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Posts posted by Helions

  1. A blonde was driving down the highway to Disneyland when she saw a sign that said "DISNEYLAND LEFT". After thinking for a minute, she said to herself "Oh, well!" and turned around an drove home.


    On her way home she drove past another sign that said "CLEAN RESTROOMS 8 MILES". By the time she drove eight miles, she had cleaned 43 restrooms.


    haha i liked the disneyland one

  2. I would like to start a forum about Christianity, first off i would like yo to watch a video of what true Christians believe in. you can see it here.


    So what do you think about Christianity?


    without even watching the video, i can tell you that true Christians are good people...they go out of their way to help others...they also go out of their way to show others how to be good people...

  3. There are some idiots that, dispite all the modern technology we have, still persist to put their "faith" in old fables. Here is a link to a bunch of idiots who still think the Earth is flat!

    Now I know that they can debate it by saying that "it is obvuos that the Earth is flat" yet they can not give any proof.


    So either reply with some evidence to prove the Earth is flat or of something else like this. I think ther are people out there who don;t believe the holocaust ever happened.


    why don't you start off by giving some evidence to prove that the earth is round

  4. Wow your a genius, I didn't only post that already. :D


    I think that is is sort of a malfunction, though I wouldn't call it just that. I bet the brain is doing it for our own good, as it does with many things. For example when you have a bad experience it is implemented in your brain, then the next time something happens of a simliar status your brain tries to give you a felling of what could happen so you would be prepared, or able to prevent the situation from fully occurring again.


    could you explain this further? i'm having a hard time following...

  5. I have posted this many times but i don't even get an i don't know. I think I might make a new thread about songs and missing lyrics and stuff. But there is a song that goes like such:


    Sister I miss you, Dancing on the stage of memories....


    I think it's by the Red Hot Chili Peppers, But I am Not Sure. If you know this song, a reply would be great.....


    BTW I am now listening to Nighshift by the Commodores



    The Nixons - Sister

  6. Japanese just seems so much pointless to learn, japanese should rather learn english to speak to us. :P

    My only way to learn japanese is to stay in computer/internet for long time reading online tutorials or buying a plane ticket to a foreign land, both are pointless.


    it's not as pointless as you think...the japanese are buying out almost everything in the world...sooner or later, they will be our bosses no matter what industry you work in...better to learn now and be prepared to jump ahead of the crowd...

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