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Everything posted by thakurs

  1. How much time you take to solve it
  2. There are 2 wordpress websites running on hosting . may be they are causing server load
  3. i found a solution for that this time i'm going to remove some of my addon domains. i think they are causing high server load.
  4. username : thakurs server: tommy domain: quizguru.tk
  5. Username : thakurs Server : tommy Domain : quizguru.tk
  6. i'm also having another issue (.jsp) files are not working by directly puting them on my (public_html) folder.
  7. Thnks alot now Solved
  8. Problem in Login into (Tommy Server) : thakurs Server : tommy Login Page is Showing Messages like = invalid Cookie IP address has been Changed The connection timed out. Please try again. i think these errors are occurring due to immediately cookie Expiration named (horde,PPA_id,SQMSSID,horde_secret_key,roundcube_sessid).
  9. i'm having the same issue as others. please fix it as soon as possible
  10. My account being flagged as inactive please active it again Username : thakurs Email : thakursboyamit@hotmail.com Server:tommy
  11. thakurs tommy quizguru.tk
  12. i included all the files(.XML) in war file. but it is Still showing the same error
  13. i want to give the path of files which are using in servlet but it is giving me error (java.lang.NullPointerException) bcoz of invalid path plz help me out with the path Here is MyCode := public static Document getDOM(String test) throws SAXException,ParserConfigurationException,IOException, URISyntaxException{ Document dom=null; File quizFile=null; quizFile=new File("/home/thakurs/public_html/"+test+"-quiz-1.xml"); System.out.println("Quiz File Absolute Path "+quizFile.getAbsolutePath());
  14. it is showing this message from around 20 days : Java deployment pending. Refresh the page to check the status.
  15. Plz Deploy my Servlet id : thakurs File name : MyHelioServlet Thx......
  16. i want Some Information Regarding ( Java Compiler & Apache Tomcat ) on Heliohost. Does Heliohost Server's Supports Java Compiler 1.7 , 1.8 & Apache Tomcat v8.0 , v8.5 .. ? Thx.....
  17. Please deploy the Java WAR file... Username: thakurs Filename: demo.war is it compulsory to request each time i upload a war file...... Thank you...
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