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Everything posted by Krydos

  1. Dedicated IPs are $12 per year.
  2. The way the list works is by looking at what modules have been installed by pip. Here's the code #!/bin/python print("Content-Type: text/html\n\n") import pip installed_packages = pip.get_installed_distributions() installed_packages_list = sorted(["<td>%s</td><td>%s</td>" % (i.key, i.version) for i in installed_packages]) print("Tommy /bin/python installed modules:<br><br>") print("<table><tr><th align='left'>Module</th><th align='left'>Version</th></tr>") print("</tr><tr>".join(installed_packages_list)) print("</tr></table>") That list won't include the python standard libraries which weren't installed with pip: https://docs.python.org/2/library/index.html
  3. There you go http://arcweb.ml/
  4. It's not a problem. Remote postgresql database access is disabled by default for security. Not everyone wants or needs their database accessible externally. Remote access enabled.
  5. I see your account is on Johnny. Since Johnny is our experimental server he can frequently experience high load. During periods of high load domain creation can sometimes get broken resulting in partially set up domains. If you let me know the addon domain you're referring to I can take a look.
  6. I installed bs4. The others listed were already available. http://krydos.heliohost.org/cgi-bin/modules27.py
  7. That probably means that your software requires more than four simultaneously open persistent connections. That is some spectacularly poorly written code you've got there. Can you access the source or is this all compiled binaries?
  8. You should now have access to edit the wiki. Let us know if you have any trouble making your changes.
  9. Since it's a wiki it is updated and maintained by our users. Let me know your wiki username and I'll grant you edit access so you can add the information that would have helped you. Python 3.6 on Tommy currently has ['bleach==2.0.0', 'click==6.7', 'cycler==0.10.0', 'decorator==4.0.11', 'django-debug-toolbar==1.8', 'django-jinja==2.3.1', 'django==1.10.5', 'entrypoints==0.2.3', 'flask==0.12.2', 'html5lib==0.999999999', 'ipykernel==4.6.1', 'ipython-genutils==0.2.0', 'ipython==6.1.0', 'ipywidgets==6.0.0', 'itsdangerous==0.24', 'jedi==0.10.2', 'jinja2==2.9.6', 'jsonschema==2.6.0', 'jupyter-client==5.0.1', 'jupyter-console==5.1.0', 'jupyter-core==4.3.0', 'jupyter==1.0.0', 'markupsafe==1.0', 'matplotlib==2.0.2', 'mistune==0.7.4', 'mysqlclient==1.3.10', 'nbconvert==5.2.1', 'nbformat==4.3.0', 'notebook==5.0.0', 'numpy==1.13.0', 'pandas==0.20.2', 'pandocfilters==1.4.1', 'pexpect==4.2.1', 'pickleshare==0.7.4', 'pip==9.0.1', 'postmarker==0.8.1', 'prompt-toolkit==1.0.14', 'ptyprocess==0.5.1', 'pygments==2.2.0', 'pyparsing==2.2.0', 'python-dateutil==2.6.0', 'pytz==2017.2', 'pyzmq==16.0.2', 'qtconsole==4.3.0', 'requests==2.13.0', 'scikit-learn==0.18.1', 'scipy==0.19.0', 'setuptools==28.8.0', 'simplegeneric==0.8.1', 'six==1.10.0', 'sqlparse==0.2.3', 'terminado==0.6', 'testpath==0.3.1', 'tornado==4.5.1', 'traitlets==4.3.2', 'wcwidth==0.1.7', 'webencodings==0.5.1', 'werkzeug==0.12.2', 'widgetsnbextension==2.0.0'] If you need something installed just state your username, server, python version, and the module you need. Nope, /bin/python is 2.7.5. If you need a specific version of python it can probably be installed. This might be more useful than my posted list of modules though as it will always be up to date: https://krydos.heliohost.org/cgi-bin/modules36.py
  10. With the leading / that will work as a cron job or on a shell prompt, but it won't work as a cgi script because you don't output any content type headers. With dedicated web scripting languages like php or jsp or asp.net they handle the headers for you, but on a language like python or perl or ruby you have to specify the headers yourself. Try this: #!/usr/bin/python3.6 print("Content-Type: text/html\n\n") print("Hello")
  11. The session hijacking protection should now only be looking at the first three octets, and the fourth octet can vary.
  12. Before it was set to log you out if your IP changed at all. So if you had 123.321.0.1 and then it changed to 123.321.0.2 you would get logged out. I changed it so close IPs don't log you out so when the last digit only changes by a few you should stay logged in.
  13. Deployed. http://escrit.heliohost.org/escrit_plataforma/
  14. A cron executes https://edge-gamers.heliohost.org/scripts/script-for-sourcebans.php every 5 minutes now.
  15. When you change your domain it breaks the java install. There you go http://van51.ml/test.jsp
  16. No, there is no output to the screen as the script is meant to be run from cron. You can add this line if you want it to print something to the screen: <?php $db_host = "localhost"; $db_user = "luigi123_sb"; $db_pass = "bestpasswordever"; $con = new mysqli($db_host, $db_user, $db_pass); if ($con->connect_error) die("Connection failed: ".$con->connect_error); $sql = "select * from information_schema.processlist"; $result = $con->query($sql); while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) { $command = $row['COMMAND']; if ($command == "Sleep") { $mysql_id = $row['ID']; $con->query("kill $mysql_id"); echo "Killed mysql process $mysql_id. "; // <---- This is the new line } }
  17. You may use cloudflare on any domain other than .heliohost.org domains, but in this case I doubt it will do much good. It's php files causing the problem not static content like cloudflare helps with. Since you have a forum are you sure you aren't being overrun with bots? Sometimes that is the cause of high load. Cloudflare can help with bots if you set up their protection though https://support.cloudflare.com/hc/en-us/articles/200171416-How-do-I-block-bots-and-crawlers- You can download your backup at https://tommy.heliohost.org:2083/frontend/paper_lantern/backup/index.html
  18. Did you change your main domain?
  19. Whatever you've changed in the last few days has resulted in your account spewing hundreds of zombie php processes which causes slow response time and downtime for all the other users on Tommy. Right now there is 0-4 zombie processes that haven't been reaped. When you account is unsuspended there are 140-180 of just your processes which haven't been reaped. You either need to move to a paid hosting such as http://partners.hostgator.com/c/391660/177309/3094 or figure out what is going on to cause these ridiculous levels of load.
  20. Your high load appears to be coming from /home/tonsalya/public_html/index.php
  21. Deployed. http://brassatom.heliohost.org/brass-db-one/
  22. In order to test the script I changed the password of luigi123_sb so you'll need to change it back to whatever it was before so your gameserver will be able to connect to the database.
  23. Does logging in from constantly cycling dynamic IPs work any better now?
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