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Everything posted by JcX

  1. Dude, go check Wiki, there is stated that And as I remember from what I've studied in high school Physics, antimatter is a by-product produced from many nuclear reactions, but just we human don't have the way to collect it before it undergoes elimination with matter. To: djbob, OK, now I got it. Because I just would like to stand on my side, defending that we couldn't deny this possibility that anti-matter could be our future energy source. But when it comes to feasibility, I would stand on your side based on the points you've listed. Nevertheless, we human, especially scientist always try to improve the sources available, as alternative source or just to increase their fame, they will keep on research until there's a way to fully utilize anti-matter without great energy needed to produce anti-matter. This is the spirit of a scientist, believe in what people believed is impossible, and make it possible. NOTE: I was quite sad today, my cellphone got stolen. But I get my mood back here debating and defending myself. Thanks a lot djbob.
  2. JcX

    Changes Coming

    I got less knowledge in server setup. But rationally, that would means our dear Stevie finally has been successfully setup together with Apache, cPanel, MySQL, etc that is needed to run Helio server.
  3. Hey Clydefrog, thanks a lot for that. I'm not so sure whether it was that term or not, but as I remember, my term was something else different. Never mind, your term can define my meaning very well. thanks.
  4. A nice play with words. Since Wizard didn't mention whether it's chicken egg or dinosaur egg. By the way, does dinosaur really laid eggs? Is there any scientifical proof? What I know is researches from the skeleton left behind, and the scientist deduced all these stuffs.
  5. Negative! That matters a lot in the history of education. The first time when I get this news, the very first thing that came across my mind was, "what the heck? that means my future son only has 8 planets instead of 9??" "is that means what I've learn, '9 planets revolving the sun' has to change to 8??" In future education, kids will learn 8 instead of 9.... this is what matters a lot. It matters the whole world.
  6. To djbob: Browse wiki carefully and you will see this statement. It's the foremost highest energy obtainable on Earth now, twice higher than nuclear fusion. And finally ok..... considering the technology now, anti-matter is inpractical, but let me emphasize again on this. TIME decides everything that I mentioned. IN FUTURE, we human might have an idea, of how to produce anti-matter or harvest it from somewhere else with low energy cost, so in the end X would be lesser than Y. As simple as that. But when can we human do that? That's an uncertainty, and I believe we might not be able to do it even after the end of the world. BUT what I'm saying here is based on assumption, that we human can do it with low energy cost, remember, ASSUMPTION. to diggsey: If I'm not mistaken, a way to produce anti-matter is from nuclear reaction such as beta-decay and others. If we could collect both energy liberated from the beta-decay and also the positrons, we could make use of both the energy source and make our lost of energy minimal. And from what I've learn during high school, I remember there's quite a lot of nuclear reaction that produces anti-matter as by-products, just that we human not able to collect the anti-matter that escaped into thin air and cancelled-out with matter. IF we could fix all these imperfections of anti-matter, we could make full use of it. AND AGAIN, I stress on this again, what I'm saying is based on assumption that all of these problems can be overcome. THAT WOULD BE BILLION YEARS LATER. For the meanwhile, what we could do is research more on anti-matter to minimize the energy/finance cost of it.
  7. Finally, the premiere show is here.... Wonder that if anybody watch it yesterday?? I wished to, but I'm now stuck in university don't have time to hang out.
  8. That is Mars, not Jupiter. If you ever see the picture where planet orientated in a line (forgot what's the phenomenon called, someone please correct me) Jupiter is way a lot bigger than Mars although it's much further away from the Earth.
  9. That's a nice quote to add in my collection. If there's really GOD, where is Him when we pray for Him? Why should He hide? Let's be rational, we human only live once, don't obsess yourself in something that doesn't have real proof. *Again, no offense on any religion, just piece of comment
  10. That is the foremost basic thing needed to build a interactive site. but for stunning one, you will need Flash.
  11. Ok, fine, let me counter hit this with some simple mathematical theory. First, consider the amount of energy used to create anti-matter with our technology in FAR FUTURE, let it be X. and then when annihilation of matter-antimatter, the energy liberated, E=mc^2, what we get is 2 times stronger than the greatest nuclear fusion energy, let it be Y, so what we get is 2Y. IF, X is greater than Y, hence it's a practically unreliable energy source. IF, in our FAR FUTURE, the energy we need to produce antimatter is lower, that is when X is lower until it's lower than Y, X<Y, at that time, what we get is more than any other energy source available on Earth. IF, we could harvest the source in nearby universe/planets, then we could save more energy and the net energy we get is a positive. It will be a reliable source then. Let me stress on this again, what I'm saying here, would be future basis. ooooppss sorry, it's FAR FUTURE basis.
  12. Yes, based on the law of conservation of energy, energy can't be created. But if you see, the reaction of manufacturing anti-matter is actually kinda like a nuclear reaction, but the amount of energy we get from nuclear fission or nuclear fusion is lower than the energy we get from anti-matter elimination. The point that you should notice is, in a nuclear fission/fusion reaction, the particle just simply transform into a simpler particle and the rest mass is released as energy (gamma ray), but in anti-matter elimination, the particle totally elinimated and its whole mass is transform into energy. That's the difference when I said anti-matter is the future energy source, IF we can find a way to control its destructive force and how to harvest it in large amount, that's why I said, anti-matter will be an energy source in FAR FUTURE.
  13. We as human, the only intelligent being on Earth, we always improve. As we see, anti-matter is one of the reliable source of energy in future, well I'm not saying that would make any sense that we will be able to have it and we can see it. I'm saying that might be after we're dead for hundred of years, and the technology afford to have this anti-matter technology. Maybe, your great-great-great-great-great-great grandchildren can have it. So, undeniably, it's possible, just the matter of time.
  14. JcX

    Changes Coming

    I bet it's just moderating a forum, and if you would like to get more, you can apply more mods at different forum area. But hope you won't do that, to let the chances to other people who's also interested. ^^ like me ^^
  15. Well... undeniably.... anti-matter might be one of the future energy source but what could be millions years away from now. There's no guarantee that we could control this source well, since the power it brings is also devastating. If a part of the anti-matter leak out from the power plant, hundred square miles might be gone within seconds.
  16. this is what I quoted from Wiki, about the cost Antimatter is so hard to produce because when baryongenesis occurs, it will undergo another chain reaction with the matter that it's opposing to eliminate each other. If you read Wiki, scientist have to use magnetic and electric field to trap the antimatter and store them. This is the latest techonology available but still, the amount that we can produce and keep doesn't prove a satisfactory number. Hence, we're still far away from using anti matter as future energy source.
  17. another place that's unimaginable
  18. the boy shouted anxiously
  19. fell of its roof (funny story shall starts)
  20. I saw someone make a book with page 404, PAGE CANNOT BE FOUND. in the smashingmagazine.com This is one of the joke I found somewhere else....
  21. I guess the answer would be either one of these: 1. PHP + MySQL with CSS, JavaScript 2. ASP.net + MySQL/Oracle with CSS, JavaScript. Quite bored with this type of question in this forum. Try to browse the thread one by one and you will see plenty of topics like this.
  22. Flash has its own incomparable uniqueness - attracting animation + interesting interaction with browsers. The reason I like Flash is because it can makes me outstand from the crowd. All my friends like my site because I'm based on Flash while they're based on blog.
  23. JcX

    Changes Coming

    Yea, agreed on the Coding Issue. It confused me when I first looked at it, because the old format, the first forum is to complain, and so I thought, how come Webmaster and Complain thingy can merge together? After I look at the contents inside, I knew what's happening around... LOL Anyway, I believe there's still a better format, this is just the prototype from djbob
  24. Browse the threads before you asked something. Most of the forum discussed the very basic thing you asked. Firefox VS IE
  25. Nope, I from Malaysia, just few steps below you. :-p Hmmmm.. Flash aren't so welcome just because of it size and loading speed. but after AS 3.0, I believe the speed had immensely increased and that should be a problem though. Although VB.Net, Java are very well accepted, but still I insisted to use Flash as my main web presentation.
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