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Posts posted by AverageJoe

  1. Yes, but is it that he knows what we will all do, or has he kind of "pre-determined" what we will do?

    I believe that everything will happen in an eternal universe with infinite time. except things that toy with eternity (god) lol

    but really please inform me on your opinion on this matter. I will keep my replys to a minimum of critisism, as I do wish to hear your opinions.

  2. Well If your really good, as good as I wish to be someday. lol

    You can make your own OS. It would be really crappy [no offense], but you probably wouldn't be able to make all the programs gui's as it would take to much time. It would take a while though cuase you have to remember you would have to create a browser, drives, etc. and well you wouldn't be able to make all of them have a nice little settings program dressed up in a gui as before, you would have to manually change the settings. I think that would be the best if you know what you are doing.

    As to the new gen. I don't mind it, I just don't like the crap sites that are like black and red. You really have to do something special for a site with a real dark plain background to look nice to me. I like it to have many divs and to be bright.

  3. Well I don't mind "non-religious" Christians. But I do hate it when christians "radicals" make claims such as global warming being stupid, that it is simply a conspiracy, and that even if it is true it wouldn't matter because the all mighty is going to come and destroy the Earth and slaughter most of mankind anyways.

    But I would like to ask you christians some questions.[i will try not to bash your answers, this is out of pure curiosity].

    Pleas tell me if I have any info on this mixed up as I'm not a christian, and do not debate about it.

    Are you pre-destination or whatever the other one is called. djbob will probably know.

    I learned all this from a 18 christian who I hung out with in church. So i'm not sure on it's varasity.

    I know very little of it, but from my childhood what I remember of it was that pre-destination was that god has pre-determined the christians in the universe. EX:

    Person A WILL become a christian

    Person B WILL NOT become a christian.

    and the other one is the opposite of it.

    Hopefully djbob will help me better understand this common debate amongst christians.

    If any of you guys know of it please inform me.






  4. Dude that sucks, but i must ask, where are you getting the money to buy three computers? I think by now you would have invested into one of those atd home security signs to put in your front yard lol. but if i where you i would hide that [bleeped!] good, and then get a friend to check on your house and try to catch those bastards in the act.


    Good luck,




  5. This is my first program, just wanted to see what you guys think.

    Its in python, which i will recomend as a great language to learn in.

    import string
    letters = string.ascii_lowercase + string.ascii_uppercase + string.punctuation
    word = (raw_input("what word would you like to encode ?"))
    encoded = ''
    for letter in word:
        if letter == ' ':
            encoded = encoded + ' '
            x = letters.index(letter) + 5
            encoded = encoded + letters[x]
    print encoded

    if you can't tell what it does, it cyphers text.

    Ex. the above would be

    Dtz hfs,y yjqq Bmfy ny itjx; ny hDumjwx yjCy=

    all you have to do to decypher it is change the + 5 to -5 lol

    it's simple, but i think its cool.

  6. LOL, first off I do not usually voice my dislike of the belief in some all powerful dude to people in my school. I do however let them know that I am an atheist, or really agnostic. I have recently come to the conclusion that everyone is right in every single aspect of their entire religion unless that they touch on the basis of it relating to infinity. Their is an infinite amount of time in this world, so their are infinite possibilities. The fact that god has been here for infinity is the reason I must greatly discredit it. Now to my fundy counter-bashing. I usually go off on people on the net because so many people that live in my area bash on me being atheist, so I just return the favor lol. It's not that I'm not a kind person, many people think that I am a great kid, just the people who are prejudice to atheists are the ones who I don't sit well with. And I find it fun. Go to www.isohunt.com and bring up god there and see what they say to you.

    I truly do not mean to offend you in any way, but if I do O well. lol srry

    Now to my counter argument

    Why did god put these tests here for us. Why would he make a universe that it is possible to sin in. He pretty much put an apple on the table and said if you eat it you will be [bleeped!] for eternity, f#$% you.

    All I'm saying is that I don't get when they say "think god for saving me" when it was god who nearly got them killed in the first place. Thats like me shooting you, the fixing your wound, and you be like thinks for fixing my wound and saving my life. Would you say that then? Or would you be pissed that I shot you in the first place. [sarcasm, not literal, I would never shoot anyone, unless they harmed someone]


    You say it was a created by a bunch of politicians and that it is a fairytale.


    What I would like to say is this:


    1. That the original copy of the bible still exists.

    2. 70% of the Bible happened

    3. It was written by God through people

    4. The Bible predicted things that happened maybe like 2 years ago. It didn't predict things that just happened in 100 A.D. It still says what will happen after 2007.


    WOW you affectively said nothing to disprove my argument lol.

    The bible was wrote in the 400th century, so it's just so amazing that it predicted what would happen in the 100th century. That was the point of my "bible."

    EDIT: I would also like to add, my bible was 100% percent correct. And the "bible" is 30% a lie. LOL I know thats a bit of a hyperbole.


    Now does your bible predict

    Here you make up your own version. What I would like to ask you is this, what will happen at the end of the world? What will happen tomorrow? What will happen in 2008??? You talked about things that have already happened.


    Also you mention us evolving from apes. What I would like to say is this, why aren't the apes today like us??? What happened. Why did the apes stop evolving??? Or if the apes have already evolved why are their apes that are still here? If apes evolved already into us why are there more of them left over?

    Their are apes like us today, actually 99% like us, their the apes you see. They are genetically 99% a like us. Why can't we see many variations? We can, we have Asians, Africans, Indians, etc. We are in the same sub species so we can have fertile offspring. Why don't we look like apes? We do have some similar features, but at some point of time our genetic make up became different enough that we could no longer have fertile offspring, and soon after offspring at all.

    EX. Horse and Donkey can have unfertile offspring

    Why didn't all apes evolve at the same exact time? They did, just in different directions. We also have different sub-species of apes as well.


    And what I would like to say about people offending you everyday. They probably do that because you immediately jump upon them like you did to every person defending God in this forum.


    So, stop abusing/criticizing every person that defends god, or even posts something in this forum.


    answered in preamble

    P.S. I would like to apologize if I repeated any ideas twice or three times, or if some of my grammar was wrong or incorrect. I was in a rush and didn't have time to reread what I wrote.

    Same here. But you should check out a spell checker add-on for FF, I just got it and it works great for when your in a rush to just get some good spelling down.


    Try giving your argument to these guys http://isohunt.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=5...&highlight=

    They will bash you so badly, and you think I'm bad, these are the guys that I learned from.

  7. The only way that the planet would be made would be through a particle accellerater... oh well lets just give it up and become like the lizards.

    Where do you people come up with these remarks? They are totally out of whack. a planet wouldn't be made out of a particle 'accelerator,' like we wouldn't make an apple by clumping atoms together to for the cells. We would simply impose the settings in which it would naturally occur. It's like cloning, we don't "make" the cell, we just force the cell to make one for us. We make the setting just so, so that nature runs it's course and does it for us.

    Any ways, we do not know of any 'habitable' planet in the universe other than ours. We think that their may be ones close, but we are not sure. But who is to say what is habitable and what is not, we have found plants that don't use the sun for energy, and animals in some of the most inhabitable areas in the entire world. We are quite ignorant when it comes to the universe, though I would really like to find life on another planet.


    P.S. How does a particle accelerator have anything to do with the formation of a planet?

  8. WHAT THE HELL. you really need to learn your science. lol next thing you say is going to be 2 + 2 = 2154adef254f5

    First off there is a highly improbable chance that their is life on that planet. The planet is just the only other planet, outside of our solar system, that we have found to be about the size of the Earth, and approximately the same distance for the the star as the gas planet judging by it's size and density.

    Second, solar systems do not turn into black wholes, stars do. If a star is really large it goes through many phases( i don't feel like going through them all) and in the end it's own gravitational full is so great that it breaks the repelling of the atoms, and condenses infinitely. To learn more use google.



  9. I wish that I had a clue of about a third of what you just typed. Did you just bang your fingers randomly on the keyboard and then click post? Anyways the big "bang" theory is very plausible. They have done a plethora of research dealing with it, and have found some quite remarkable finds. I do however think that they still have a long ways to go. But in time I do think something similar to the big bang will be proven to be the cause of the universe.

    With infinite amount of time, comes infinite amount of possibilities. So therefore everyone at one time or another was right lol.

  10. what are you all, tards?

    You may be right that we don't know the EXACT size of the galxy, but considering it's size we have a fairly close answer.

    How do we know, I'm not completely sure(I don't know that much about astronomy), but don't say that we don't just because you don't think we do. But from what I get out of it we use the shift of light and angles from stars that are in the galaxy to determine it.



  11. Yes, but Americans are idiots (well they just WANT to be ignorant, or lack knowledge). My mom has told me "America will probably do fine, thats just political mumbo jumbo. As soon as the wars over......."

    Truth is she just thinks that someone in the govt. will work it all out. Thing is, the people in the govt. are who got us in this situation. Many people in my country act like my mom about this subject, they think that America will be on top forever.

    If you really think about it, thats highly unlikely as no country has been able to reign on top for the majority of our history. They all eventually crumble to peaces. This makes me wonder how long Earth itself can last, are we like the nations, following an inevitable path to self elimination?




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