep, we suggest a few tents and sleeping bags... And they asked, "What if it rains? How about those who sleeps in sleeping bag?" And I said, "go hang up under the tree, then he/she won't get wet" and about sh1t.... on how to settle it.... most of us suggest just simply dig a hole and buried it. While some suggest go into the river and make your business done..... yuckssss :wacko:
  19. I've made this title my article in my school's magazine. WHY PLUTO ISN'T A PLANET ANYMORE? IAU decision on 2006 had made the following for criteria of a planet: Pluto failed to fulfill the criteria and with major agreement, Pluto has been designate from the title 'planet'. For more info, kindly visit NASA site. http://solarsystem.nasa.gov/planets/profile.cfm?Object=Dwarf http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/planetary/text/...es_20060824.txt
  20. Well... those reasons based on scientific proves, I believed in that, but not too fast. Scientists have a bad habit, THEY LOVES TO MAKE THINGS GO BIG TO MAKE FAME. Because what they've discovered, will get no 100% prove, the only proof they've got is mathematical calculation, physics law and so on. So in case they found something, they can exaggerate as serious as they could. Before someone proves them wrong, it could take centuries! But one thing here, if Armageddon is really coming, I guess the reason would be the Great Floor due to global warming. This is a fact, just the matter of time it happens. Please take note of the importance of global warming. Recycle.
  21. Thanks for sharing. Now I can learn songs without wasting much time. One question here..... must we get connected to internet first right? *I'm still worrying of spywares though.
  22. Jesus nor Buddha aren't God, they're just a human like us, but a graceful one. They willing to sacrifice themselves for the sake of the world. And this spirit had made them "God" which worship by world. Well.. talking about sciences. Centuries ago, people might think "He flies, he is God". But now?? We all fly... are we God? God used to believed to have ability to talk in distance, so do we do with cellphones now. God used to believed to have the ability to save someone from the edge of death, so are the doctors doing now with most sophisticated technology. God is just a kinda believal that guide you into the right path. What we believe God can do, we make it happen with science. The real God actually just lies within you -> your head -> your brain. p/s: Please forgive me if I crossed the religion limit.
  23. Well.. that is believed to be true. If one can exceed the speed of light, he can travel back to the past, arriving before you leave. This is what scientist thought, but not me. I believe that time could be slow, possibly could be stopped, but not be reversed.
  24. Solely relying email is a bad idea. Nowadays people needs efficiency. In my opinion, site editor should group all the comments given by browsers, select the quality ones to let other browsers have a clear idea in mind, what's this software about in just a glance. If relying on email, most browser will lazy to do so, leaving email behind and wait for response. (This is what Asian thought) Somemore, not most of the sites are able to provide comments within hours after browsers left their email behind. E.G. I've never met any sites that can solve my support ticket within a day. Well.. the Flash thing, is still my favourite although I know it's heavy size and burden loading speed. For a productive site as describe by Joe, Flash is totally unnecessary.
  25. I believe that it's not observable, because as described in a theory (I guess it's from Maxwell's Equation). It's stated, as the object moving at higher speed, the length of the object observable from a stationary observer, will get shorter and shorter. The form of equation is kinda like this L = square root of ( 1 - [speed of object / speed of light]^2 ) Mathematically, if one exceeds speed of light, its length will hypothetically become 0. That is cannot be observed with plain eyes. *Please correct me if I do made any mistakes of scientist name or equation, I've read this years ago, and I've forgot it.
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