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Posts posted by AverageJoe

  1. I am not closed minded, as I believed in god for many years(the christian one) I've even read the quaran and studied quite a bit of budism such as the four noble truths and the eight fold path. I really wanted to believe that when I die that I get to go someplace better. Now I do not as I learned more about the religions and their beliefs. Such as Christianity's thought of heaven being a place where you worship god 100% of the time. Buddism that you stay on the Earth until you no longer have any wants, then you die. Or hinduism, that you just stay here forever. I found all of those ideas quite idiotic.

  2. K guys, if the Earth were to get polluted we would probably move to Mars. It's probably more suitable for us to live in. I know that those pictures were really souped up and make it look like the planet has water and an atmosphere, but the truth is we can't see the planet at all. How do we know it's there you may ask. Well we can tell by the wobbling of the star that orbits it that there is an object that around the size of the Earth, and is far enough away from the star to be able to sustain water in the liquid state. In this case, Mars fits in the same category, it's Earth sized, far enough from the sun to be able to sustain water in the liquid state as well. It just doesn't have the atmosphere to keep the heat. Thats why I mentioned terraforming. Thats where we go to mars and make an atmosphere. And from there the rest should come quite easily!




  3. It's on the front page of cpanel, just go to back ups and then generate full back up.

    Then the next time you make one just overwrite the old one so that you don't have to worry about it taking up to much memory.


    Hope that helps.

  4. Who was tymothy mcvay?

    Did that really happen?


    But the death penalty has been somewhat retarded since the beginning. The first lady sentenced to the gallows had to have a umbrella to shade herself from the hot sun, as well as a lot of water as she was getting tired. LOL

  5. Both of the van wilder movies rocked. I really like the scene where the dude who they got to drink the exlaps(the stuff that gives you diary) had to [bleeped!] in the trash can right in front of all of his professors. lol

  6. I think since I uploaded the page as .htaccess it overwrote the old one. Can you send me the default so I can upload it, as it won't let me access the .htaccess file for some reason. I really want to get my site back up, and keep the members that I do have happy.

    Thanks for your time effort in this, djbob,



  7. NO you don't I wish that you guys would just shut up with the whole credit card thing because it will not help us, it will really screw us over. Thats like going to buy something and saying, "Can you please ad some taxes on to this as I want to get screwed over."

    Now if djbob wants to do it I don't mind, but it will not help any of you. So just stop asking about it.

  8. Got it now

    k heres one

    A man will be condemned to his death for eating from the tree of fruity lolypops. He gets one last statement before he dies, and this statement will determine how he dies. If the statement is true, he is wil be hanged, if the statement is false he will be drowned.

    What does he say to confuse the jury and delay his imminent death?

  9. How do you guys know that we have a soul? You probably literally think that we should think with our hearts instead of our heads to? fyi your heart can't think, it's a figure of speech that means something more like think with your more emotional side(which is also a figure of speech, but I don't fell like getting into the chemistry of the brain). We have a mind that wants us to continue on for as long as possible, so yes eternally sounds quite nice to us.

    djbob has already stated(I think) that he has blind faith. Blind faith is the sole reason religion will never completely go away. That and apathy will continue the idiotic beliefs in religion. You can tell how it is carrying it right now, as the atheist population is greatly increasing. People will always be able to deny indisputable evidence against it. For example we get a time machine, travel back in time and prove religion wrong, they will say it's not real and it was just an allusion. Thats what they're saying about evolution right now. It will just never end. :(

  10. I tried adding a .htaccess file to redirect my old domain to your new name and now my website is giving a 500 error and I cannot delete my .htaccess file.

    Can you reload my .htaccess file, or delete?





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