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Posts posted by AverageJoe

  1. No way, from what it looks like only large corporations would be able to get the fast lane. EX Walmart, Target, Bestbuy, Microsoft, Adobe. Those large corporations that depend on the internet a lot would pay massive amounts of money to get in the "fast lane." They would probably pay more that helionet/host makes in a year. LOL Thats the point of the "fast lane" to try and monopolize the internet. I already saw that video before and wrote a letter to my rep. He gave me some automatic response that he is probably required to give when I right a letter asking that question.

  2. Who has halflife two and steam? It's a great game. I love the mod, sourceforts, for it. I can play that mod all day, it's better than some games out their. The mods free too. But the game has really good graphics and is really fun as well.

  3. I would like to see the open source market open up, but I do worry about a few things. Payed software distributors have many spin offs due to constant development, this would really slow if open source became really big. Microsoft probably puts more money into development than the whole linux team gets in salary, combined. Second, one of the greatest things about linux is the security. No one trys to hack it because they know however has it isn't some tard about computers and will keep his [bleeped!] straight, or doesn't have any money to offer. And theres no point in putting the effort into hacking it since there aren't that many users. Well if linux became more popular, that would all change.


    But it would help linux expand with more program capatibility if it became more popular.


    could go both ways.

  4. Nice one you hit it on the money rich.


    The gamma rays would mess up a few genes in your cells, but the problem with this is that it wouldn't change all the genes. If it messed up a gene that became a sperm cell and was then used to reproduce, then it would have that defect, or maybe adaptation, in every cell, since they would all have the same genetic make up. And even that is highly unlikely, but it can still happen, I mean theres only a few billion people in this world. lol


    As to the original reply, Earth would become a neutral zone, museum if you will. If we colonize other worlds, it will either be because there is to little population, from pollution, war etc, or because there is to much. Either way we would go to other worlds because we don't want to start wars with other country's to gain land. So we would probably have made peace on Earth. The cities would be so built up that a war would devastate every nation into a poverty. Well Earth would have to be a strictly political and commercial place. No army or CIA would be located on Earth just to avoid conflict. Everyone would be free to roam as Earths security would be as one, since there would be no conflict between nations on Earth.

    It's like the fort at jamestown (the brits first base on fort for a colonization on America)

    That fort now is of no use to america, and though it was used by our enemy, we still keep it for the history. It is nothing compared to the vast nation that is now america.

    That is how it would be, except with nations and planets, not america and jamestown.

  5. What if Osama bin laden turns to christ then? then he gets to go to heaven but someone that has donated billions of dollars to charities, and helped out millions goes to hell? uuuuuuu I don't think so.

    There will be no rapture, I will just go into outer space. Anyways I kind of like this idea of someone in great power being the "anti-christ." Maybe someone will rise to power that doesn't want to go to war because "god told him to" and will look past all this stupidity and put help end Christianity as it's getting really annoying. So I say that it will be a really good movie based on a fable. Can't wait to see it. I hope I don't make your god of computers unhappy for doing making this post.




  6. All you do to put php in a page is name it page.php

    then put the php in the html document


    switch (rand(1 4)) {
    case 1;
    echo"we strive to help you!";
    case 2;
    echo "Please check out our hosting forum.";
    case 4;
    echo"We are now taking aplications.";

    I think that is right for the most part.




  7. I noticed some more downtime lately as well, that or your server was just extremely slow.

    Are you still doing upgrades or what?

  8. LOL guess your about to meet me!


    Who made a rock?

    who made rain?

    who made chicken?(not the food)

    who made iron?

    who made gold?

    Not a man we shaped it

    not a man we made it a drink

    not a man we made it a food

    not a man we made it a weapon

    not a man we made it jewelry

    So yes people can make stuff. But we haven't made most diamonds, a natural cause made them. Just like the universe, the big bang made it.

  9. Did you not understand anything?

    "if this planer turns out like we hope"~

    Ummm........It's a planet, it's solid, it's at an earthlike size as in it is approximately. More than likely Mars will be the more inhabitable planet. The other one is two far away, probably has no water, no atmosphere, basically a bigger version of our cold, desolate moon.

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