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Posts posted by AverageJoe

  1. Finally a person with sense! I've never been able to believe the fundys who took the bible serious. Well it wasn't until a few months ago that it was the fundys who had the religion. You see they take the bible as though it were our constitution and written law for the world. Now I think this is extremely ignorant, if not retarded, to do. Two months or so ago I unrealized that the people that only follow the bible, or what ever there fav book is, literally that are actually part of that religion. So you see, if you don't believe the bible word for word then you are not Cristian, you are the cult of a religion that you have come up with. You see I can follow science word for word and get a fairly correct answer for anything I do.

    If you look close enough science will explain everything, unless of course you don't have enough info. Science is not physic.

  2. Don't spam on the debate forum.

    you offend me! D:

    I offend you, do you know how many times I'm offended by Christians everyday, just because I don;t believe in a fairytale.

    Have you watched the video I posted a link to, or did you just simply post here to get helions? Do you believe in the bible? If you are going to post, at least make it something that I can really reply to.


  3. Hmm...

    I think God is real.


    That was real informative!

    So you do you believe in the fictional sacred text of Christianity to?

    Or do you think that heaven is a never ending land of ice cream and extremely hot babes?

    If your Christian its obvious that you believe you will worship for for eternity, since that is what your fictional sacred text says.

    and for all of you Christians out there WHY ARE YOU ON THE COMPUTER? Stop sinning, it clearly says in the bible itself that though shall live the simplest of lives and though shalt not have idles. So if you have been on the computer more than you have been with god you, as they say in my town, are going to rot in hell were the devil will? make you listen to michael jakson! :(

  4. Want to know the best place to meet friends............The mall. Why don't you people just go out and make some friends that you can actually interact with in real life? It's good for ya.


    PS mystic water why does all of your posts end in -_- ? -_-

  5. O, that is probably the case, but he did reset all of hos cookies and everything, so what do you think the problem could be?


    And Richard make sure to inform us when you are able to get back on the forum.


    EDIT: now this is happining to me, I'm using a proxy now, Teh speeds a re horrible


  6. O.K. you should not spam just to get a hosting package, thats cheating heliohost out for being so generous. Now if you NEED an extra buck and quick you could always comment on one of my millions of pictures in the comedy forum. But you should help out noobs with their problems, since that is the point of the helions, and if you don't then thy will become obsolete and you will have screwed yourself over. Now do not, DO NOT Spam in the debate forum, info forum or help forum. Though I just prefer that you don't spam at all. Now in the comedy section though its all fair game as long as you contribute every now-and-again. :D




  7. It doesn't matter what you say, as djbob posted earlier.

    I do hope you give a positive note though, other wise you should leave heliohost and helions would do you no good, ;)

  8. Hello! Marlon. I'm a writer in college and I have plans for a website, but they're secret. I'm poor and a student, so I'm paying for webhosting for my site like this, with words. Okay.


    Nice to meet you all!


    Thats cool, but you should look into the ad hosting package, that way you can save up for a domain name. :D

    Anyways congratulations on finding Helionet! I hope you enjoy it.




  9. Well the main basis for the Christians is its not the Christian thing to do. Well in that case we need to discriminate against the Jews, Muslims, etc. because thats not the Christian thing to do. I personally think that all Christians that have beliefs such as that are mentally retarded. :D


    P.S. I have heard that gay might be a gene, what do you think about this?

  10. Probably the new unless you request otherwise which I see no point to.


    EDIT: Hey I have just looked around the cpanel, and I noticed that fantastico was gone, and the library scripts was deprived of many of its older contents. Is this permanent? :(

  11. Yes you can see what some popular Christian beliefs are at my website here


    George Bush would have never been elected if it weren't for the Christians. And don't you find it ironic that many polls are held at churches. We need to put an end to the juvenile belief that we will be put in time out for eternity, if we don't worship a god. So we need to take out all the religius politics(including Bush) that think global warming is a lie, and that all that matters is their religion. We need to replace them with people who use logic and sense to make choices that will best benefit our nations present and future.

  12. So do you believe in a god? I think it's retarded when people say they believe in god becuase they fell him. n that case I can say that I fell Harry Potter and that he is real.


    What do you think about the bible, I know that I mentioned it before but I would like to bring it back up again. It is proven that the bible was written by a bunch of greedy politicians and not god. Some church scholars even say that half of the so-called writters never existed. So how is it any different from believing in a Harry potter book?

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