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Korps Commander

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Everything posted by Korps Commander

  1. I know! We should set up a McCarthy-like court and ban anyone who is loyal to Krazyletter! I'm just kidding - please don't fine me, Gamemaster_268.
  2. Also, we all know that myscrnnm IS phoenixflame512................... oh, well. in my opinion, we should all enjoy these 20 days.
  3. Um............................well...............................if you need any more info on this "myscrnnm and phoenixflame512" issue, you don't need to ask me or anything (gulp).......................
  4. I meant like hard labor, physical labor.
  5. I know what you mean................. However, there ARE some religions (such as Hinduism) which do not have strict dogmas as such..................
  6. It appears as though this is more evidence that some religions believe that gays should switch back to heterosexuals or die..........................
  7. Not just the church. Islam, Hinduism, etc all oppose homosexual marriage for the most part.
  8. EXACTLY. That is why we should promote not killing oneself.
  9. The government won't allow it because if it were allowed, it would shake the foundation of almost every major religion in the country.
  10. Nope, I wouldn't support a horrendous death for them either. I know you are thinking "wow, what a heartless creature", but an injection or a hanging will do....................
  11. Green color? That would just make the movie appear slightly stupid. I mean, green blood..............
  12. Ok, ok, back on topic. Are there any countries in which the majority of people support the US?
  13. but he would be pretty old to try to get elected in 20 more years...........
  14. Ah, I see. Then the people who argue that the US shouldn't take vaccines are just crazy.............
  15. Do all Chirstians believe that every non-believer will go to the underworld? Sorry for being so ignorant on this matter...........
  16. Yeah, but there's lots of room for discussion here, as there wasn't there....................
  17. But they still have a life.............
  18. I think that most insane criminals should be drafted into labor or something....that way they help the community as well as are kept under guard.................
  19. Even if your relative or son was a horrible criminal?
  20. And most religions believe that a family should consist of children, also.
  21. How do women "control" men sexually? I mean, a man can "control" a woman sexually too, right?
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