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Everything posted by joemama718

  1. true but many hosting services don't allow you to do it cause they don't want to get in trouble. (maybe heliohost does...im not sure...but some hosts won't actually prevent you from installing the scripts but may ban your account if they find out that you did)
  2. what's IF?
  3. oh. its probably not in my directory but a larger one that I don't have access to. and I have the max attachment size set to 0 already, which means unlimited. but thanks anyways.
  4. ah that explains it. xD didnt see that option.
  5. >< Help please! I'm using a phpbb 3.0 forum currently, and when I try to attach something greater than 2mb it won't allow me and says that I have to change it in the php.ini file...anyone know where that file is? Help's greatly appreciated.
  6. well he said they're not planning on using a MOTHERSHIP, per say, but I'm thinking they'll add something else maybe, something more thematic to each race?
  7. whoa. where have you seen that done? and on a side note, adobe does do the register by phone thing, only they've found out how the phone people give you a code from the code you're to give them, and I think it's now possible to generate an activation code based on some code that they give you in the program without calling them. if that makes any sense at all.
  8. and then theres those special units...like the mothership for toss? it reminds me of hero units from warcraft lol
  9. I liked the third one...because it's a pirates of the caribbean movie and they're all good...but I liked the third the least. the plot wasn't as great and i found it to be too confusing at times...
  10. well i don't think theres a length property...its width and height, no?
  11. true. i'm just saying, alot of the proxies, whether popular or not, will be blocked, because most likely your school will use a filter created by a company that frequently updates it.
  12. no problem. does it work now?
  13. that seems really bizarre...usually tables are set to wrap by default, as i'm sure you know. could you share the html code you're using and/or a sample sql row?
  14. and that's most likely blocked too. xD they're pretty smart, the school filters...my friend set up his own proxy, however, so we just use that one... and i think there's probably some strategy / underlying reasons that google video and youtube aren't combined...perhaps by keeping them separate there's people who like youtube and not google video and people who like google video but not youtube...and maybe that might attract more people or perhaps google doesn't want to really spend time, money, and effort into combining them and just decided they were fine separated - they're getting money from both anyways, after all. =/ just stipulations.
  15. true but it would be useless to have a .mov file because the user can't interact with a .mov file...correct? hence taking out the purpose of having a playlist, unless you don't plan on having the user control the music... but RK says he figured it out. so i guess its all good.
  16. looking at my files again, it's really obvious that you CAN edit the .htaccess file...I use FileZilla, and after connecting to HelioHost I went to the folder public_html and the .htaccess file should be there...download it, edit it like that website says, and upload it again. i just checked using the cPanel, and you can't see it from there. i don't know about what RK Web Designs said, but I didn't do anything special except connect using an FTP client (such as FileZilla - google it, its free) i think you're checking through the cPanel, and it doesn't show up there. am i correct?
  17. are you asking about software or services? you would probably want to go to a card making company for that one, maybe? if talking about service, you could try open office and see if there's any publishing software in there (i haven't looked, i'm not sure)
  18. yeah i was about to say that too...it really messes around with your computer...try stardock's applications...they're amazing in customizing windows (everything from startup to login to themes to task bars) but the only downside is that they cost money. D:
  19. yeah w3schools is especially good...and if you haven't found a website to put them on yet...don't forget about heliohost...
  20. hence www.youtubex.com is easier.
  21. Most routers have a strong, built-in firewall...and routers are more valuable in the fact that they allow you to have more than one computer connected to the Internet...and because everything has to go through the router that makes the router much stronger protection than a firewall.
  22. Really the technology doesn't seem to be too new...except apple has done a great job integrating them onto one piece of hardware...and plus i absolutely love their interface and design. and it'll probably cost alot. D:
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