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Korps Commander

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Everything posted by Korps Commander

  1. The torture in Abu Gharib (if that is the right spelling) was performed by a bunch of demented guards - it wasn't the doing of the government. Torture chambers in Iraq were sponsered by the Hussein government, and even women and children were held there.................
  2. Notice that half the time, bombs are dropped on civilians. Its like the insurgents don't care about their own people............
  3. Is there a certain requirement for mods on how much they have to visit Helionet?
  4. Which languages do you speak, PhoenixFlame512?
  5. In my opinion, The Sims is simply a boring, day-to-day game with really no life to it, so I voted "Don't Care".......................
  6. I voted for Google because I use it frequently and it has never failed me so far............................
  7. I seem to lean towards Eiffel 65, since their music is pretty good....................
  8. I think that Robots, a recent Disney movie, was the worst movie created so far. It has no plot, too much humor, and speedily goes through until the end, then abruptly stops................................
  9. As were the plots of all the other James Bond films. So, what made The Spy Who Loved Me so good? I personally like Goldeneye better.......................
  10. I know, but if those jokes are stereotypical, then they are not very good jokes - of course, it IS funny, but at the same time it is sexist. Ok, fine, lets get back on topic about the joke........................
  11. And I think that it was the SLANG term being used in my first question here, so lets get back on topic...............................
  12. I was actually talking about ANY types of pop-ups that bring in money, not just from Google. But I suppose that a banner would be less distracting anyway.......................
  13. Ok, ok. Kudos to Gamemaster_268, also, for suggestion a quiz............................
  14. But suppose you have a single question that you think must be answered on Helionet? You wouldn't start a new topic on it. Or perhaps you could start a new topic on that in the "Contact Helionet" section? Is that allright?
  15. Korps Commander


    But if you are a moderator, then you get demoted to a member, then banned? So moderators have more protection than regular members?
  16. It could be anyone. As far as I know, many members on Krazyletter are hard-core fans................. And djbob, if you want to know if it is really myscrnnm, then just check his/her IB address..................
  17. I doubt the insurgents would travel into America to kill you. Remember, the 19 terrorists who hijacked the planes and ran them into the World Trade Center were TERRORISTS, not insurgents...................
  18. Yes, but it seems that the Bush Administration seems to be spending millions and millions of dollars that could otherwise go to education, health care, and more inside the United States......................
  19. I have heard that line, but I still don't get what it means.................
  20. Why, thank you. I consider this to be a great honor. Please keep in mind, though, that I will probably also post in Krazyletter as well as in Helionet.............
  21. Wait. Why cannot the people on the list be mods?
  22. Have you seen pictures of his torture factories in Iraq?
  23. Spanish and French. And sometimes German and Japanese.....................
  24. Lyndon B. Johnson started the REAL war in Vietnam, and actually drafted young people in the U.S. to go to Vietnam and get blown apart!
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