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Posts posted by AverageJoe

  1. You all need to stop confusing science and religion. There is no logic in religion; therefore, your arguments are all useless. Religion is blind faith - you cannot "logically" prove or disprove the existence of God by definition. Get your theology straight.

    If your choice is blind faith, then that is totally ok. I support that, I just hate when people feel that christianity is some sort of "proven" thing, and that the bible is completely flawless. ;)

  2. The Flat Earth Society people actually don't believe that the earth is flat. They just like making people sign up to argue with them, partly because its fun and partly to make people think about why so many accept science at face value instead of exploring it for ourselves. I can't prove that the earth is round, but I believe it anyway because that's what scientists tell me, and I consider them an authority. In a way, it'd be no different than believing that the earth is flat because a priest told me... its meant to be social commentary, not science. :ph34r:


    A: They truthfully believe that the earth is flat. They do not like flaming, or even "heated debates" on the subject.

    B: I don't believe the Earth is round because scientist tell me. I use common sense. A flat Earth just wouldn't explain seasons, climates, star/planet patterns, and global weather. It was pretty obvious before Christopher Columbus, as well as before NASA. It was just looked down upon because priests and religious figures demoted the idea. So if we believed the Earth is round because scientists told us so, we would have believed it when the first people, who thought logically on the subject, suggested it to us.




  3. I'm sure there is some way in the new license that binds you with them, if you make a game that actually sells. But the reality is that you're not going make a game that sells on the market, nor makes any sort of money because:

    A: If your using the maker, your probably not good at game-dev in the first place.

    B: The games are not very customizable.

    C: You can't make "High quality" games as it will take too much memory, because you can't customarily allocate memory as needed.



  4. Get micorosoft visual c++ studio while you can and make a game with that.


    If your not that good with programing, just try and make a simple mod for a game you enjoy.

    Game maker's just not my thing. It's like being proud of dictating to an artist the theme of the picture should be. You didn't really make the picture, you just had a picture you wanted, made.




  5. The Christian god is a jealous god, apparently.

    Absolutely, he gets upset if you are on the computer more than you pray to him. You then (in his eyes) worship the computer rather than him. I respect those who have faith in a god, and leave it at that, but many where I live take it to the extreme. The churches donate money to "charities" (which they own), then take gratuity charges free of tax. Christianity is a big scam. I hate that religion for that reason, though I support many other religions, and those who are open minded.

  6. I have to say, you make a good point. Worshiping god for all eternity doesn't sound like the greatest thing in the world. But it's like a game of telephone, the way religions change over the years. You can't really be sure what it would be like.

    If that is how you fell, then you really shouldn't believe in christianity. I think christianity is the stupidest thing in the world, but stupid people are people to. What I am saying, if you think that something like the entire point of the religion (going to heaven) has changed, then what do you know hasn't. I will just advise you to use common sense in your choice making. If you get a fuzzy feeling and decide to go to myth....erm religion, at least make sure that you believe something that you think is credible.

    I really do hope that we live in someother scale of conscience, or maybe even woken up one day, and hopefully by the time we have that kind of technology we would be able to rebuild our rotten bodies. But that is, to me, as unlikely as religion. It's more of a desire than a belief.

  7. An afterlife would be nice, though I think it's highly unlikely. I do like the muslim approach, however, with their ability do have great [bleeped!] once their bodies rot. The christian one, seems awfully lame to me. No eating, no sleeping, no computers, no technology, no girlfriends, no football, no parties, no swimming, no bathing, no playing with firecrackers, no movies, no etc. In christian belief you mainly worship god in the afterlife, you have no body, and everyone is considered your sibling, even your mom, your son, your worst enemy. I'd rather light some firecrackers off in hell.


  8. LOL, my bad, O was in a rush and looked at your post real quick, I thought it was that I should be a beta tester. But sure, when I get my first game out I'll have to make an .exe and send it to you, unless you can compile the source code on your own.

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