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Posts posted by Helions

  1. There is already a "yo mama" jokes thread. Think before you post next time, krazyboi. Also, these topics are in the wrong forum.


    hey sorry...i was trying to tidy things up by making separate threads on specific yo momma jokes...



  2. i'm not sure how many of you drive...but if you do, what car do you drive?


    my car's over in the states right now and i miss it a lot...i haven't driven in 6 months...6 months is a long time for a guy who drives across the US whenever he gets the chance...


    oh yea, i drive a 2005 Honda Civic...not that great, but the gas mileage is awesome!

  3. you're in an indestructible room with a door that is locked and airtight...there is one lightbulb on the ceiling lighting the room...there are 5 items in the room to help you escape...


    1. an oak table

    2. a piano

    3. a wood saw

    4. a baseball bat

    5. wood tape


    explain three different ways you can escape using these items...


  4. three friends go to a hotel and pay $30 dollars for a room...later that night, the hotel manager sees that they've overpaid and gives $5 to the bellboy to return to the guys...the bellboy was lazy and didn't want to do the math so he pocketed $2 and handed each of the guys $1 dollar...so the guy's paid $9 each...$9*3=$27

    $27+$2(that the bellboy took)=$29


    where did the other dollar go?

  5. what pets do you have?


    all my pets are currently being taken care of by my friends in the states...


    i have...

    a german shepherd/chow chow mix

    a huge jack dempsey fish

    a red eared slider turtle

    a ornate box turtle



    i love animals...i'd love to know what pets you have...

  6. have you done any drugs?


    why do some artists and musicians feel that they need drugs?


    do you think drugs makes you more creative?



    personally, i've smoked so much weed in my lifetime that my blood is probably green...i've recently quit and haven't smoked in 6 months, so don't think i'm some druggie...but anyways, i honestly think i was way more creative when i was smoking than i am now...it was easier for me to think creatively while i was high...

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