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Korps Commander

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Everything posted by Korps Commander

  1. *Ma! Me head hurts!* *Must be one of them hangovers, boy.*
  2. *Sister says, "Sure thing, brutha!" and swallows a bag full of tweezers.* *Falls asleep on the dance floor*
  3. *Then he starts to square-dance with his spouse/sister.*
  4. *wife, Betty, comes in* *"O ma gawd, Henry, yur on fire!" she shouts* *Henry drinks some more beer and burps*
  5. *eats Monopoly board and gives his right shoe to /\/\/\/* *Says, "Well, I needed to repay you with SOMETHING"*
  6. I guess..........hey, we should have more items to buy at the store.
  7. Boy, I feel stupid. I've only been on two boards! Helionet Krazyletter
  8. What's it about?
  9. *Police Chief is actually working for the South African Mafia* *Points gun at /\/\/\/* *Says, "Hand over all your money!"*
  10. I dunno. Maybe a family thing? And don't worry, Gamemaster_268, this forum will be in good hands.
  11. Maybe we can advocate Helionet on some existing LARGE forums, like Krazyletter or the Imperial-whatever-Academy. And you could tell that I was excited about this, djbob? lol! I guess I have been a little too excited,no?
  12. Oh, her. I strongly dislike her...............
  13. Everytime I click "bank" it says that the bank is currently offline. Its been that way for weeks. WHY?
  14. Woah. No wonder Flash, Duckie, and KRT hated you so much.............
  15. The US apparently has tried, but its obvious that its not gonna happen.
  16. Hi, everyone! I'm back after being absent from Helionet for like three weeks. Ok, back to the topic. I wonder who in their right minds think that criminals should be released into society?!
  17. You know what, I'm sorry but I'm starting to think that this HelioPolitics is nothing but a dream. Even if there are no new active members, there are enough for a political system. And its obvious we're not going to get any new active members within the next millenium. CAN YOU PLEEEEEEASE START HELIOPOLITICS, DJBOB???????!!!!!!
  18. WOW! You sure like a lot of movies. The only set of movies I thought were worthwhile was The Lord of the Rings movies, and maybe Monsters Inc, even though that is a child's movie..........
  19. That's like saying that everyone in Brazil lives in a rainforest (they don't). And btw, how do you know that I live in the Us? (I don't).
  20. All I Really Want Is............In My Pants.
  21. Who let the dogs out..........in my pants. Btw, this conversation is going to get REALLY disgusting REALLY soon...............
  22. Korps Commander


    Well, krazyletter has a pretty good deal, too....................... Darn. I'm going to get lynched for saying that...............
  23. Yesh, yesh indeedily. Hey, djbob, what forum was your tragic story on?
  24. Has anyone read the book "Among the Hidden" and/or its sequels? This is a great book, in my opinion. And I think that it might be similar to George Orwell's 1984 in the structure of the government. Btw, what were the most shocking parts in the series? MAJOR SPOILER AHEAD.................. I think that the most shocking part is in the 5th book, where the government is overthrown - by the population police!
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