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Korps Commander

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Everything posted by Korps Commander

  1. Actually, I'm going to be gone for most of June, anyway, so don't be surprised if I don't answer for a while then................
  2. And stuffing over 20 or so criminals in a small cell is considered cruel and unusual............
  3. What does raping you, stealing your money, etc have to do with homoxexuals getting married? A homosexual can commit a crim if he/she is not married.
  4. Hmmmmm............then that's a different matter.
  5. If a female does NOT want to be raped, and does NOT need to be raped, then a rape can't be good for her, right?
  6. Survival does not include torturing animals for a better lotion or whatever................
  7. Sorry, I meant that I was enjoying trying to see what insult the two parties could throw at each other................ Anyway..........you think that it is ok for a kids show to have inappropriate scenes?
  8. Yes, the research must have been conducted by a bunch of quacks, like I stated somewhere above............
  9. Hey, there are some religions which don't believe in a hell. Like, Hinduism doesn't believe in a hell. Anyway, I believe that if you want to make the prisoners feel the pain that they inflicted on victims, then you should use them as medical experiments. That would benefit humanity, too.
  10. Cures cost too much money. Mercy-killing doesn't.
  11. But then why was removing her feeding tube not forbidden by law? I mean, it is murder in any case.
  12. Back to the topic now....................... Djbob, I have a suggestion for Heliopolitics. Instead of five legislature members, we could have two legislature members and a speaker....................
  13. Actually, the clock time above our posts is inaccurate in our time zone.
  14. Actually, I'm kinda enjoying this argument. But, hey, lets listen to majazac now and continue with the topic.
  15. How many times has a circus been close to your house?
  16. I meant if a hot girl asked you to give her a...you know. But their minds are not fully developed, and they need parents to oversee most aspects of their lives.
  17. Of course, humans are the only species who like to watch wrestlers beat the **** out of each other, to watch violent movies, to torture other people, etc........... You don't see a black widow doing that.
  18. Well, obviously. Humans as a species are sadistic and conceited.
  19. That is impossible. First you said that you live in Great Britain, then you said you didn't live in Great Britain. Those are the only two options...............
  20. Unless its a hot girl. Anyway, back to the topic.
  21. You have said on KL that you are from Great Britain. Were you lying there, or were you lying here?
  22. Excuse me? There wouldn't be females in countries like India? Perhaps you got "India" mixed up with "China". I for one know that Indians treat all males and females equally, unlike many Chinese people in China. IF the report truly said "India", then that report is most likely formed by a bunch of quacks.
  23. It is survival of the smartest. But survival of the smartest is cruel in some cases, like using animals to test produtcs.
  24. Yeah, but sometimes younger people (teenages and such) have wild ideas and will go as far as to committ suicide, so the government wants to take measures that stops these tragic deaths............
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