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Korps Commander

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Everything posted by Korps Commander

  1. What's the point of nuking millions of people anyway? I mean, even if a country nukes another, is it really right for the victim to launch nuclear missiles of its own? Just another holocaust........................
  2. I dunno. Gamemaster_268 doesn't seem to get on Helionet as often as he used to.................
  3. Well, at least you got to stay home during the storm......................
  4. But you implied it..................
  5. But China would cause a WHOLE lot of damage, via nuclear missiles, to the U.S. and/or allies of the U.S.................
  6. Do you mean the post where I said "That is really funny"? Actually, I was the first one to say that it was funny, so other people would know.............
  7. All I was saying is that PhoenixFlame should not say that I should know much about Taiwan just because I have roots in India................. Anyway, let's get back on topic...................
  8. And PhoenixFlame, what do you say about the peaceful protestors gathering in cities all over Iraq? They don't seem to be happy about us invading Iraq, and they are definitely not terrorists......................
  9. I didn't ask about the order of the series. Anyway, back to the question. Is George Lucas going to continue with the Star Wars series?
  10. How else do you have ties to the place without having ties to some people there? I mean, to fully understand the place. You know more about Taiwan than I do.
  11. The Government is saved and prepares meals? Because you just contradicted my sentence about the government and Poppos, and said that they get saved and prepare meals. (?)
  12. 1) But that is your opinion. Opinions should never be used to make points. 2) Stop insulting me. And I have heard that Anakin suffocates Padme or something near the end, so she would have trouble breathing during childbirth. 3) And Luke could have survived longer. Luckily, his father suddenly felt compassion and threw the Emperor down an endless pit.
  13. IS GOING TO MAKE. That means, is he going to make anymore movies AFTER he makes Episode III. He already made Episode IV, V, VI before Episode III...................
  14. Yes, but not the islands in the Pacific. I have no ties with people there.
  15. Jenses? Do you mean Jenny? Anyway, there were not enough people against the government to make a real difference to the political system. I feel sorry for the shadow children in the last book so far. I mean, the government gets overthrown.....only to be replaced by the feared Population Police.
  16. 1) That's nice. Are you trying to make a point? 2) But they DID survive. So Padme could have died during childbirth. Case closed. 3) Well, he was just fanatical about his hatred for the Jedi. And he DID give Luke a chance to join him instead of to die...........
  17. Wow. He must be really faithful to the Force in order for it to have protected him from melting in the lava............ Do you think George Lucas is going to make other Star Wars movies after Episode III?
  18. Exactly the case in Among the Hidden and its sequels..............
  19. Which classical composer? Bach? Mozart? Pachabel?
  20. 1) I hope Palpatine kills him. Mace Windu is so arrogant. 2) But Luke and Leia DID survive, so there you go. 3) Why the #@#$ would the stupid emperor want MORE troopers?! If he does, then he is insane.
  21. Its a wonder he didn't die. Perhaps that's why he is now "more machine than man"......................
  22. Well, the Soviet secret police was as ruthless as the Population Police, and the Soviet Union definitely was strong for like 40+ years..............
  23. Are you supportive or unsupportive of the U.S. foreign policy? (I'm guessing unsupportive.) Hey, you know, HerLoss, if you are a citizen of the United States, you could get arrested because of this "heretical" statement that you made...........
  24. Only a week of summer vacation?!?!?!? I can't help but laughing.
  25. Notice that the "terrorists" in Iraq only appeared after the U.S. attacked the Hussein regime?
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