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Posts posted by Helions

  1. Do you believe in micro Darwinism- The theory(pretty much a law) were in a pool of genetic chromosomes(traits) those with the greatest factor of reproducing successfully, over a period of, time will become the dominant factor in that pool.

    Do you think that we should use all our resources, with no care what-so-ever, because god is going to come and destroy the Earth?

    Basically two midgets are more likely to make a midget.




    Well if you don't you are RETARDED(I hope you at least believe in Darwinism on a smaller scale).


    And just to let you know evolution is just macro Darwinism, and all macro is, is a lot of micro.



    Now if you do believe in evolution, then the other matter is abiogenesis. Abiogenesis concerns itself with the origin of life. Evolution concerns itself with development of living organisms. Whether or not life was created, designed or arose naturally, evolution still governs what happens to the living organisms.


    As to abiogenesis, there have been several experiments done, to make spontaneous generation sound all the more likely. In the beginning of the formation of Earth the atmosphere contained a plethora of the elements methane and ethane. Studies have proven that when exposing these to chemicals to ultraviolet light( which simulates the conditions on Earth at its beginning) they will form quite complex molecules. Now, we can't prove that it cold form life or even of happened on Earth, we have certainly proven it most likely by observing the moon Titan which has an atmosphere similar to that of our early Earth. When looking at Titans chemical properties you can tell that this process has occurred. Why it is highly unlikely that life exists in Titan due to its frigid temperatures, it could of very well of happened on Earth.


    i believe there is sufficient evidence that the fittest members of a species have a better chance of surviving than ones that aren't as fit...but even this is micro compared to what i'm trying to explain...


    so this brings me to the same question that you still haven't answered...even after i asked you several times..i'll make it more understandable for you since you might not understand what i'm asking...let's say you have a box with absolutely nothing in it...no chemicals, no UV light, no atoms, no air...nothing...now tell me, can something spontaneously generate inside the box?


    and...are you saying that people who haven't been exposed to darwinism and its' counter theories enough to believe in one of those schools of thought are retarded? are you saying that retarded people don't believe in darwinism? although you don't seem to make sense most of the time, i will look past it since you are probably just ignorant...you're still a youngster at the age of 16...

  2. mostly Tao kwon do and a little bit of jujitsu


    ah, jujitsu...masters of jujitsu are supposedly unbeatable...the Gracie fighters are known to be one of the top jujitsu fighters and fighters in general in the world..

  3. Yes I have, I used to have a freind who was a die-hard Christian. I attended church activities with him on a fairly regular basis. I even want to a Christian church. When I was young I believed that god made science, this was merely because a heaven sounded good. So yes I have gone to many Christian events, and I didn't feel anything, except my leg did fall a sleep! Any ways my freind and I parted ways many years ago, though we both still believed in Christianity, I chose to also believe in science(logic). And as of a few months ago as I began to do more research on the topic I began to learn that Christianity and science just don't go together.


    all right, then i take back what i said...i was just assuming from the way you copied other writers, that you copied other people's thoughts...


    what's interesting is when you call science logic, but not religion...yea, religion is based on faith, but it can be logical...you still haven't answered my questions...where did we come from? where did apes come from? where did anything come from? there has to have been a creator, no? it would be illogical to say that everything popped up out of nowhere...don't you agree?

  4. Nope one will hit first, do ya give up?


    Both questions, same answer: the ball in the bucket

    of 45 degree F water hits the bottom of the bucket last.

    Did you think that the water in the 30 degree F bucket is

    frozen? Think again. The question said nothing about

    that bucket having anything in it. Therefore, there is no

    water (or ice) to slow the ball down...


    haha, this is a good one...i can believe it slipped by me like that!

  5. Do you think there is life on europa or mars?


    i think it's possible...it seems that there's evidence of water on those two heavenly bodies...and even though it might seem unlikely that something could be alive in such harsh environments, they have found living things in the coldest parts of the arctic and the deepest and hottest parts of the oceans here on earth...so yea, i think it's possible...

  6. Friends.



    But back on the Christian subject, you should check out this video, and remember to watch part two http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8bB2rt3IKJc...domain%2Eorg%2F



    I'm getting ticked off by Christian extremist the at think God will solve everything.


    have you ever read the Bible or participated in any Christian activities before? i really hope so because if you haven't, you're really something...hope you're not just copying what other people think...

  7. I used to do martial arts, but got out of it when i was told that you cant do martial arts as a police officer when i was a cop ion cali


    hey that's cool that you were a cop on call...what kind of martial arts did you practice? i took tae kwon do and hapkido as a youngster...i think it was a valuable experience for me since it helped me tremendously in terms of my physical and mental well being...



    there are some countries where martial arts training is required to be a cop...one example is korea...

  8. I haven't seen it, but I hear it's great. What do you guys think?


    even though a lot of Iranians are protesting because of the movie, all my american friends tell me it's a great movie...i'd like to see what all the fuss is about...

  9. i'm a digital photographer so i've had a lot of experience with graphics programs...i started out with photoshop 3.0...haha, that was way back in the day!


    anyone try photoshop cs3 beta yet? i've used cs2 for a long time, and cs3 is such a refreshing change.


    the magic wand was great in the past photoshops, but in cs3 there is a new selection tool that works so nicely...theyll start shipping the finished version within a month or two so i suggest you guys get it...


    the black and white conversion in cs3 is really nice too...


    also, adobe lightroom started shipping out this past month...i've tried it and it's a great little program for graphics editing.



    Thinking about Photoshop for a while just wondered what the magic wand tool does?


    the magic wand is a selection tool used to select a specific part of a picture...for example, click inside a person's face and if the colors are similar, it'll select the whole face for you...you can then do what you want with the face, but leave the rest of the picture alone...there's a lot more you can do with the magic wand, but that's the basic use of it...

  10. Do you think their is life out in space?



    I think so, I mean the the universe is infinitely big so therefore their most be infinite everything, including life.



    you ever hear about parallel universes? it kind of has to do with what you stated about the universe being infinitely big...if it is infinite, then there must be an infinite number of earths out there...and there must also be an infinite number of "you" on the earths..and there must be an infinite number of "you" on those earths that are living exactly the same life you are...


    so somewhere in this infinite universe(assuming that it is infinite),not only is there someone exactly like you, but also someone who is you but with different hobbies, profession, personalities, likes and dislikes, etc...


    haha, a bit confusing and crazy, huh?

  11. djbob, i love the break down of how you explained and answered those questions. I was in high school and during my sophmore year, i took earth science. We were taught of the big bang theory. Well, I told my youth minister about this and he said to tell her that you (I) belived in the big bang theory. God said it and "bang" it happened. Well, we had a test the next day, and on the test it had a fill in the blank section where it asked to explain the big bang theory. I wrote down that God said it and Bang It happened. I was suspended from school for 2 weeks for that. Now, I am also a christian ( i know i am gay but that doesnt matter) and I have a slight fear of death. Not too sure if i should start a new thread on this or not, i'll let you decide that, but what can you say about these fears. Is it normal, is it a "sign" from God that I am not on the right path in my life. I have never had these fears before like i am now.


    i think it's normal for any human being to fear death..but as a Christian, you shouldn't be afraid...your eternal life after death will be infinitely better in Heaven...

  12. there was a thought experiment done in the past in regards to an infinite universe, and by universe, i mean all the heavenly bodies and the space surrounding it..i think it was done by Galileo, but i'd have to get back to you on this..


    the thought experiment goes like this...let's say a spear is thrown towards the edges of the universe...if it keeps going, then space is infinite...if it hits a boundary, then that means there must be something beyond that boundary(a boundary must take up space), which also shows that space is inifinite...


    interesting, no?

  13. i majored in biology so i know more than i want to know about the theory of evolution...
    O_o A biology major.

    but where did those apes come from?
    Current theory about the origin of life involves phospholipids dispersed through water spontaneously condensing into something similar to a plasma membrane. This is probable because phospholipids are partially nonpolar and hydrophobic, leading them to be pushed aside when water forms its hydrogen bonds with itself. When they get pushed aside, they tend to cluster together because they're not repulsed from themselves, and then they form a spherical bilayer.


    When this happens, they might capture inside them a collection of organic molecules, formed from inorganic molecules reacting with each other in the chemically reducing atmosphere. Some of these organic molecules might include primitive RNA-like strands that'd started to replicate themselves primitively and unreliably through hydrogen bonding. Then some of these strands might have started forming polypeptide-like polymers, again just by hydrogen bonding. Some of these polypeptide-like molecules might've just by random chance turned out in a shape that catalyzes hydrogen bonding and polymer replication. Then these polymers would end up replicating themselves a lot faster and outcompeting its neighbors, which means the beginning of Darwinian evolution, with the result of what we see now.


    i was waiting for someone to give this explanation =)


    so, where did these phospholipids come from?

  14. Sorry, I just love debates with Christians, I sometimes get carried away.


    and yea i can see that there is a lot of evidence that we might have evolved from apes...


    but where did those apes come from?

    Well not from god, the bible says that god made Adam and Eve out of dust, not evolution.

    Now some questions I have for you.

    Do you believe that god said let there be light and the sun appeared?

    Why does God allow events like Katrina to happen?

    If god was so perfect, why did he create everything to be imperfect.

    If god controls everything, why would he send his only son down to Earth for the sins that he made us do?

    If god is all powerful why doesn't he make it to where we can"t sin?



    so if the apes didnt come from a god, then where did they come from?


    anyways, those are good questions you've asked...but you've misunderstood what i was asking...i wasn't talking about God as in the Christian God...i was talking about a god...which is why i corrected myself in one of the replies...and the title of the topic is, "is there a God?", not "is there God?"...i know it was my fault at first, but i did correct myself...


    basically, i'm not talking about Christianity in particular...i'm talking about religion in general...


    i mentioned before that i grew up as a Christian...but i asked myself those questions also and have decided that maybe Christianity wasn't the way to go since i was so confused...that's why i started looking into other religions. i believe there is a god, a creator of heaven and earth, but i find it hard to believe in one single religion...

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