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Everything posted by JcX

  1. JcX

    Changes Coming

    To Wizard and awsomejoe23: Well... djbob had already come out with an idea of giving Helions based on quality of posts. It's very simple, you apply for the moderator. And if you feel those forums are unlikely worthful, you just simply give 1 Helions per post. I guess those spammers will stop automatically. (Well... I enjoy discussing some entertainment stuffs back in there. But I do post seriously, not spamming:-))
  2. Maybe because of FF is an open source software. Garrryy had a good point on FF and IE. IE indeed sucks
  3. erm.... all of you here believed in God? I don think God created life. I only believe in science. p/s: Please forgive me if I crossed the religion limit.
  4. Well.... light behaves as wave-particle duality. In certain situation, it shows properties of a particle, vibration etc. In some situation, it shows wave properties, dispersion, reflection etc. If you ever search wiki, light has zero rest mass because it's in the form of photon (to awsomejoe23: not proton, t's photon) Many theories are still under construction, so we cannot make much assumption without proper experiment on lights. But what's for sure is, if we need to achieve speed of light, that is quite impossible as we require zero mass to do so, or infinite energy to push us forward, which is rather impossible. The only possible explaination of moving in light speed is in quantum physic and cosmology, in the wormhole theory.
  5. Not really... DHTML can do some of the animations like moving an image from A to B, rotate, etc. But the movement was awful... it can't be compare with Flash. I've tried DHTML once before, it can't be display on some browser though.. While Flash will be supported as long as you installed Flash Player.
  6. JcX


    Well.... just to share this popular series. I guess it will suits in Community right?
  7. This sounds like cracking to me. Why don't just crack it then? p/s: For your info, some trial limit functionality of software. e.g. MagicISO will allow you to only decompile file as large as 300MB in trial, unlimited in full version.
  8. http://catb.org/~esr/html-hell.html well.... speechless when I see this... Some of the criteria mentioned inside are real, especially "resize to...", it was indeed unnecessary instruction, only morons will do those! But some of those, are not quite true... e.g. Guestbook. The purpose of having a guestbook, is to let browser to leave comments, AND ALSO to let other browser to see what comments left by other browser. I feel that this is necessary. Like Download.com, if they don't allow user to leave feedback at guestbook, new user would be having a very hard time to judge whether this software is good enough to be use or not. Same to web hosting provider. IT'S VERY IMPORTANT TO HAVE A GUESTBOOK. By the way, I love Flash. And I know it makes page heavy, and slow. But I only do it to impress my friends and for show off ^^ :P
  9. unknowngamer: Well... I can't really define the meaning of 'soul' to you since I'm not a scientist. I'm just very interested in paranormal topics such as soul. From what I know, and from my personal opinion, a 'soul' would be just referring to the energy left behind when a human dies. Human energy are spreaded and return to the Earth partially by bacteria reaction, dissociating Nitrogen, Carbon and return back to the Earth's environment. But at the same time, I mean the moment when human dies, some energy escaped out as 'aura', and this is what we called 'soul'. This energy won't be return to environment by bacteria reaction, it's more to invisible energy or specifically, electromagnetic waves. Well... in my opinion, soul can't think as human does, soul can't perform actions as we do, but soul do have the ability to alter the electromagnetic field around us, and indirectly, alter the brainwave of human, creating hallucination (which we think is ghost). This is scientifically proven. Many scientists went to the haunted houses with ghost rumors. They indeed saw some ghost fire (which is just biology and chemical reaction by gases released by dead bodies), and they found out that area around haunted places, have very strong magnetic field, which is able to affect human's mind if we get inside the strong field... well... that's all for today, will share more of what I've read in future.
  10. Oh... never really have or seen an Xbox in my country... Not much people affordable to have one.. By the way, just browsed many topics about Halo2 in here, seems like it must be famous and excellent in graphics presentation.
  11. Yea... trying to search more jokes to put on here, which is easier to let people understand. Anyway, did that answer of mine chilled your bone? I found it quite bone-chilling at first when I heard the answer.
  12. JcX

    Changes Coming

    We will. hopefully after the server has been purchased and setup, Heliohost can keep running 24-7-365days non stop! this is what I wished :-)
  13. is this a she? I doubted that.. lolz I heard nothing about how to make a windows service, better googled it before you came here. I guess some proz here might can help you.
  14. JcX


    My personal web about myself. Kinda like a blog though, to let my blogger friends / real life friends get to know my current situation. But I don't prefer to apply blog, since that's all for noobs. I prefer to make it out all by myself, with 100% flash. http://jcx.heliohost.org
  15. Now Heliohost supports ASP.NET Can try for your page to function and loves it!
  16. I think I prefer PSP, since it's more popular in my country. And many popular game are published for PSP too. Including my favourite Final Fantasy Crisis Core ^^
  17. Please don't piss djbob up. Else you will be banned straight away and your ip might be blocked as well. Patience youngman and be wait for this great hosting ok?
  18. I guess djbob must be busying upgrading the server. Server has been down for 2 days. I bet he must be busy with it and no time to validate your activation. Anyway, be patient, it worths when you joined here.
  19. Anarchy would be best if all citizens who live inside hold tightly to what they believe is good and practice it everyday. Based on their conscience heart, they do what they think is right. Based on their believal in religion or scientific facts, they do what can benefits more than destroy. I always hope this can become true, but only in dream. In real life, greed always filled human heart. Hence it's quite impossible to have a anarchy. There's a quote in Chinese that sounds like "If man don't think for himself, the world will be doomed!"
  20. Are you so certain about this? My country is so crazy about Maple. But not me. I feel the graphic is too lame for me. My first criteria for choosing online game, is 3D + nice graphic. Maple totally failed it
  21. I think PHP is easier to learn. Together with MySQL, it would be easy. Submit query, retrieve data from database and echo it. That's all. But if you have some basic in javascript. It saves time on scripting though. Both with pros and cons.
  22. It was like a software to create template easily. Which I don't really like.... I prefer creating web all by myself, to setup uniqueness.
  23. Don't get the point here. What are you trying to share or ask? Glitches about what?
  24. Nope.... I think I should tell you all the answer. (since it was quite bored here) The answer is When meriadoc saw the spaghetti, he said: Meriadoc : "Don't think I won't recognize you after you pull yourself straight! INSTANT NOODLEEEEEE!!!!" hope you all get what I mean.
  25. The desktop background.... I really seen it somewhere else.... Did you publish it somewhere else?
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