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Chief Financial Officer
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Everything posted by Ashoat

  1. Ermm... where did we say we only allow TLDs? We allow subdomains off of http://www.heliohost.org, hence the subdomain option in our signup form.
  2. What do you mean by validation tools? If the error is still occuring for you, it is highly probably that you are using a control that requires gdiplus.dll to function. Again: can you please list all the controls you have on your page so that I can take a look and see if I can identify the control that is causing the problem.
  3. Weird... I know I didn't suspend you for excessive crons or anything, and there shouldn't have been any problems with the deletion script. Oh well... I've unsuspended you, so you should be fine now
  4. Is it working now? If not, can you please pass me a link to the page that isn't working? PS: programatically, any number starting with 0x is a hexadecimal. In design, hexadecimals start with #. So #000000 is identical to 0x000000 (although the error has five numerals in it, which probably means it's an error code rather than a color).
  5. Is it that hard to pay attention to the bolded red text? Moving to correct forum... As for your question, it really depends on what you want to do with your site. There are a bunch of forums/CMS/etc. scripts that can be installed by Fantastico in one click, but if you want something more complex you'll have to do it yourself.
  6. Ads Unlimited is still offered. It is true we don't put ads on normal user pages, but if you require more disk space / more bandwidth, then you are going to have to place ads on your page with the Ads Unlimited plan. Read more about it here.
  7. Unfortunately, ASP.NET 2.0 is not backwards compatible with ASP.NET 1.1. We can't offer both at the same time, so we choose the more recent version. You are going to have to port your ASP.NET 1.1 application to ASP.NET 2.0. There are numerous tutorials explaining how to do this on the Internet (try MSDN). And I have no clue what you mean by "choose defult.aspx".
  8. Unfortunately, our installation of ASP.NET does not have the GDIPlus extension. See here for more information. I can help you identify which control is incompatible with HelioHost, though. Can you list the controls you use in your page?
  9. Not really. The error message only said that GIF files didn't work, so I don't see why it would reject PNG files.
  10. Turns out that my colocation provider is on vacation until September 2nd. You'll have to wait until some time after that for the SSL feature... sorry.
  11. You won't be able to sign up because of the big, bold, red text - duplicate accounts get auto-deleted (but the success message is still given in order to fool people). I'm going to go ahead and delete your first account - after that, you need to try signing up for the second account (again).
  12. Our parent host supposedly offers "unlimited IPs", so as long as they keep giving us IPs we are going to continue to offer dedicated IPs for SSL I currently have a pending request for a new block of IPs. See this topic for more information. UPDATE Turns out that my colocation provider is on vacation until September 2nd. You'll have to wait until some time after that for the SSL feature... sorry.
  13. We also have version 0.3.0. I don't know what the problem is here - I suggest you look around Ming distribution lists and forums. If they have directives that need to be executed through shell, let me know and if they're safe I'll probably execute them.
  14. I am surprised that you were able to get a certificate for your main domain. You went to SSL/TLS Manager -> Activate SSL on Your Web Site (HTTPS), right?
  15. The very first word that appears when you visit http://www.heliohost.org is "free". What do you think? If your mail is not delivering specifically to Hotmail, then the message probably got dumped into a spam box. ASP.NET is automatically included on all plans. Just sign up for hosting and you will have ASP.NET functionality.
  16. No no, that's the big, bold, red text. The big, bold text is:
  17. This has nothing to do with my judgement. From what I understand, this problem is entirely due to Ming to being able to handle GIF files - the error message is quite clear. There is nothing to do but wait for an update from the Ming folks.
  18. All I know is that the checkbox for Ming under EasyApache 3 in WHM tells me that it is not recommended as it is an unstable module.
  19. Since Ming is an experimental platform, it is not working 100% yet. Based off the error message you got ("GIF images must be translated into DBL files for now") it seems like GIF support has not been added yet.
  20. Ashoat

    pre sign up

    Thanks, and sorry we couldn't meet your needs.
  21. Your account should be fully active.
  22. The problem is that you didn't read the big bolded text.
  23. If you still had the core file, I could do a backtrace which would probably explain some more specifics about the issue. Unfortunately, at this point it's impossible to determine what the bug was.
  24. What is your username and domain, and what email do you think you registered with?
  25. That file is generated by PHP when it segfaults. It's probably a PHP bug. Have any of your PHP apps in that directory been crashing recently?
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