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Korps Commander

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Everything posted by Korps Commander

  1. Je comprends francais un petit peu, parce que j'ai francais 1 a l'ecole.............
  2. If pop-ups will reel in money for Helionet, I could put up with them...............
  3. Is any type of agreement to another's post considered spamming? It doesn't clearly state that on the FAQ.................
  4. Well, you seem to be making a point about your disappointment at djbob's being a traitor Kl post are more important in this case............. But it seems like a good deal.................
  5. Wouldn't the person making that avatar for that use also be fined for assisting?
  6. Oh, I see. Well, good luck with YOUR publishing when you get enough pages ( I recommend 50 or so).........
  7. I was talking about you, btw. Sorry I didn't make that clear before........ And I thought that KRT was kidding about that post! He's NOT?!?!?!? That's impossible. No one would make a post sincerely to insult another member..................
  8. Ah, ten more members left. How long do you think that will take?
  9. Have you showed your anger on Krazyletter? You should create a post on that or something. If you could side with many members there, you could help establish a "peace" (I guess) between Krazyletter and Helionet.............
  10. How many active members do we need? And how many Congress members will there be? (Sorry if this info is all on the FAQ)
  11. I don't think the interviewer was pleased with the other guy too much.........
  12. I feel quite sorry for the guy who was standing next to the person with no deoderant!
  13. The screaming bloody person at the end was pretty unexpected..........
  14. It would be good if the quiz was about stuff on Helionet - that would prove who REALLY knows Helionet...............
  15. I'm fine with any ads as long as they bring in lots of money for the website...........
  16. I voted for Helionet, because it is planning to introduce democracy to the site soon...........
  17. Suppose someone makes you an avatar with a swear word or an obscene picture? Would you accept that, too?
  18. Which publisher are you planning to ask to publish your book? Because I have written a 64 page sci-fi novel, and no publisher has accepted it. They say it is good, but I don't meet a requirement. ONE REQUIREMENT THAT I CANNOT CHANGE!! So, if its not too much trouble, could you tell me which publisher you are planning to contact?
  19. I voted for Gamemaster_268, 'cause I admire that he/she is brave enough to post alot on Helionet, while certain others on Krazyletter are calling him/her a traitor.......
  20. So, will we all be part of the "Congress", or will we vote for the "Congress"?
  21. Lappy called djbob a traitor for starting a new website? Why would he do that? If anything, creating a new website similar to Krazyletter shows that djbob admires Krazyletter.......
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