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Chief Financial Officer
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Everything posted by Ashoat

  1. Sorry, this is a permanent thing The "exec" command is really dangerous. It gives users command-line access from their PHP script. Command-line access is strictly disabled at HelioHost because it makes an attacker's job too easy. You won't find any stable free hosts that offer shell access Why not use GD instead of ImageMagick? Also, why is command-line access needed for the ImageMagick extension? There is a PHP class for it. Did you write these scripts, or was it someone else?
  2. Are you sure that's the login? There isn't any "@" after the initial part? This is a free hosting site. You don't pay for hosting here.
  3. You mean on your home computer, right? You don't have access to HelioHost shell somehow?
  4. Assuming you have never registered a domain before.
  5. Yeah, I don't see this working. It works like this: 1) New members get one domain for a year per 400 posts. 2) Users that have more domains than they would if they registered after the rule was activated (ie. one domain & 200 posts, or two domains & 500 posts) get to keep their current domains, but their post cost resets as of now. So for the first example, the person will need to have 600 before they can register a new domain / renew their old one, and the second example needs 900 posts. 3) Users that have less domains than they would if they registered after the rule was activated (ie. zero domains & 300 posts, or one domains & 600 posts) will be treated like new users. So for the first example, the person will need to have 400 post for their first domain, and the second person will need to have 800 posts before they can register a second domain or renew their first one.
  6. The account probably got auto-deleted for inactivity. What was your FTP login?
  7. are u blind There is a big red banner telling you to use proper spelling and grammar. Read it.
  8. Hmm, what "MySQL console"? You don't mean the shell console, do you? I've never ran MySQL procedures, although I've worked with MSSQL procedures.
  9. My guess is that you are running the procedure from a situation where a database has not yet been selected. Make sure you select a database, then enter some random table or something and go to the SQL tab and try there.
  10. We don't offer support by email. What server are you using? Check "server name" under your cPanel.
  11. As long as the server name is "stevie" then you are fine
  12. Where are you running the query from? Did you select a database and then the SQL tab from there, or did you click the SQL icon on the top of the left panel?
  13. OK, I'll enable Ming in the next server build. I'll probably do another server build sometime this weekend.
  14. That just means most of your bandwidth so far has been used on FTP. Did you upload around 150mb or so of data? Either way, you've got a lot of bandwidth to go... I'm sure you'll be fine
  15. I doubt people are going to want to give HelioNet an exclusive license for their code... and anyways, I'm not aware of a member-submission-based store for IPB. (although I bet there is one somewhere)
  16. There won't be any ads How close are you to filling up your bandwidth quota? HelioHost will indeed shut off your site if you go past the quota, but 2500mb is going to be really hard to reach by yourself... Check Awstats in your cPanel for more bandwidth details.
  17. That's really not fair for new members. Just PM them. I really don't see a point in stuff like that... <---- Post count. For existing members, we'll just go with the honor system. No.
  18. I have provided all the information that I can. I don't understand nor do I have the time to go through all those options.
  19. http://www.helionet.org/index/index.php?showtopic=3553
  20. Wait, could you actually access and modify other databases? You can try any database associated with the account "djbob" or "stevie" - they are all dummy databases.
  21. If you guys really want, I can re-add the points and bank, although I really see little purpose for it...
  22. My login failed. Perhaps it only works on the account it is installed on?
  23. Yeah, I forgot to post here that I gave you a dedicated IP. Hope everything works out
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