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Everything posted by joemama718

  1. wow it looks amazing
  2. Um...is the update supposed to be in effect already? >< Because my cpanel is still cpanel X. and sorry if I'm being stupid/not understnading.
  3. whoaa. thats pretty cool. lol. a person wouldn't survive long enough to reach that planet in a ship. D:
  4. well no because i removed the redirect but i would like to have the redirect... and now on second thought i'll make a homepage. so nevermind. thanks though
  5. When I try to access the phpBB2 forum I made I get this: What's happening!? //edit// It works properly now after I get rid of the redirect I had setup on the main page...=/
  6. wait...what is /~ashoat/ ? I found it on a google search...and it appears to be the same as this board?
  7. lol...i think he's kidding. xD
  8. lol that's pretty strange. im guessing its real, since the asians approve.
  9. i used to play alto and tenor sax and clarinet...and violin. now all i play is piano =/
  10. great band...i think my favorite song would be snow too
  11. what do you mean kyougi? optical cable is way faster than regular cable...no?
  12. My posts: http://www.freehostsfinder.com/host-review...&HostID=138 http://www.free-webhosts.com/reviews/HelioHost.php (waiting for approval) http://www.freewebspace.net/php/view.php?id=2681 (reviewed, but i think waiting for approval)
  13. omg thank you so much djbob helionet/host is amazing i think im gonna go write a review right now...
  14. gah the forum still doesnt work...but nevermind me for now. i just recreated everything...and its working for now. btw...could you update the phpbb version? the one with cpanel isnt the newest one, and when i try to update it i get that ad problem...
  15. oh. heh. my bad. sorry. my comp apps teacher had told me it was because of internet explorer...
  16. haha...i've seen a version of this one before...did u reword it? cause originally there's a village of liars and a village of truthtellers, and you have to ask both which village you came from...cause the liar would point to the village of truthtellers, and the truthteller would point to that village too... but maybe its not the same joke. =X
  17. or you flick one on and off repeatedly for a few hours...and then turn another one on. the one that's broken is the first one, the one that's on is the second, and the off one is the last.
  18. lol yeah i dont get the second to last one..doesnt sound like six. xD
  19. haha. joemama.
  20. not really...geocities, for example, is 9 dollars and something cents, i think
  21. whoa. thanks
  22. i dont understand them completely, but i know that by using qubits, a qubit can represent 0, 1, or both at the same time, thus dramatically changing computing...
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