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Quantum Media LLC

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Everything posted by Quantum Media LLC

  1. great site thanks for the post
  2. lol its not all that faster, i have webmail enabled so between clients checking their mail, people looking at the websites and my employees ftp'ing to update client sites its aboout the same as a regular cable spped
  3. Not to mention it's more secure. IE has one of the worst security histories in the software world. true, but i am personally use to ie, and doesnt it conflick with the windows OS
  4. No, only banner ads. But why would you want popup ads? IMO, popup ads are far more annoying. true, but, when i posted this i wasnt aware of the helions and ad free hosting and such so now i ask myself why get the free ad based hosting lol
  5. make sure that all your internet files (to be seen by web veiwers) are in the www folder under the public file. i am pretty sure that this is an appache based server
  6. cool thanks for the help, maybe dj... might know lol
  7. well, i have the equivelant of a t-1 but run 2 small servers for small client websites but, as al;ready asked, who wouldnt want a hs connection
  8. If you had RC1 when free sign ups were open (about 1 1/2 to 2 months ago) you could get a free copy of RC1 (Build 5600) that lasts until May 31, 2007. If you didn't, sorry, you'll have to wait until January. cool thanks for the info
  9. thank you i saw that, now i am wondering, when does the button reset each day?
  10. i found that out, but i was refering to the plan to where i dont have to post and have ads on my site which it now works but thank you
  11. I thought that it was a great joke
  12. HOLY S**T i would be so mad when i got home to my wife to see a new car, her in this coat and everything packed up ready to move
  13. AMEN BROTHER lol this has happened to me on many occasions
  14. ummmm ok well here is an icebreaker.... Hi, I lost my phone number, can I have yours. and if i cant i also lost my address, so can i come home with you??? CORNY i know lol
  15. AHHHH hahahaha that was great, but not something i would share on an airplane. ohhh btw there was a plane crash at my grandmothers apt. complex here in bucyrus ohio.... you can check it out on my website, i have a video clip and some info www.kdoghomefry.com
  16. NOW this post made me laugh lol...great come back
  17. very cute bravo something that sounds like i would write my parents lol
  18. well, ie7 is just like firefox, down to the tabbed browsing. you can even install plugins that would further make it seem a lot like firefox
  19. sounds like a good idea, and easy to track
  20. I have just recently gotten back into the swing of listening to other types of music besides country....my latest endevor would be the all american rejects right on with kelly clarkson!!!!
  21. good movie I agree great graphics. i love the little hammerhead guy
  22. does anyone happen to have screenshots of this cpanel skin?
  23. Hi, I know that I am fairly new, but i would like to propose a bill to nominate myself as a moderator for the forums. I am not too sure of your proceedures for doing so. So, I guess that if you have any questions on why I would want/should be a moderator, you can post them here.
  24. hey wouldlove to be a moderator....thats one thing i hate and thats spamming. (I take great care to make sure i dont get spam on my personal servers)
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