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Posts posted by AverageJoe

  1. I know, it violates our rights. I sent a letter to my congressman asking why I was monitored for downloading a song, and the (auto)reply, said they did it in our interest, because of threats from terrorism. I don't see how Crank That, is a threat to our country. I'm sure if I hosted something labeled "big terrorist plan" they wouldn't find it in a million years.




  2. Well I am taking honors biology right now, and the amount of chemistry in it is quite fascinating. It explains the process of osmosis, simply as water being able to fit through the chemicals. The entire body operates of chemical reactions an transportation. When you think about it, it's really quite cool.

  3. Yah, I know. That's why he's getting banned next time. I was lax because his grammar in the second post wasn't all too horrible.


    Seeing how it was composed of barely 2 complete thoughts, I would hope that his two, incompetent questions, at least consisted of some sort of grammatical correctness. :)

  4. Sorry about that kyougi, i really meant associates. I person who I work with is doing it right now, and is about to go off to college for astronomy or physics(he can't decide). You just get your associates degree in the general field in which you want to major in.




  5. Wow that was very stupid.


    Anyways, I'm trying to find a new phone, but I think the Iphone might be a bit better than this Ipaq. Pocket pc's are pretty cool though. I just think the Iphone is better.




  6. I think you guys are looking in all the wrong places. The question happens to be, "can we all live together as one united earth?" but I don't think that is the question you guys should be asking. I think something more appropriate would be, do we want to live together, as one united whole?


    I heard one person comment that we should give a x amount of money every square mile, so we don't have to worry about people being poor, or getting less. But the problem with this is that, the person who works 50 hours a week, at a hard, laborious job, isn't going to be happy when the hobo, that picks up a few plastic bags, gets the same perks.


    As for us all being one country, I find that it would actually be quite a bad thing. I'm not sure that we should put the power of the entire world into one govt. No matter what, we will never have a perfect world.


    Another important factor to include, is that a unified world would not be culturally diverse. Many people in different countries have different customs, and laws, which we do not. The problem would be that most people would not get the govt. they wanted anyways.


    I think that the U.N. is a descent step to becoming a more, peaceful world, but I do not find a unified world at all appealing.



  7. I know a popular thing to do in America, is to go to a community college to get your bach. degree, then transfer to a Big university. This save loads of money, and it doesn't really matter where you get your bachelors degree, but where you get your higher level degrees, such as your masters. Thats what employers look at.


    I think I want to just go straight to a big university though.




  8. It's not that your paying a fortune to get the stuff, it's to get it set up. As awsomegamer said, if you dyi, it's a lot cheaper. A lot of the money simply goes into the programing of the server, you could always right your own programs, it just takes longer. Your more or less paying for the convenience. I think that the internet has just become a lot more "high-level." I mean that you don't have to bother as much with petty stuff, as you did back in the day. This is true for everything, even in programming. In programming you don't have to worry about non-trivial problems, if you simply buy the software to do it for you. But if you look hard enough, theres usually an OS alternative.



  9. I use blender. It's a free 3d graphics program. I can't afford the real stuff :)

    Also xara, PS, and gimp aren't quite what you would use for 3d graphics. Though you could use PS or gimp to make good looking textures to apply to the surfaces I guess.

    It's funny how you look at games after you've made your first 3d one. I used to see objects, but now all I see is a bunch of polygons :)


    fyi all 3d computer graphics are simply a lot of polygons, such as triangles, put together.


    Hopefully someday I will be able to get autodesk maya complete, but that probably won't be until after I turn 18.





    x = infinity;


    while(1){while(1){while(1){while(1){while(1){while(1){while(1){while(1){while(1){while(1){while(1){while(1){while(1){for(;;){x = x^(x^(x^(x^(x^(x^(x^(x^(x^(x^(x^(x^x)))))))))))};};};};};};};};};};};};};

    while(1){while(1){while(1){while(1){while(1){while(1){while(1){while(1){while(1){while(1){while(1){while(1){while(1){for(;;){x = x^(x^(x^(x^(x^(x^(x^(x^(x^(x^(x^(x^x)))))))))))};};};};};};};};};};};};};

    while(1){while(1){while(1){while(1){while(1){while(1){while(1){while(1){while(1){while(1){while(1){while(1){while(1){for(;;){x = x^(x^(x^(x^(x^(x^(x^(x^(x^(x^(x^(x^x)))))))))))};};};};};};};};};};};};};

    while(1){while(1){while(1){while(1){while(1){while(1){while(1){while(1){while(1){while(1){while(1){while(1){while(1){for(;;){x = x^(x^(x^(x^(x^(x^(x^(x^(x^(x^(x^(x^x)))))))))))};};};};};};};};};};};};};


    how about that!


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