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Everything posted by JcX

  1. Never heard that a meteor collision wiped out the dinosaurs. The only reason I know is because dinosaurs are competitive against prey. They keep fighting each other and hunting for prey until there's no prey for them. Then they fight each other to kill for food. AND EVENTUALLY They die of hunger.
  2. Well, zippo had make my eyes opened 0.0 Now I knew Netherland and Holland was totally different. I always link these 2 together with a mathematical equation Netherland = Holland. And I always asked my dad, "why the soccer game always write Netherland but never Holland??" Now I know why... haha
  3. Well... I was born at late 80's, and Linkin' Park was darn hot at that time. I love them!! 98% of their songs are my favourite until I changed my taste to Instrumental and Relaxing ones. Linkin' Park's music had kept me going with them for almost 10years!! It ROCKZ!!!
  4. What moop said is pointful. The universe will be reborn one day IF The Big Bang Theory and theories on blackholes are correct. Scientific researches had shown, since the moment of the big bang, the universe expand in a speed faster than the speed of light. And then eventually slowed down. At this moment I'm typing, the universe is still expanding, but at a slower speed. Meanwhile, the effects of blackhole is taking dominant. Absorbing anything including lights, allowing no escapes and keep growing. Scientist believe that one day, when the blackholes are growing bigger and its gravity pull is getting stronger, the universe will stop expanding and started to shrink. And then everything will be gathered in a just a dot, like billions years ago. When the energy is getting higher around the dot, The Big Bang will reoccurs again and universe will be reborn. (well, that will takes another billions of years.) Thanks for the credit, moop.
  5. Well, zippo, note at this http://www.helionet.org/index/index.php?sh...ic=3237&hl= We already have a similar post, created on February. Well, I have no idea why all people post at there. And we've already discussed a lot over there. And for here, I believe in Science totally. Religion is just something to hold on mentally, strictly speaking, it doesn't really exists. It exists when you believe it and it will guide you to the right path *Please forgive me if I crossed the line, I'm an atheist.
  6. Another wiped the dinosaurs? Which collision does that? According to what I know, the Earth only been gone through this kinda impact once. That is the time when it forms the Moon.
  7. Yea... I wonder how much Will Smith get for this movie. 1x salary? or 2x, 3x, 4x since there's less actors in the movie. LOL
  8. I'm an atheist too, I only believe in something solid - SCIENCE. Whatever science proves right, I believe. Whatever science failed to prove currently, I judge it with a rational and logical sense. I feel that everyone deserves their own religion as long as it doesn't offense anyone. Religion doesn't cross that limit, it's those "religious" fellowship cross the border. They think that what they believe is true, and others are void. And they even force others to follow what they believe. This is ridiculous. Let me tell you some of my experience back in my country. I live in Malaysia, a country where 3 major races live together, Chinese, Malays, Indian - with 3 different religion, Buddha, Islam and Gods of Indian(too many they prayed) and also Christian. The Indians are passive, they rarely spread about their religion to others. But the any of the religion festive season comes, they grouped and will be having a procession in major towns. The Buddhist.... well I can't find anything bad about it. My family was all Buddhists, but me neither. While the Malays, are ironic. Let me tell you all something, the Islam in Arab, they allow pork, but here in Malaysia, we don't allow porks. The government are formed major by Malays, they've make laws that sounds "Everyone is free to choose their own religion". At the other side, Islam states that "Once you're in Islam, forever you will be Islam and we DON'T ALLOW you to quit. Your spouse will be an Islam too, so happens to your sons, your whole family and generations." Isn't that ironic?? Well... in my country, we still live well although we've 3 major races and religions. (Of course, some little quarrel still happens often.)
  9. Well phoexer, I admit that I've witness some hypnosis which I don't really believe. Like in magic, they claimed that by hypnotise the target person, the magician could possibly make him/her levitate. That's what I heard, and that's TOTALLY NONSENSE! Totally out of physic's law (sorry, I only believe in science-based facts) Some other hypnosis examples that I've heard, like you said, invoked by music. Like a kinda music called "Death Music", I've heard a news that people from all around the world commited suicide after listening to the music, so I've tried to search it and listen to it WITHOUT any hesitation. Well, my mood was very good, so I didn't worry anything about that. AND I've found out that the song was actually nice. I'm just wondering, when one is in blue, and accidentally listen to this song, and they committed suicide? Is the power of hypnosis such strong? Well... about the death music, the song title is Gloomy Sunday by Sarah Brightman. It's indeed nice, with a bit gloomy feels. *I guess we're talking more on psychology rather than law of attraction.
  10. Phoexer, I wasn't trying to make any offense. Afterall, I just would like to know which language is accepted universally. I'll respect whatever votes be given here :-)
  11. Well... the article didn't mention so much about that. But from the others article that I've read, about "Mars crushed on Earth", they all agreed with a point, Once upon a time, a celestial object as big as Mars crushed on the Earth AND THEN CONTINUE ITS ORBIT, while the fragments produced in the impact has produced the moon. So I'm supposed that celestial object just went away like that after the impact and gifted us the moon. (This has many proofs, scientist found many elements/substances that is very similar to the Earth's on the moon. They believe that the Moon is originated from the Earth.)
  12. Scientist still couldn't 100% prove the evolution theory. They're just having a strong believe that it's true and spread this to the whole world. I'm not denying or doubting its persistance, it has its point to make people believe. But me, I only believe when it's 100% proven true. Because until now, I still have a question in my mind. IF the evolution theory is true, how come after so long, there's no monkey will undergoes evolution and become human?? But I do believe a point in evolution theory. "When you lack of practice in any of your body part, it will become malfunction after generations. This happened to chicken and ostrich. I believe this.
  13. JcX

    Changes Coming

    Well.. why purchase a professional design while we've a bunch of those here? I can see we've many professional designer here, well, I'm not so sure about the fares they charged. Well me, I'm not a pro, I'm just a beginner, but I charge nothing. I guess same to Wizard right? p/s: You can possibly save a cost to upgrade server again in future.
  14. Well... that planet takes only 13 days to orbit the star. Meaning that, you will only have spring for 3 days!!! Guess that you will have to buy all types of clothes for different climates frequently :-p
  15. Actually, programming are all quite the same alike isn't it? Once you get mastered with one language, when you migrate to another, you will find that actually the format is quite similar. I've learnt ActionScript first. And then PHP, I found it was quite similar in some ways. And now I'm working on JS, which are very look alike to AS.
  16. JcX

    Changes Coming

    Nope... I still see black. Unlike a few days before, I see gray. Anyway, the FTP's still down right? Hopefully you can fix it soon. And also the Google ads. I totally have no idea on how to helping you djbob, I got less experience in programming, unlike lappy. I totally got no $$ :-p, so I can't donate to you. The only way I can think of, is to click on your ads, to make your earn via Adsense. hope that will helps a bit. Cheers!! JcX
  17. JcX

    Changes Coming

    Well.... how come this option had become BLACK again? Saw it last time and it was gray. =.=" Does that means something has been "redo"?
  18. http://www.heliohost.org/home.html Check the homepage, Terms there. You might violated one of the rules there. Illegal / porn content will be banned. I can't copy it here since it's a flash and non-selectable.
  19. Well... it's hard to specify the question you know. Since programming branches out like an old tree. What I really meant is the language that can be displayed exactly as programmers want in most browser. PHP, well... not really.... CSS, not all browser display the same thing as programmers want, so happened the same to DHTML, while JS, hmmmm... I 've met some side that use JS to make drop down menu, sadly, IE and FF displayed some difference on the coordinate.
  20. Oh my gosh, your first post to get your 10 Helions was DotA. Can't believe it man!! Well... I've been obsessed with DotA for 4 years, not a pro, but never a n00b. I usually play in a famous server in my own country.... Anyway, what server you play? I love Invoker ^^ and meepo.
  21. JcX

    Changes Coming

    This is the fascinating news of the week. Quite tired to see server down/crashes within these 2 weeks. I was working and bored in the office, and hopefully Helio can help me spend my time, but it crashes... sigh... disappointed. Hopefully everything's gonna be alright. AND a special salute to lappy!! orz
  22. Well.. I'm quite shocked to see that someone voted CSS. CSS isn't really progrmaming standard, but I've put in here, the main objective is just to survey which language is most widely accepted. I'm not so agree with phoexer, CSS is accepted by all browsers, but not all browsers displayed the same thing. Some browser might display the content a lil' bit out of the table, which I don't really like. (Well... this problem occur less often now.) Well.. Flash is my favourite, as long as you have the plug in, you can display it in any browser.
  23. I read this from newspaper few days ago. It's about an modelling experiment done by a group of scientists to re-make an bombardment in pre-history age. And from the data shown, they found out a petrifying fact. ---- The Earth spins in different direction millions years ago!! ---- From the experiment, the group of scientists said, millions years ago, the Earth was spinning in a different direction, that is from east to west and the speed is 4 times faster than the current speed. This phenomenon caused no living things on Earth could survive. A celestial object, as huge as the Mars crashed with the Earth. The impact had caused the Earth to decelerate, and eventually change its rotating direction, from west to east. This impact results a lot of fragments such as rocks and dusts, and due to gravity, it all merge and form the Moon as we can see today. The most important result of this impact is changing the Earth direction and slowing it down. This makes the Earth with the temparature and magnetic field it has today, and give chance for living things to survive. In abbreviation, this incident has indirectly give the property of "alive" to our mother Earth. *I read this from newspaper, so I don't have any proofs to show to you all. At the mean while, I'm kinda lazy to search google for this article :-p
  24. The explaination of The Law of Attraction is rather long, so I simplify it here. The Law of Attraction simply says that you attract into your life whatever you think about. Your dominant thoughts will find a way to manifest it. Giving meaning that if you keep on thinking of something, neurons in your brain will starting to be dominant and your subconscious might controlling you to do according to what you thinking. This proves that how important confidence, thoughts are. If you keep thinking, and works diligently, you will success. *I put this in Philosophy, just want to get to know about something in psychology. Can subconscious really control someone? Is hypnosis true because I haven't see any live example. For more information, visit this site http://www.stevepavlina.com/blog/2006/08/t...-of-attraction/
  25. JcX

    Changes Coming

    Monday is not server switching day. I haven't actually bought the server yet, let alone recieved it, installed cPanel/WHM on it, and sent it off to the datacenter. It'll be some time from now... maybe a month or so. For now, I'll try to keep the old server running a little bit smoother than it has been lately. Ooooppss.. What I mean is server purchasing day. A month huh..... well.. I guess it worths to wait for the Quad-core Core 2 Duo.
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