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Zarkyun Leighvyn

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  1. thanks, I guess I won't be seeing the results until I get a website to put them on.
  2. Ok. evertime I try to view this PHP page in my browser i only see the code. HTML code(this display just fine): <HTML> <HEAD> <Title>user data</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> <!-- File userdat.html --> <FORM METHOD="POST" ACTION="userdat.php"> <H2>Contact List</H2> <BR>Nickname: <BR><INPUT TYPE="TEXT" Name="Nickname"> <BR> <BR>Full Name: <BR><INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="Fullname"> <BR> <BR>Memo: <BR><TEXTAREA NAME="Memo" ROWS="4" COLS="40" WRAP="PHYSICAL"> </TEXTAREA> <BR> <BR> <INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT"> </FORM> </BODY> I submit the info PHP code(this is where it shows only code): <?php echo "<BR>Nickname=$Nickname"; echo "<BR>Fullname=$Fullname"; echo "<BR>Memo=$Memo"; ?> Did I do something wrong? Filenames are userdat.html, and userdat.php
  3. ok, I don't feel like being in a debate right now(partly because I'm unprepared and I'd probably be proven wrong a hundred times over without a comeback) Here is my favorite theory(it may sound familiar to some): Ok, consider this, A watch doesn't appear just out nowhere, it had to be made by a watchmaker. Same goes for a house, tv, internet, and all that good stuff. So I believe that man must have a creator for the same reasons.
  4. Firefox is by far the best. I hate bill gates even though I use alot of microsoft products, so when i find substitutes that can kick microsoft butt, I'm all for them.
  5. It didn't do that for me, I had to install session manager. I'm using 2.0 so it must be something else on your computer that does that.
  6. I use a handy little tool called Session Manager. It automatically saves your webpages to a temporary file then if your comp crashes, all you gotta do is open firefox then it asks what browser session you want to restore, click current then viola your back to the pages you were on. You can also access sessions manually by clicking the session manager icon. Here is the link: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/2324
  7. Hey guys wanna talk about anime, here is the place. Here are some of my personal favorites in no particular order: Fruits Basket Naruto(yes i watch it) Inuyasha(I may never get to the end, lol) Azumanga Daioh(funny but amazingly, it has very little story to it) Spiral Ghost in the Shell BTW what is the deal with Death Note? Everyone keeps talking about it.
  8. Final Fantasy 1 for famicom(NES is its American version)
  9. I'm looking for a good tutorial site for python(must be for version 2.5).
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