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Everything posted by Ashoat

  1. This works with a randomly created dummy user as well. There must be something wrong with your configuration... I can't tell you anything more than to make sure your forum is sending a "From" header and that it is indeed from your domain. You're going to have to figure that much out yourself.
  2. Ashoat

    Mail piping

    I fear it might be. Try placing it back into the public_html directory and then pointing your pipe towards it there. If that doesn't work, place it in the public_html/cgi-bin directory and let me know if that works.
  3. OK, after fiddling around for a number of hours I finally got ODBC working with MySQL. The connection string follows: DRIVER={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver};Server=localhost;Database=your_mysql_database;User=your_mysql_user;Password=your_mysql_passw ord;Option=3; Let me know if that works. Note: that string is case sensitive.
  4. I went ahead and wrote a quick test page to see if we have the ODBC driver. It seems that you are correct. I will look into this and get back to you ASAP.
  5. The mail function is working fine for me. What email are putting in the "from" header? PS: Please capitalize the first letter in your sentences.
  6. Ashoat

    Mail piping

    How do you know if it executes when you can't access it through the web in order to execute it? You've put the file in a directory inaccessible to Apache.
  7. I have absolutely no clue what caused the overload. It's probably a bug in the Mono server, as we are using a beta version anyways. Let me know if this problem occurs again.
  8. There were way too many mod_mono (ASP.NET) processes running. I killed them - it should be working OK now.
  9. Ashoat

    Mail piping

    How much can you comment out before PHP throws the error? It seems the PHP is searching for an extension that we don't provide.
  10. I recommend you Google to understand this, as it's pretty easy. I've explained how it works, but I don't want to write your code for you.
  11. I'm getting a 503 error. Where are you getting the "libodc.so" error from? It is very possible that our version of the .NET Framework, which is based on the Mono Project's open source reconstruction, is missing the ODBC package. I'll take a look. UPDATE No, it seems that we should have the ODBC driver. See here for more information.
  12. I use PHP Designer 2008 (the paid one) for my PHP IDE needs. Generally, you can just use notepad for when you start with PHP. As it is a compiled-on-runtime scripting language, all you do is upload code in a ".php" file into your "public_html" folder and the code will execute.
  13. As I described above, you simply give any HTML element an "id" attribute and then call the document.getElementById(string) method, which returns a Javascript "Element" object.
  14. You can fix this by giving the left (main) column a fixed width.
  15. No, that's OK. Can I see your site source?
  16. It actually should. Any HTML element can have an ID, ie. <input type="text" name="textfield" id="textfield"> It can then be called in Javascript by the getElementById function, like so: document.getElementById("textfield") I'm not sure why your way isn't working, though. Try with any browser, perhaps?
  17. Try capitalizing the first letter in your sentences and using periods. Also, make sure to reply to all parts of someone else's post.
  18. Most browers hide Javascript errors by default. In IE, look at the lower left corner for Javascript errors. Double click the message if there is one. For FF, there is a Javascript Console in the Tools menu or something. So did changing the capitalization fix the issue?
  19. "Not working" is rather vague. There could be an error message (as in this case I'm sure there was), which would greatly ease debugging. The code could work partly, but break at a certain point. It could run without an error, but not produce the intended functionality.
  20. See here for more information on the phpPgAdmin problem. As for Remote PostgreSQL... unfortunately, that functionality isn't available in cPanel. Offering features that are not supported by cPanel/WHM tends to be problematic. We're working on the phpPgAdmin problem and I will post back in the topic I linked earlier as soon as a solution is found.
  21. Yeah, sure. I thought it was enabled already, which is why I questioned your use of the command-line utility It is currently compiling. I'll enable Imagick as soon as the build is done. UPDATE Okay, both Ming and Imagick are now installed. Have fun
  22. OK, it should be working now.
  23. No, sorry. Perhaps your friend's host is http://www.heliohost.com? Not a very popular host, but there's a chance...
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