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Chief Executive Officer
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Everything posted by Krydos

  1. Your subscription has been canceled and you won't be billed again. Thank you for using our VPS service.
  2. Set your MX record to johnny.heliohost.org and your domain should stay active.
  3. Do you have any antivirus or antimalware programs? They could be blocking access to Johnny, where your website is hosted, but not to Brody, where this forum is hosted. Some internet connections and routers also have malware blocking built in so they could be blocking you as well. Have you tried using a different internet connection?
  4. The module dydx-v4-client has been installed on Tommy's Python 3.12. You can see the current list of installed modules and their versions at https://krydos1.heliohost.org/pyinfo/info3.12.py
  5. Sure. If you provide unique email addresses for each account we can send out invites.
  6. Your VPS has been upgraded to 16 GB memory, 8 CPUs, and 300 GB storage. Let us know if you need help with anything else.
  7. Your subscription has been canceled and you won't be charged again. Thanks for using our VPS service.
  8. Everything looks good. Your upgrade should be completed later today. I'll reply to this forum post when it is done.
  9. Alright, your full backup has been created. Go ahead and use this page to upgrade to the hard drive space, CPUs, and memory you need https://heliohost.org/dashboard/upgrade/
  10. I'm creating a full backup now.
  11. Yeah, you can definitely use our servers to teach your class. Let us know how many accounts you need, and how long they will be used for.
  12. We can set up email for you too, if you use our nameservers. Since you use Cloudflare for DNS, and DKIM, SPF, and DMARC are all DNS records we have no access to your Cloudflare account to set that up for you. Basically all you have to do is use Hestia control panel and copy/paste the values they give you into Cloudflare. https://hestiacp.com/docs/user-guide/mail-domains.html
  13. I took a quick look at this last night, and it seems like it might end up being more complicated than expected. I'll look at it again in a couple days when I get home.
  14. Did you set up SPF, DKIM, and DMARC? Are you deleting them via webmail, pop3, or imap?
  15. The modules scikit-learn has been installed. Apparently pickle is preinstalled on Python so you don't have to request it, nor does it show up on the list of installed modules https://krydos1.heliohost.org/pyinfo/info3.12.py
  16. Use this page to securely submit a password for your new SFTP account https://heliohost.org/password/ The username will be prefixed with your main username, so something like bram_user1. Also let us know if you would like the SFTP account to be limited to a certain subdirectory within your home directory, for instance you could limit the new SFTP account to only be able to access /user1 but not other directories in your home directory like /logs or /httpdocs.
  17. Try putting something like this in .htaccess IndexOptions FancyIndexing IndexOrderDefault filename
  18. Krydos

    Node 23 Support

    The Ghost CMS developers intentionally try to block people from using Passenger to run it. Some people report Ghost CMS can use 50 MB to 250 MB all day continuously without Passenger depending on how big your site is. As long as your Ghost process doesn't use more than 71-72 MB of memory at once you could get it to work on Johnny or Tommy, but if it's using 250 MB continuously your Morty bill would be probably be around $4 to $5 per month, and you'd get suspended pretty quick on Johnny or Tommy. I agree with Wolstech that it may be better to get a $4 VPS in that case. The advantage to Morty is you would still have access to Plesk, but Plesk on a Mercury VPS would be $19.50 per month.
  19. Due to the way Linux permissions work and chroot requirements it's not possible to remove it. Changed.
  20. For anyone who searches and finds this, the default Hestia username is admin and the password should be the same as your SSH password. This particular user was already told this on Discord and has since managed to login.
  21. If you read this again You can see the remote directory setting I said to use It looks like you've been using the default /home/marcomessina instead which is exactly what would happen if you left this "Default remote directory" box empty See if your files go to the right place if you update this setting. What the hell is even that? I didn't even know people could post on my "wall" or whatever that is. I figured out how to disable DMs. Maybe there is some way to disable this thing too.
  22. Does it work now?
  23. The following two FTP accounts were created for you. Username: steamspace_projects Password: <submited via heliohost.org> Protocol: SFTP Host: johnny.heliohost.org Port: 1373 Logon type: Normal /projects Username: steamspace_simbaprojects Password: <submited via heliohost.org> Protocol: SFTP Host: johnny.heliohost.org Port: 1373 Logon type: Normal Home: /simbaprojects.com
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