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Everything posted by Krydos

  1. Some people have problems receiving email from Heliohost to their Hotmail accounts. Personally, I created my account with a Hotmail account and still use it and I get all my emails, but enough people have reported problems that you can't even create accounts with @hotmail.com addresses anymore. Your problem probably lies with Hotmail being email nazis. Try sending it to another address and it probably will work.
  2. I know it doesn't really solve your problems of not being able to use the scripts to change your main domain, but you could use a parked domain to send anyone who tries to open theemonkey.com to your webpage in the root directory and anyone who accesses handmadebyerika.com (as long as you keep the nameservers pointed to heliohost and keep paying your registrar) would send them to the same page. You can read more about parked domains at http://wiki.helionet.org/wiki/Parked,_Add...#Parked_Domains If the issue is handmadebyerika.com is going away and you need a new main domain the above wouldn't solve your problem. @admins Btw, the page http://www.heliohost.org/home/support/scripts lists Domain Change as one of the options but it links to http://www.heliohost.org/home/support/scripts/status which just checks new accounts to see if they are done being created, doesn't it? @khallows Is this the script you have been trying? http://heliohost.org/scripts/domain.php If not it might be worth it to try it one more time.
  3. The account queued page is probably because your browser has it cached. As of the time of me posting this the queued problem on Stevie is cleared up, however when I tried loading your website http://accommodationyzerfontein.com/ I get the account suspended page. That means that you do still need attention from an admin to get your account running again. What cPanel are you trying to log into? Have you tried logging in to cPanel from the bottom of the heliohost homepage? You could also try using this tool http://www.heliohost.org/home/support/scripts/renew to see if you can renew your suspended account yourself.
  4. Wow, when Stevie doesn't have to muck around hosting all these fancy webpages with all this fancy php and stuff his bars sure look a lot nicer. Too bad not every site is just a single simple page of html. Oh wait, that would make the internet a terribly boring place. On a more serious note, I wonder if this graph does indicate anything? Perhaps processing php or accessing the disk or something is what is causing the problems? I would think that if it was a memory problem the graphs would look about the same whether he was hosting all queued pages or hosting the real websites. Of course if the problem was in the higher memory and he has such a simple job to do right now he doesn't even need to get into higher memory it still could be a memory issue. I don't really know. Troubleshooting would be a lot more fun without all the trouble, but then I guss it would just be shooting.
  5. No info should be required at this time. An admin that has ssh available needs to run a script to get Stevie back in line. If your account still shows queued after everyone else on Stevie starts to work again once the script is run then additional information might be required.
  6. Congratulations on 200! I should have baked a cake.
  7. [TV Announcer Voice] HelioHost. Now with triple the escalation power. Offer only valid at participating sites. Void where prohibited by law and offer has no cash value. [/End TV Announcer Voice]
  8. Try clearing your browser cache. The website www.iadagraca.com looks like a freshly installed wordpress site to me. On the other hand liag.iadagraca.com doesn't seem to load any webpage for me. Unless you meant that the addon domain wasn't working and the main domain was?
  9. I think since he said he was referring to option 3 above which is suspended page AND cannot log into cPanel. It certainly doesn't hurt for xroft to try to logging in again though.
  10. Did you read this sticky thread at the very top of the customer service forum first? Actually, as soon as I submitted that http://himipetzshop.co.cc/ finally loaded up for me and it seems to all be working. Try clearing your browser cache and the queued message should go away.
  11. Heliohost is a very nice host. Since you mention creating an account before I was wondering if you have tried using a different email address than you did the first time to sign up? Perhaps, even if your other account is deleted, there is some remnant left behind saying that an account already exists to that email address? (Edited to remove double post.)
  12. Read this then: http://hphosts.blogspot.com/2009/12/dottk-...s-you-wish.html To me it boils down to as long as the people hosting viruses, spyware, malicious code, phishing scams, and all that other junk -- as long as they are paying dot.tk their account will not be shut down. Doesn't sound like a website I care to browse let alone download anything from. If the people running the host knowingly let this kind of junk continue because they got a few bucks for it then they are just as guilty as the people who actually created the site or software.
  13. The account is actually raspored. The folder from his html root that has .aspx files in it is stranice. Which server are you on? Stevie or Johnny?
  14. The DNS looks like it is all set up right through godaddy, and the nameservers are set correctly. I cannot access phoenix-nest.net either though. It doesn't give me the queued page though, just a page not found. One thing I did notice on the whois was this though: I know other heliohost users from China have had issues before. Could this have something to do with it?
  15. This thread is called "Where are you from?" - that post does belong. I was wondering if HiMi was refering to his own post because he didn't state where he was from in it?
  16. If you don't like cPanel saving your passwords -- for instance if you log in from a shared computer -- it might be a good idea to disable cookies on your browser. It should prevent anyone who uses the computer after you from being able to log in. Also note the logout button in the top right corner of cPanel once you're logged in. If you remember to click this each time you're done editing your account settings it would help security too. Another issue is if hackers can find a username/password box it means that they can try to brute force your password. If you're worried about this you could use an addon domain whose root points to a subfolder of your main domain. Example: trojanz.heliohost.org is your main domain. Then setup mywebsite.co.cc as an addon domain to point to public_html/mywebsite. Then if people try to find http://mywebsite.co.cc/cpanel they can't even get at the password box like they could if you had mywebsite.co.cc pointed as your main domain and therefore pointed at your html root. The steps you can take to increase security are only limited by your paranoia and how much work you want to put into it.
  17. To eloborate, the cron script that controls new account creation on johnny got stuck, but has been restarted. According to http://www.heliohost.org/home/support/scripts/status the account "sparta" has most likely already been created at the time of my posting this. Unless you're having further issues there is no reason to wait for djbob.
  18. Personally, I prefer to have my username.heliohost.org as my main domain, and then use parked and addon domains. I agree that redirection is messy and having something forcibly tacked onto your title of each page is annoying. Just because your main domain is a .heliohost.org domain doesn't mean that anyone ever has to see it, and if there are problems accessing your website at any point it gives an extra level of troubleshooting. For instance if aynil.heliohost.org works, but aynil.co.cc doesn't work you can almost immediately know where the problem is.
  19. Looks like your website renr1tsu.heliohost.org is functioning now too.
  20. Yeah, it isn't loading for me either so it probably isn't an issue with your computer or dns at your location. Just have to wait for an administrator with more access to the server to take a closer look at this.
  21. If it were I experiencing this problem my first choice would be to upgrade the vBulletin software. If for some strange reason that wasn't really a possibility my next step might be to try something like this http://www.sitepoint.com/forums/php-34/ass...ted-634670.html I don't have access to your code, but I'm guessing those line numbers that are causing errors contain an '&' and according to the people in the thread I linked fixing that error might be as simple as removing that '&.' >>> As always, before making any changes to your code make sure you make a backup so that if it breaks everything you can revert to your current code. <<<
  22. One thing I noticed is on your queued page that is displayed when you try to load aynil.co.cc the link to the control panel sends you to johnny.heliohost.org:2082. So, if that is the link you are clicking when you try to log into your cpanel it would make sense that it says there is no user by that name in the database. The queued page should go away after 24 hours like it says, but try logging into cpanel from the http://www.heliohost.org/home homepage or from http://stevie.heliohost.org:2082 stevie cpanel.
  23. Php version is currently 5.3.3 Have you checked your forum software to make sure it is using the latest version? It is highly unlikely that Heliohost will ever downgrade their php version unless there is a major security hole in the latest version. Also, please make your best attempt to use proper grammar. We understand that your native language is not English, but you have already been asked multiple times to use the word "you" and "your" in place of your txt slang u and ur which aren't words.
  24. Sounds like everything is working again. Quite the mail adventure you had there. Glad to see everything worked out in the long run. I wonder what caused the problem to begin with though?
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