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Posts posted by AverageJoe

  1. OMG I hate those type of hypocritical statements. It's like the people who are scared to fly, and scared of sharks. For your info you have a better chance of dying while driving to get a joint, getting bit, or crashing in an airplane.

  2. Where in the world did you get the fact that 80% of Americans are Christians. And how many of them are your type of Christianity/catholic. I for sure don't want some davidian to be the leader of my country. Anyways if a Christian becomes a leader he can't do anything to change the nation in the favor of Christians, as he would be sued, shawned and charged. This is why presidents are careful to do so much for the Christians. O and a random fact: George W. Bush was elected president mainly by the Christians who voted for him, now many churches pray for him as they disapprove of him. Thats what happens when you vote based on religion.

  3. To have credit cards would be simply............well, retarded. As djbob said they are used to take money straight from the bank, this way you don't have to use the withdrawal feature. Usually the withdrawal feature charges you interest in order to make a withdrawal, and the credit card bypasses the interest part. Luckily for you though djbob decided not to implement a fee for withdrawing from the bank, thus making the credit cards obsolete. So if you don't shut up and stop whining he just might add the credit cards and the withdrawal fee that goes along with it. Then you will have to figure out how to get your hands on a credit card. So my advice to you is to just leave the subject alone as it benefits you and me.

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