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Posts posted by Helions

  1. hey, when you copy and paste from another site, you should give a reference, especially if you altered the text...and wikipedia is not known to be very accurate...it's a good starting place when you want to research something, but usually, people don't like it when you quote wikipedia..


    anyways, does anyone get deja vu frequently?

  2. Light as you know is a combination of matter and energy, and as you also may know when they reach the speed of light their mass becomes tremendous. The reason why they say that we can't travel the speed of light is that when you reach the speed of light, your mass becomes infinite. Well the problem with our mass being infinite is that it takes infinite amount of energy to move infinite mass, and there is not infinite energy in the universe. So therefore we could not obtain the speed of light with a thrust powered ship of some sort, we would have to be formed into energy and then we could travel that fast.

    Unfortunately if we could actually form ourselves into energy then we would have to figure out how to undo that process so that we are the some as we were at the starting point.




    your argument is fatally flawed...first of all, the mass of light doesn't become tremendous as it reaches the speed of light...the speed at which light travels IS the speed of light, it doesn't "reach it". secondly, you're right that light is a combination of matter and energy...light is made up of photons and has properties of particles...but, do you know what infinite mass means? how can light have infinite mass? expand on that so i know what you mean...


    do you think the universe is infinite? i think it is...so doesn't that mean there is also an infinite amount of energy in this universe?


    also, you say that you need infinite energy to move infinite mass and that there isn't an infinite amount of energy in the universe...so how does light move if it has infinite mass? you're argument is very confusing and definitely not valid...


    so...explain yourself...

  3. This is really a loaded question. Define "God". I belive there is a "higher power" and to me that would be God. So, going by that and on my side, yes i believe there is a God.


    yes, this is definitely a loaded question, but a loaded question is good for discussions...


    i define God as the creator..it's hard to believe that there isn't a creator...you can search in every science textbook for our origins and the origins of our universe and it always comes down to the Big Bang...basically, we all originated from a single point that exploded into everything that is today. but where did that single point come from? although scientists are trying to figure it out, i highly doubt that they will...so science, in that matter, is quite illogical to me...it is more logical for me to think that we are here so there must have been a creator...

  4. To me, you start making your own decision around the age of 5. How you make them, and why change over your lifetime according to how you are raised. Just my opinion.


    you've got me thinking...and i'd have to agree with you..as young children, we do make our own decisions. for example, if we've experienced the taste of chocolate and the taste of broccoli, most kids would pick chocolate over broccoli the next time they have a choice...but as we grow up, we are taught that chocolate isn't really good for you so we tend to have it as a guilty pleasure...



  5. O, this is my favorite part about this forum!


    Todays apes, in millions of years will evolve into beings similar to us.

    beings adapt to their circumstances over time, they werent just put their like your story book tells you. scientists have already established that we were descended from apes.

    while the bible has some admirable qualities to live your life by, the whole premise that the earth was created in seven days is nonsense.

    what is even more nonsensical is that people like you still choose to believe in this when there is overwhelming proof to the contrary, but you probably think that is a big conspiracy theory..........


    P.S. Who wrote the bible............................O, yea, not god. A bunch of greedy politicians put it together around 400 A.D.



    physical evidence (fossils, etc.) isnt proved beyond reasonable doubt??? and the bible is??? You have absolutely NO proof god exists, yet refuse to believe the actual proof we have standing right of front of us??? how does your brain work? illogically, im guessing.


    churches in england ARE at an all time low, thankfully. i was watching a program about this not so long ago, and it appears that the main demographic who visit the are over 60, accounting for about 90% of churchgoers, and churches are lucky to have a gathering of 20 people on a sunday, which means america will catch up with us soon and churches (at least christian) will be finished.


    people (except you) arent dumb enough to blindly accept something that actualy cant be possible without any proof. if you could prove that god exists, then trust me, id be the biggest believer going. but you cant. its like trying to tell black is white. its not true.


    p.s. darth vader wasnt real either (if you believe in one story you gotta believe em all)





    first of all, i think you have great points, but there is a proper way to argue...trying to make someone feel lower with your arguments isn't usually the best way...i'm definitely not stupid, i can guarantee that...i don't think you're stupid either...


    second of all, maybe there was a misunderstanding when i said God with a capital G...what i meant was a god, as in a creator...



    i majored in biology so i know more than i want to know about the theory of evolution...yea, i can see that maybe later in the future, apes will be just like us...and yea i can see that there is a lot of evidence that we might have evolved from apes...


    but where did those apes come from?


    i know a lot about Christianity since I lived my childhood as a Christian...i also know a lot about Hinduism, Buddhism, and Islam...


    let's have an educated discussion without having to badmouth the other person, ok?

  6. Thats obvious, when the simply move out, turn 18, or decide to stick up for themselves.

    Or at least that is what I think the the question was about, you need to make you questions a little clearer.


    sorry, but i make the questions vague on purpose so i can see what others think about the topic...


    anyways, do you really think you make your own decisions when you move away from your parents? let's say you go to college and you go to the food court...let's say you buy a bottle of apple juice...was that really your decision or was it made for you from what you learned in your childhood? didn't you pick the apple juice because you were fed it by your parents when you were a child and they told you it was good for you? would you ever pick out carrot juice to drink? of course your parent probably told you it was good for you, but most likely they never drank much of it, which means you never drank much of it...


    basically, you learn through others' actions, and they learn from others' action, and so on...so did you really make any decisions or are they already made for you?


    that might not have made sense since it's a little bit shaky in my head too...but let's see what everyone has to say about this so it becomes a little clearer...



    ok, a good example of what i'm trying to explain is how you responded to the "is there a God" topic...i feel that you've probably heard that type of questions before and heard someone respond to it in the way that you did...then it got hardwired into your brain and you automatically responded the way you did...

    the reason i say this is because i've held many discussions like that in a group...some people in the group had no response and some did...some of the ones that did respond, did so in the same way you did, which i consider uncivilized and rude...after a while, some of the ones that didn't have a response, but felt like they had to put in "their" two cents, responded just like the uncivilized and rude people...im still not sure if this all makes any sense...but basically, i feel that it's hard to say that you are making your own choices when it's easy to see that it's just mimicry...


    i can see that a good argument against this is that you chose what to believe..but did you really? how can we be sure that everything we choose isn't biased in terms of your past experiences?

  7. I like blue, it is the color of the sky and always means something gook is going to happen. It just puts you in a good mood. Green is also used in many casinos though, it seems to attract people who would like to get some good money and quick. Blue on the other hand is a big no no in the gambling industry, it seems to attract people who are happy and glad with their life.


    that's an interesting piece of information. i never knew that was why the card tables were usually green...

  8. colors can mean a lot of things and can influence people's behaviors. for instance, red is used to catch people's attentions...it gets them excited. it can portray love, death, beauty, etc...


    so, what's your favorite color and why do you like it so much?


    i personally like green...i grew up traveling the countryside so i'm used to seeing vast areas of green. i like how the color is so calming to look at.

  9. i'm not sure what religion everyone here practices, and i surely don't mean to offend anyone with anything i say...

    with that aside, do you think there is a God?


    personally, i believe there is a God. most opponents of religion would say that the origins of our existence could be figured out with science...although having faith that there is a God seems silly, i find it sillier to think that we all originated from some cells back in the day when the earth was created.............


    anyone want to have a nice argument? =)

  10. anyone interested in astronomy? i've taken a few astronomy classes and love having discussions on it...


    one of my professors gave me this link...

    astronomy picture of the day

    a new picture of our universe and different phenomenons that occur is uploaded everyday...pretty cool, if you ask me...


    by the way, anyone see the full lunar eclipse this past week? it was awesome! we'll have two more full lunar eclipses this year, if im not mistaken...that hasn't happened since 1982...(someone correct me if i'm mistaken)

  11. i can see that things have changed around here...i personally like the new additions, such as philosophy and science...good work! =)





    oops, i didn't see that there was already a topic on this in the News section...


    anyways, i think the reordering is great...

  12. if you want to read books that are pretty funny, you should check out David Sedaris's books....his books are all short true stories of his life. he's a great writer and knows how to make you laugh..and he lived a pretty c.rappy life so the stories are interesting...


    it's kind of aimed towards an older crowd, but honestly, i think anyone can enjoy it...i read all of his books, and they were all great

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