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Posts posted by Helions

  1. dang, that's a long list...i was hoping each member would post what they personally knew...that way, we'd have shorter lists where we could study and memorize...


    ah well, i'm going to start memorizing those


    by the way, i travel a lot and meet all different types of people...that's why i wanted to learn all these

  2. It's just a long series that you start and want to continue when the most recent edition comes out five years or so after the first one. So a twenty year old could have started at 15.

    P.S. going to give the redwall series a shot!


    hey, that makes a lot of sense...didn't realize that could be the case.


    and yea, you should give the redwall series a shot...you won't regret it, i hope...i remember being so engrossed in it that i'd spend the whole week just reading and reading...my favorite from the series was Mossflower...also, Martin the Warrior was pretty cool...


    read them in order!

  3. K. that was easy, but how about this

    If I were in Hawaii and dropped a bowling ball in a

    bucket of water which is 45 degrees F, and dropped

    another ball of the same weight, mass,and size in a

    bucket at 30 degrees F, both of them at the same time,

    which ball would hit the bottom of the bucket first?

    Same question, but the location is in Canada?


    this one's hard...i've thought about it for a while and can't come up with anything...i give up

  4. I thought you could upload your website here, or can you and I'm just doing something wrong?????



    go to www.heliohost.org and click on plans...then click on the one you want, which i'm assuming will be "ads standard." then it'll take you to a page where you can click on a link to get you to the sign up page...here's that page in case you get lost




    just read what it says on the bottom and follow the directions...


    hope that helps

  5. i'm a digital photographer so i've had a lot of experience with graphics programs...i started out with photoshop 3.0...haha, that was way back in the day!


    anyone try photoshop cs3 beta yet? i've used cs2 for a long time, and cs3 is such a refreshing change.


    the magic wand was great in the past photoshops, but in cs3 there is a new selection tool that works so nicely...theyll start shipping the finished version within a month or two so i suggest you guys get it...


    the black and white conversion in cs3 is really nice too...


    also, adobe lightroom started shipping out this past month...i've tried it and it's a great little program for graphics editing.



  6. can someone please explain to me why harry potter books are so popular? i mean, i can understand if it was popular with children and teens, but i've seen lots of older people being hooked on the series. i find that so weird! my ex used to get all the books when they came out, and she was in her twenties! i know those fantasy type books are fun and everything, but come on...from what i've seen in one of the movies, it wasn't even that great!


    i grew up reading books like the redwall series and the hobbit...those were [bleeped!] good!

  7. the first one was great...johnny depp performed amazingly. the way he moved around and how he talked...it was perfect! i loved the first one.


    but the second one is another story...i had high hopes for it after watching the first on, but i really couldnt sit through it. it was kind of cheesy if you ask me. i guess i shouldn't slam it until i finish the whole movie though...

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