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Posts posted by Helions

  1. i signed up and tried playing..not that great...


    the best mmorpg's that i've played were everquest, everquest 2, diablo, diablo 2, and rose online..i especially loved diablo 2 because i made so much money off selling in game items on ebay

  2. Post your fav band/songs/place to d/l here

    I like sublime, chili peppers, sugar ray, and third eye blind.


    Songs, what i got, I've seen better days, every morning, pinch me(really good), One week(also good).




    i download most of my songs through limewire now that i can't download torrents...

  3. I may be wrong, who knows



    We'll just have to wait for him to explain it to us.


    that's the thing...i think it was djbob who said that it would just raise the interest...i just can't find the post again

  4. Nope I think that I was too young at the time. Whats it about?


    it's a bout William Wallace! go rent it...it'll be worth it...i wouldn't even hesitate to say that it's one of the best war movies out there...

  5. they serve hamburgers, hotdogs, and BBQ. It's all made fresh to order, so its the best.


    What do they use to make games?


    nice...my uncle owns a hotdog shop...everytime i stop by, he hooks me up with some fat chicago style hotdogs and a whole bunch of tasty fries...


    haha, what do you mean what do they use to make games? my parents didn't make the games themselves!

  6. Cool that sounds nice, I want to live in a BIG city when I grow up.



    where do you live currently? honestly, big city living isn't that great...big city living equates to fast living...but i guess if you go on vacations once in a while to wind down, it's alright...

  7. Thats cool, my parents own a restaurant so I get to eat a lot, I can relate. I have just gotten in to computers though, so I have been mainly learning programming.


    hey, that's pretty cool...what kind of food do they serve?


    and it's good that you got into computers...computers are our future!

  8. Yes but what would be the point(for us). The whole point of a credit card is to buy something directly from the bank, therefor bypassing the withdrawal fee. So if he were to implement credit cards, then he would also implement a withdrawal fee.

    I don't know about you but I like it just the way it is.


    oh, i thought the cc would just raise the interest...i'm probably mistaken though...

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