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Posts posted by Helions

  1. haha some of those were pretty [bleeped!] funny...especially when someone replied that they would sell their car for gas money! haha



    here's one:


    yo mama so fat animals at the zoo feed her

  2. Welcome Krazyboi! I was going to get a translation from english to thai saying welcome, but i couldnt find one.


    thanks for the welcome kyle!


    welcome in thai is "ddawn rop"


    sigh...the thai language is so hard. i've been going to a thai language school for the past couple of months and it's killer. i'm totally not used to speaking a tonal language =/

  3. too crazy? Too late. I mean, beating up a car with an umbrella was probably the most retardest thing that she could have ever done. I wonder if it has anything to do with drinking? Or is it with drugs?


    i saw the clip of her hitting the car with the umbrella and what caused it on YouTube...she was just sitting in the car and the photographers kept taking pics of her. it was night time and the flash kept going off in her face. i mean, how many pics do those guys need of her in a car?! if i were her, i would have flipped out too.


    funny thing is that she hit one of the photographers with the umbrella also...he ended up with a nice welt on his back, haha!

  4. i visit a lot of forums so i have a lot of experience with good forums and bad forums. i just recently joined this forum so i don't know how it was before, but i think it's pretty cool. the whole layout is nice and there's so many different things we can post about. i can see it becoming very popular in the future...how long has this forum been up for?



    oh yea, i found the store...thanks! =)

  5. im definitely a firefox fan...once i switched, i never looked back. it's just seems so much faster than IE.

    Classic misconception. In terms of speed, Internet Explorer is faster than Firefox.




    hey thanks for the link. that's a pretty interesting chart...quite an eye opener.


    by the way, can someone explain to me what script speed is? does that have anything to do with javascript?

  6. sooo...what's your favorite old school video game console?


    i was lucky as a kid since my parents owned a video game shop...i basically got to play with every console there was and the Sega Genesis was my favorite...Streets of Rage 2 for Genesis was the bomb! "BARE KNUCKLE!!!" (anyone remember that?)

  7. pearl jam is my favorite band...


    i also like the red hots...i paid $250 bucks for front row tickets a couple years ago...it was so awesome! funny thing happened...flea took a piss in a water bottle on stage during the middle of the show! haha!

  8. I've been watching some japanese dramas lately and decided that I wanted to learn the language so I don't have to keep looking at the subtitles. So far, I know "konichi wa," "watashi wa khris desu," "yatta!"... haha yea, it's not much, but it's a start...


    a good online resource to learn the language is japanese-online.com

  9. I recently moved to Thailand and I'm surprised at how many Thai's can speak english...i went to a Thai mall, where they'd probably never meet an english speaker, but I was able to hold a decent conversation with some of the workers.

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