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Everything posted by Krydos

  1. If you're using port 80 http, or port 443 https it should already work.
  2. I guess I'm not understanding. Explain to me again how you trying to convince paying vps customer to cancel their subscription improves HelioHost? Without money we go out of business entirely. Is that the improvement you're intending?
  3. Well, your account tried to send 109 emails yesterday, so maybe you should figure out why so this doesn't happen again.
  4. You could use .htaccess to detect user agents from old operating systems and old browser and redirect them to an error message page without ssl. Here is some discussion on how to redirect https://stackoverflow.com/a/14057883 and here is a database of all sorts of user agents https://developers.whatismybrowser.com/useragents/explore/ When autossl is done verifying your domain it deletes its temporary test file. Thanks!
  5. Wishplorer/capcom was available on discord so we discussed it there already. Whatever was wrong seems to have resolved itself and it's back to normal speed now.
  6. We just need some additional information regarding your account. What do you plan to use it for?
  7. You can delete your account with this page http://www.heliohost.org/scripts/delete.php If you can't make it work or don't want to for some reason and admin can delete your account for you, but we will need to send you an email to your contact email address asking if you want to delete it, and you'll have to respond "yes". This verification is so that someone can't just post random usernames on the forums that don't belong to them and have them deleted. Obviously it's less work for everyone if you just delete your own account.
  8. Create the file /home/allu62/public_html/.htaccess (Be sure to note the . period at the beginning of .htaccess) and put this code RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !=on RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/.well-known/ [NC] RewriteRule ^ https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301]
  9. There you go https://krydos1.heliohost.org/73/phpinfo.php
  10. You're probably going to need a vps for that. https://www.heliohost.org/vps/ Pecl has the mongodb driver available, but when I try to install it on php 7.3 it gives an error pecl/mongo requires PHP (version >= 5.3.0, version <= 5.99.99), installed version is 7.3.28 No valid packages found install failed The error seems to indicate that it might work on php 5.4, 5.5, or 5.6 though if you want to try using one of those.
  11. The account emaxfab on Johnny is his too. I recommend having the Tommy account unsuspended.
  12. There you go https://krydos1.heliohost.org/56/phpinfo.php
  13. It looks like you already have an active account on Johnny. Would you like me to archive the Johnny account for you and unarchive the Ricky account? You're only allowed to have 1 active account.
  14. Please login at https://www.heliohost.org/login/ to be sure your login date is updated.
  15. Type "java" in the search bar at the top.
  16. Simply static might only work on older versions of wordpress. You can try this too https://wp2static.com/
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