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Korps Commander

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Everything posted by Korps Commander

  1. I never worded it that way. You ASSUMED it without any evidence. And why should I, of all the people, know that?
  2. He has not kept his cool. He invaded a country which had nothing to do with terrorists.
  3. I never said the the government consisted of traitors - I was simply giving two scenarios...................
  4. Yes, that is a slightly frightening book. HERE COME THE POPULATION POLICE!!!! Although they did an effective job.................
  5. And that comment seemed like spam.......but maybe I'm wrong......
  6. I know! It takes literally a second to two seconds to lift the seat or put it down! Why is everyone so lazy?
  7. But communist governments have full control over their citizens just like dictatorships........
  8. Perhaps many countries should have laws that regulate how many times you can have a child.........
  9. This war wouldn't have started if dubbya had kept his cool for another few months............
  10. Was Taiwan part of China before Chiang Kai-Shek retreated there and established a democratic government? If so, the the land belongs to China by right, and the government of Taiwan consists of traitors. If not, then China has no business invading a independent country...........
  11. Every one of those choices, except for faking asthma, is as disastrous as joining up for the army........................
  12. I noticed how Josef Stalin seemed to excersice his powers as a dictator rather than as a communist leader..........what was that all about?
  13. A week every other month? You're so lucky.......................
  14. 284, Not anymore. (Hey, that rhymes).
  15. Why would the government limit freedom of speech and press during the Vietnam War? I mean, the North Vietnamese weren't trying to sabotage America or anything.............
  16. Is this week your spring break or something?
  17. Do you not have a conscience either?
  18. Can board members be fired if they are not on HN very much? I hope not, 'cause I am not planning to be on HN very much in May........
  19. In that case, the bid would be more like a gamble..............
  20. %$^$. I suppose I'll have to campaign hard then............
  21. People must fall over from exhaustion.........
  22. NUKE CHINA AND INDIA?!?!?!? Are you serious, Gamemaster_268?!?Why would you want to bring down nuclear terror on literally more than a BILLION innocent people?! So be it if I get fined for flaming, but the thought of mass murdering billions sickens me.
  23. Is the American government regulating even the privately owned news channels on T.V.?
  24. Albery Einstein, a great scientist in the early 1900s, was asked once what weapons he thought would be used in World War Three. He said, "I don't know, but World War Four will probably be fought with sticks and stones." Get it?
  25. Does anybody here like classical more than anything else in the whole world?
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