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Chief Financial Officer
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Everything posted by Ashoat

  1. Ashoat

    ath.cx host!!!

    I don't know how dyndns.com works. Ask them.
  2. Unfortunately, I barely know any Python. Here's what I can tell you: when you access Python through the cgi-bin method, it loads as CGI through Apache's mod_cgi. On the other hand, when you access Python through the Django method, it loads as WSGI through Apache's mod_wsgi. We only have one version of Python installed, but perhaps different Python eggs are preloaded for each system. Perhaps you should try manually added a Python egg for urlopen in your Django app? Also, try installing SnakeCharmer (looks like this) to check if urlopen is installed. I would probably try to direct this question at a Python-specific forum. If they tell you that your host is at fault, make sure to ask them exactly what I need to do to fix the problem and I'll do my best to help.
  3. Ashoat

    ath.cx host!!!

    Sign up at http://www.dyndns.com and configure nameservers as ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org.
  4. We currently cap it at 240 signups each day, so that the server doesn't become overloaded with new signups. It resets at midnight PST (GMT -8).
  5. The only thing you guys could do to help get ASP.NET back online is to give us more money so we can purchase a new server. I'm working on making a more in-depth signup script that will hopefully slow down signups which should speed up the server which might allow us to re-enable ASP.NET, but I'm not sure at this point. I'll hopefully know more details in around a month.
  6. What is your HelioHost username?
  7. Try again now. Is it working?
  8. Do you have a .htaccess file in your public_html directory? If so, paste it here.
  9. We're not tux.int.ru. We're heliohost.org.
  10. Ashoat

    SSH problems

    Okay, I have root access in a roundabout way now with the help of the folks at our datacenter. EDIT Okay, problem fixed. My bad... I messed something up when I editted a file. No more downtimes today.
  11. Ashoat

    SSH problems

    I can't login as root over SSH. I don't know why this is, but I'm working on the solution. This probably means more downtimes for you guys. Sorry.
  12. Sorry, but ASP.NET is currently disabled We plan to re-enable it in the coming months, but it might be a while... we recommend you find another host in the meantime. As for Mono bugs, take a look at "Disabled" on this page. Also check this page out.
  13. Put in as the host name. Make sure that you have created the database in question. Finally, make sure you have added the IP of the remote server to your cPanel Remote MySQL configuration.
  14. We have no max file size limit, except our disk space limit (250mb). And yes, sites with non-English content are permitted.
  15. What's your username?
  16. Ashoat


    Everything should be accessible at all times.
  17. Ashoat


    That would be far too many emails. We have almost 20,000 accounts.
  18. This problem does indeed seem to be occurring. I'll keep you updated here.
  19. The problem still seems to be occurring. I'll keep you updated here.
  20. Your account has been re-enabled.
  21. Ashoat


    Took me long enough, but it's figured out. Server should be stable now.
  22. Your account was suspended because you misused cron. We used to have a warning on the cron page in cPanel that stated we only allow two cron runs a day, but unfortunately it got removed somehow. I can re-enable your account, but you have to guarantee that you won't set more than two cron runs per day. Sound good?
  23. Ashoat


    I think I've finally identified the problem. I'm going to leave some of the services for a little longer, and if everything is good we will be up tomorrow.
  24. Are you entering your username in all lowercase letters? When did you signup? FTP and email are currently down... see here: http://www.helionet.org/index/index.php?sh...amp;#entry41514.
  25. Ashoat


    Enabling httpd makes the problems come back. I'm now trying to leave httpd and named on (the two essential services for accessing webpages... see last post), but I have disabled crond (see last post). If everything works fine, then crond is at fault. I'll have to do a binary search through everyone's crons to pinpoint which user is disabling the server every few hours.
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