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Korps Commander

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Everything posted by Korps Commander

  1. Yes, doctors should assist to help people die (if the people want to). Its better for the people to die soon than to wither for months until finally they are dead.
  2. Yeah, PhoenixFlame512 always is headstrong many times..................
  3. I wonder why, many times, the same people who say that animals should be given rights also go to circuses?
  4. If they did, then their economy would weaken. It is better to support the economy to its fullest, and sacrifice a deal like the Kyoto deal.
  5. It depends. If the tests are going to benefit humanity, then it is ok. If not, then animals should be used for more productive purposes.
  6. Has anyone heard the song "We Didn't Start The Fire" by...I think it was...Billy Joel? Did you like it or dislike it?
  7. Killing people who work in low-paying jobs?! That's so cruel!
  8. The ringleaders of the bad circuses should be caged and displayed for the world to see...................
  9. Your mother has a point there................
  10. But for humane reasons, it is not likely that there will be laws in many countries regarding the overpopulation crisis............... Majazac, do you support the mass killing of people in order to cut the population?
  11. Yes, and perhaps the parents themselves should form a curriculum about the topic, to be used in school..................
  12. The U.S. has to look after its own goals and views rather than focus on the long-term.
  13. Even though its not neccesarily acceptable, there are three words to describe that : BECAUSE WE CAN.
  14. Would you rather have a parent yell and scream at a child when the child misbehaves?
  15. How can society accept any deaths, especially suicides? People have been brought into life, and they had better appreciate it.....................
  16. Same-[bleeped!] marriage defies thousands and thousands of years of marraige customs and laws.............................
  17. Good luck! (I'll be taking the position of Speaker, if you dont' mind............ )
  18. People who wrap burgers don't neccesarily fall and die..............
  19. But the humans agree to getting beat up. The animals don't.
  20. I'm being situational, of course.
  21. Has religion openly admitted that it plays a big part in the government?-
  22. Perhaps the government could buy parts that people wouldn't need anymore, since it is the government's fault for banning gasoline cars in the first place....................
  23. But what about high school students who work and go to school? Why would somebody drop out if their future is to wrap burgers forever?
  24. Isolating you at luchtime is illegal? Then why did they do it (if they even did it, or if you are being hypothetical).
  25. Perhaps they want to rape somebody, only they don't want to really hurt anybody, so they rape a dead body. Its still gross................
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