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Posts posted by AverageJoe

  1. LOL that was a good one.

    Did you have Campbell's soup today? (she answers yes/no) Because you're lookin' mmm... mmm... good!


    Baby did you fart, 'cause you blow me away!


    Good news, the test results are negative! :D

  2. Yes it does, hat is ridiculous. O even if this guy is a total idiot he is a democrat so I should vote for him. And I am referring to superficial traits that really don't effect the ability to be a good politician. If you vote for someone based on their beliefs in a god that is also ridiculous. I am not talking about their standpoint on laws that affect us. Whether they believe in abortion can effect our society, but whether they believe in a god wont' effect us positively. I'm not making this statement about just fundys, but to all people. Their religion/or lack of one, should not effect your vote in any such way. If they believe in abortion and the other doesn't, and your religion dictates that abortion is immoral then you voting based on what morals you have not what god the candidate believes in. I for one would vote for a Christian if they met my standards(which I do not believe is out of the question).



  3. K. I must say that you make a good point. Those are some good things to debate to. But my point is that in resent studies it has shown that christians would vote only for a christian no matter what the circumstance may be. Would you? And would you classify yourself as a radical that I described in my last post?


  4. I'm doubling up in science next year, so I'm taking honors chemistry(You would usually take it in your junior year, but I'm taking it my sophomore year). This was is one ambition I have, along with business, after I graduate high school. Chemistry is one of the highest growing fields. Just think about it, every thing revolves around it: computer chips, alloys, even painting cars on the factory line requires you to dip the car in an acid to remove the outer layer of metal to prevent rust from occurring under the paint. I think that it is a very interesting subject, though I prefer physics over it.

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