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Korps Commander

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Everything posted by Korps Commander

  1. I believe that HerLoss was using the term "Blow me" as an insult, not an invitation to engage in sexual behavior with you.....................
  2. See, since you are from Great Britain, you obviously think that the British were right in their ruthless conquests of peaceful nations across the globe. However, think of the Aborigines in Australia, the Indians in India, the Iraquis, the Native Americans in the new world, the French during the 100 year war, etc etc etc. I know for a fact that all of those countries hate the British, or at least show resentment towards the British, for all the horrendous crimes that the British committed in those countries they enslaved...................
  3. Remember that none of the other countries in the entire world cared if the U.S. was strong, and they certainly took it as a surprise when the U.S. decided it was the "police" of the world and had the right to impose authority on the world, just because it is strong.
  4. In my opinion, all insane prisoners should be rounded up and killed. I know it sounds harsh, but it takes care of the problem faster, it lets us direct more money from institutions to other things, and it helps decrease the world's population (albeit not by very much)..................
  5. And I meant "supervision" as in the parents looking deeply into their child's life/belongings/etc to see if the child is going on the right path, ****head. Anyway, I don't know about anyone else, but I always knew that HerLoss was a male. There have been many occasions which HerLoss implied that he was a male............. You have no right to insult me if you think that I wasn't being specific enough, ****head. And exactly what personal vendetta do I have against you? I'm the one who is constantly attacked first! I'm sorry, people, I just had to put that in. It won't happen again. Back to the topic now................ EDIT : This post was meant for one of myscrnnm's recent posts on this topic.
  6. They could have given Schiavo an injection or something, I guess............
  7. What happened? Was the teacher reprimaded by the school?
  8. If the European nations ever formed one country together, then they would be the new superpower in the world. It kinda explains why the U.S. is trying so hard not to get them to unite....................
  9. PhoenixFlame512 and myscrnnm are the only people here who believe that males are superior to females, anyway. You can't reason with sexist people like that........................
  10. You can't say that. Many religions believe in an afterlife.
  11. We still won't be prepared. In most movies, a person being shot looks like there is a small squirt of blood coming out of his head or whatever. In real life, a shot to the head looks far more gruesome.
  12. Perhaps it is because HerLoss doesn't just spew insults out at people without a good reason like you do. If that is why you are fined more, then the admins have a strong point at why they did that.
  13. Yep, majazac seems to be the best candidate for the job (besides me, but I can't vote for myself!).................
  14. That's it. Somebody should ban myscrnnm on accounts of him flaming and consistently insulting members here. Since other members don't like the quarrels that happen between myscrnnm and I, I will back down. Let's get back to the topic.
  15. Nope. It was the Sega Genesis, believe it or not!
  16. Sorry if I did not spell a name right, or did not include anybody, etc etc etc. Please don't vote for yourself!
  17. So what you're saying is that "rule through fear" is a good option to use........ And giving prisoners a death penalty makes the prisoners worried, because they have to fret over what will happen in the afterlife, if there is one..................
  18. No, I think what majazac means is that FORCED intercourse is disgusting. I agree.
  19. Problems as in HIV, AIDS, etc, I think.
  20. I think awesomegamer is saying that it makes sense to want a male child rather than a female, because males are proven to be more intelligent in school in most cases, and they are usually physically stronger.................
  21. If you mean the insurgents, then they were never fighting in Iraq until the U.S. invaded, so they couldn't possibly killed us all. And if you mean the terrorist organizations such as Al-Quaida, then there is no proof that Saddam Husseing supported them, so we had no concrete evidence to go attack Iraq. Although I AM glad that Hussein is no longer in power............
  22. And I meant "supervision" as in the parents looking deeply into their child's life/belongings/etc to see if the child is going on the right path, ****head. Anyway, I don't know about anyone else, but I always knew that HerLoss was a male. There have been many occasions which HerLoss implied that he was a male.............
  23. I agree with PH512. Humans are obviously better than animals, and need the products which animals are tested on.
  24. Not really. From what I see here, you sound like a child molestor.................
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