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Korps Commander

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Everything posted by Korps Commander

  1. Could someone please tell me many of the differences in the Return of the Jedi DVD version, compared to the VCR version? I cannot find a list of differences anywhere.................
  2. What if a teenager, who could have made a good contribution to the world, gets depressed and lights himself/herself on fire and dies?
  3. Many scientists could have done that without sacrificing human beings. And exactly how does stitching two 4-year-old twins back to back help humanity? And by the way, the lets-freeze-Jews-to-see-what-happens experiments only happened mostly in Dachau. Mengele didn't do **** for humanity.
  4. I believe that physical punishment should be used only on people who actively support torture.
  5. You wouldn't be conscious to feel embarrassment anyway.....................
  6. I live where I live, and there IS no rule in my country about when dirty shows can be aired.
  7. Then you should be more clearer as to what you copy from myscrnnm and what you actually think. But, I am not at a liberty to start another argument, so lets get back on topic. HerLoss, what reminded you of the joke again?
  8. Please, no flaming, people.................. And PF512, I don't see a reason why YOU have to write what your brother thinks. He should write it himself. Especially when that thing is "myscrnnm told me that you are pretty stupid".
  9. I wish that was the rule in my country.............
  10. Must be some sort of phobia................
  11. Not all drugs r bad. Only the ones that r used as street drugs. 4 instance, heroin, opium, methamphetamine, et cetera. And those abused as street drugs, such as Ritalin. I mean, I use drugs 2, but merely 4 the benefit of my health. When I say drugs, I am referring 2 street drugs. I mean, u were being vague as well when u said "drink", u were obviously referring 2 alcoholic drinking, but it is commonly accepted as that, so I did not question it. So I would appreciate it is u did the same. And I thought that we were not going to discuss this anymore................. Majazac, marriage between a man and a woman has been going on for literally thousands of years, and it has worked smoothly. Why upset it now?
  12. Because, in myscrnnm's opinion, they are inferior to humans...........
  13. Nope, I'm not Jewish. What made you think that I was?
  14. Again, the book 1984 describes life where you have no privacy.............. I mean, look at the Thought Police.............
  15. He was a horrible Nazi doctor in a concentration camp who conducted experiments on Jews there. Experiments such as stitching people together, dissecting them alive, etc................... And the sad part is that none of these experiments actually benefited humanity, except for the ones where he pushed people into vats of freezing water to see how long they survived......................
  16. But one of the Jewish Ten Commandments is "thou shalt not murder" or something on the lines of that. I say that that law is a pretty good one......................
  17. Would you still want people like, say, Josef Mengele, to be held in good conditions in prison?
  18. Ok, ok, people, that's enough. You have made your point................. Now lets get back on topic.
  19. It seems like there's been a conflict currently between HerLoss and myscrnnm (esp. on the current issues section), so I wanted to find out what the public thought about this...............
  20. I believe that we were discussing the pros and cons of having organs donated when you are dead.....
  21. But the Trojan War happened because of a female's helplessness when she was kidnapped by Paris.............
  22. I know exactly what you mean, majazac! Those two, HerLoss and mycrnnm, they seem to try to draw each other's blood almost every week, no? Even I don't go that far when I argue with myscrnnm................... Oh, what the heck. Majazac, you don't think that this hostility between HerLoss and myscrnnm is entertaining? I do................
  23. Yes, but people will forever remember you as a criminal.
  24. Sorry, myscrnnm, but your last three sentences sounded like you were trying to prove to HerLoss how intelligent you were or something...................And words DO make people listen to and respect you more than if you replace the words with numbers.
  25. I actually am sitting on the fence right now about this topic, so answer, all of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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