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Posts posted by AverageJoe

  1. Yes though many people consider their language as part of their culture, and find it important to continue their culture though conversing in it. I must say to you though that I'm in full agreement that they should know and use our language in public. There should be no reason why we should have to put warning labels in alternate languages as well.


    P.S. I think we should like buy mexico for what it's worth, two cent, and call it shitty America. Then all the mexicans can live in america, just shitty America. ;)

  2. To continue the debate, I would like to bring about the topic of mithriasm. Mithriasm is a religion that institutes all the basic storys of christianity but was established well before the time of jesus.


    P.S. Christianity is really pissing me off, a good prtion af Americans have become Christians. They base their vote soley on what the church tells them to(Tis has unquestionably been proven). Is this not a scam?


    It is religion that causes many of the great controversies between the different countries.


    And if you are a Christian that shawns upon the Muslims for their beliefs you should know the world thinks the same of you. Christians were the first to carry out "Holy" attacks.


    I am a Atheist which means- A person to be pitied in that he is unable to believe things for which there is no evidence, and who has thus deprived himself of a convenient means of feeling superior to others.


    I think most christians believe only to be on the safe side which I find retarded, God will send you to hell if you do so. Or at least according to your beliefs.



    Now that we have the debate going, how many Christians believe that the universe is simply an acumilation of gods legos?

  3. Yes, what I meant is that they are people who interpret the bible literally. I have seen some people change for the better when they convert to Christianity. But tis a pity that they have to be lied to and told they we be punished by a bad man if they don't get their act together. Such a thing is childish. My only reason to support it is so that meybe some homeless people who know nothing, may not turn to crime. Other than that the bible is one of the worst books ever made by a bunch of greedy politicians in the 400th century. ;)

  4. What other languages do you use for webpages?

    (X)HTML is the markup language all webpages use. You can do client-sided scripting through JavaScript, Flash, and Java, while you can do server-sided scripting from things like PHP, CGI, ASP, Perl, Python, etc.


    Which one of these files do you manually implement into your files?

  5. Wow thanks for all the replys guys. I have know learned html, or most of it. you can visit my site here.


    Now my next question is what languages do you actually write on your site ad what languages do you generally have the scripts installed (to give me a good understanding of which languges I should be concentrating on moving on to)?


    Thanks for the links and your advice,



  6. Well probably some civil workers, but keep in mind that is only 700 hundred miles of a border that is s several thousand miles long. ;)


    It would be a lot better on our economy if they would just learn English and then move to America legaly, so I say we put English schools in Mexico.


    P.S. Did you heat the part about Mexico's immigration laws, thats ironic.

  7. Wow your a genius, I didn't only post that already. :D


    I think that is is sort of a malfunction, though I wouldn't call it just that. I bet the brain is doing it for our own good, as it does with many things. For example when you have a bad experience it is implemented in your brain, then the next time something happens of a simliar status your brain tries to give you a felling of what could happen so you would be prepared, or able to prevent the situation from fully occurring again.

  8. No competitions, there just not a good idea period. If you want some extra helions you can always go to the customer service section and try to help someone. This is (I think) the point of Helions.

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